The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2123: Change feng shui!

Destroy the unicorn to accept the laughter, face the "color" solemnly, said "Yao, you can find such a home, you really happy for you. | Sanba literature hope that you can cherish well, otherwise once lost, It’s too late to say anything.”

The ruin of the unicorn is serious, and Nan Gongyao's expression is also dignified, looking at the destruction of Qilin. "Hey, don't worry, I am not a child, know what to cherish, how to cherish."


"Xiaodong, these... these fairy grasses nuclear, where did you get it?" The "female" is a person who has seen the big world, but even so, when she looks at the piles of hills in front of her eyes The fairy grass and the fairy beast core can not help but be a little lost.

The beauty of the "women" is still the case, not to mention other people, Qin Tailong, Fu Yanshan, Xiao Siteng and others, all stunned, are not sure where they are. [

In the past few days, Qin Dong was really busy, waiting for him to put together the results. To be honest, he himself was somewhat surprised. This fairy ring is like a huge treasure house, which is inexhaustible.

"Mother, with these things, how many elixir can you refine?"

The beautiful "female" people have carefully thought about it for a while, and the road to determination "These materials can also refine a thousand elixir."

"Okay! Then it is hard work." After that, Qin Dong turned his head and looked at Xiao Siteng and Fu Yanshan Road. "Xiao Bobo, Fu Bobo, now the monks of the immortal world, have gathered here, but also trouble you. Picking elites from them, donating them to them, and helping them to become Xianli at an early date. We don’t know about the situation in the fairy world, but the time for the wicked to leave us is not much. We must race against time to The fastest speed improvement is to meet this last battle!"

Today, everyone, including Xiao Siteng and Fu Yanshan, has completely ignored the age of Qin Dong. !_三^八^文^学_> In the hearts of all people, Qin Dong is their leader. What Qin Dong said, it must be executed unconditionally.

Xiao Si Teng and Fu Yanshan did not hesitate and he nodded.

Qin Dong turned to look at the beautiful "female" people, and said "I have already discussed with my mother, my mother is willing to take out her collection of fairy secrets for everyone to use. The secret method with Xiandan, plus these best Xianshi, I believe that everyone's cultivation will surely achieve tremendous improvement in a short time!"

"Madam, is this true?" I didn't expect the beauty "women" to be so happy to promise the secret of the fairy world, everyone was a little surprised.

The beauty of the "female" humanity "all of today is caused by the greed and ambition of my husband. I often feel embarrassed that I can't stop his actions. I will take out my collection of the secrets of the fairy world. A redemption for myself."

Seeing it, the American "female" people are really disappointed and saddened by Lu Congrong. This also shows that the beauty of the "female" people is still deeply in love with the land. Qin Dong looked at her and did not speak. Some things are too early to be identified, and not necessarily a good thing.

"Mrs. is my wife, your husband is your husband. You don't have to have such a psychological burden at all. Do you say that?" Seeing the beauty of the "woman" is very entangled, Qin Tailong gave a comforting sentence.

"Hey, Gao Xiaoshan Gao Auntie, they should be coming soon?" Qin Dong is not willing to entangle on Lu Congrong's topic, lest the beauty "women" continue to be sad, and turn to ask Qin Tailong.

Qin Tailong sighed. "I just received a reply from Xiaoshan yesterday. They will arrive here in these two days."

Qin Dong nodded and said, "Hey, wait for this high aunt to come back, do you accept her? Don't let Gao Auntie wait for it, this is the common hope of me and my mother."

Said, Qin Dong turned his attention to Shi Qingyu. For the reincarnation of Fu Yanshan in the same year, Shi Qing’s heart has always been awkward, and Qin Tailong always has such a shackle. I can see that Qin Tailong and Gao Xiaoshan are combined. For Shi Qingyi, it is tantamount to putting down a heavy stone that has been pressed for a long time. She certainly will not oppose it.

In the face of so many people, Qin Tailong was somewhat embarrassed, and he stunned Qin Dong with a glance. He whispered, "The stinky boy, your old man, and you can't come to "fuck"."

Zhizi Mo Ruofu! Although Qin Tailong’s mouth is hard, Qin Dong still sees from his eyes that Qin Tailong has already heard his words into his heart.

No more to say, Qin Dong looked at Xiao Siteng and smiled and said, "Xiao Bobo, have you ever thought about moving the headquarters of Taiyimen to a place of feng shui?"

Xiao Siteng asked, "What do you mean?" [

Qin Dong's "color" is the right way. "Taiyi's headquarters is a feng shui treasure, but nowadays there are so many monks gathered at once, it is a bit crowded, and it is not good for everyone's cultivation."

What Qin Dong said is absolutely true. Xiao Stan has already noticed this. It's just a feng shui treasure that can accommodate so many monks at once. Although the heavens are big, they are not so good.

Looking to Fu Yanshan, Xiao Stan tempted to ask "old pay, or else, go to Wanpeng to help?"

Fu Yanshan laughed. "The place where Wan Peng helped me is a little bigger than the one, but the big one is limited. The resources of Wu Shenggu are afraid that they can't afford so many monks."

"Where should I go?" Xiao Si Teng looked at Qin Dong again, knowing that since he had proposed it, he had a plan in mind.

Sure enough, Qin Dong grinned and said, "I have a place, I don't know if you dare to go."

Qin Dong was a little excited, and everyone immediately got excited. Fu Yanshan’s smile said, “Xiaodong, you don’t look at people in the door, you look at the people. Now everyone has cultivated Xianli, this day. Heaven, where else are we afraid to go?"

"West Kunlun!" Qin Dong is not awkward, directly spit out three words.

When these three words were exported, everyone could not help but bow.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, is not a fake. The name of West Kunlun, that is in heaven and heaven, it can be said that no one knows. For its sinister, everyone is familiar. Even if everyone has already cultivated Xianli, when he heard that Qin Dong had moved them to West Kunlun, they could not shake their hearts.

"How, fear?" Qin Dong glanced at the crowd and asked with a smile.

Xiao Stan slammed his hands and said, "Jokes! Isn't it the West Kunlun? It's not the yin and the land. Is there anything terrible? The beasts there are indeed many and powerful, but now we have all built up Xianli, is it even Can't a few beasts deal with it?"

Xiao Siteng’s voice just fell, and Fu Yanshan’s interface said, “Xiao’s brother said that it’s not bad! And this West Kunlun is definitely a huge treasure. The beasts and all kinds of spirit grass, which are used to improve For the important help. Hehe... Once we entered the West Kunlun, this is an unspeakable online 蹿? Xiaodong, your idea is really good!"

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