The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2016: Dispatch gifts!

w "This is..." The three women took three thin books and passed them. They turned a few pages and their eyes narrowed. If you look at the search, www>

Although the three books are thin, the contents are not "thin" at all. It turns out that it is to guide people to take the liberty into the Tao. Monks and immortals, spiritual power and Xianli have their own intercommunication, but to understand this intercommunication, to complete the entry into the country, you need unparalleled understanding of "sex" and spiritual "sex", it is difficult to achieve by yourself. But with this ready-made Supreme Method as a guide, following the teachings, breaking through the barriers, and turning the road into heaven, it will soon become flat and smooth. For the monks, these three thin booklets are definitely a treasure. Latest novel Baidu search ""

Qin Feiyan and Li Yebing are still shallow. I still can't fully understand the preciousness of this booklet. Nangong Yao is different. Holding such a booklet is as straight as holding a male peak.

"Mother, this... This gift is too precious. How dare we accept it?" Nan Gong Yao's body trembled, and the voice that was said was a little trembling.

The beautiful "female" people smiled a little, "Silly girl, you are calling my mother, do you still use these words to say anything else? Otherwise, it is in your heart, I did not treat me as a mother." The latest novel Baidu search ""[

"No, no, I am just..."

The beautiful "women" took Nan Gongyao’s hand and smiled and said, "Okay! Don’t say, these three books are good, but you want to change from the spirit to the bottom. In the end, you need your own efforts. But the mother I believe that there is a good husband like Xiaodong. You are in the fairyland, but it is a matter of time."

"Mother, you can be a bit unfair. Treating your daughter-in-law is so generous, treating my son, but it is very tight. I have been filial to you for so long, and I have not sent you a copy of my heart. Practice." Qin Dong came forward and said with a bit of sourness.

The beautiful "women" talent ignored his set. He gave him a glance and said, "I didn't give you the heart. You have already been so bad. If I give you the heart, you can't swear." A hole? I don't give you a mentality, it is a good deed, lest you become too big, and hit the world!"

"Ha ha ha... Madame is right!" Fu Yanshan laughed and stood up, pointing to Qin Dongdao. "This kid is already abnormal. Every time I see him, I am ashamed to want to kill him. Madame, you will This immortal law gave him, and that made us old people live?"

Fu Yanshan’s words seemed to tell the voices of everyone present, and nodded one by one. Even the American “women” were included, but Qin Dong was very embarrassed. Having said that, God is not a general favorite for him. At a young age, it has reached the realm of Xianjun Sanpin. Don't say that it is unique in the heavens and the heavens. Even in the fairyland, it is also the phoenix.

"Mother, you can't give it to me, but in the human world, you still have three daughter-in-laws, but you can't be so thin."

The beautiful "women" glanced at him and said, "You can rest assured! Your mother has been walking the world for so many years, and the things on her body are still somewhat. I will not treat my other three daughters! I am, you have to ask, So many such good girls have decided to follow you, what kind of dear gift can you bring out?"

When the US "women" came out, Qin Feiyan, Li Yebing, and Nan Gongyao all turned their eyes to Qin Dong, and all of them looked full of expectations.

"Well! I want to follow them to take advantage of it. Now it's good. It's not cheap. It's against the eclipse. It's really not as good as 'Mother'!" Qin Dong looked at the "sorrowful" looking at the beautiful woman. "People, straight to the crowd, everyone laughed."

The beautiful "female" people have not been as happy as they are today. The laughter is crisp and sweet, and they are not lost to Qin Feiyan, such beautiful young girls.

"Xiaodong, we Qin family can not have the pedigree of the squad. Take out the baby on your body and give it to three daughter-in-laws, let you lick me and open your eyes!" Qin Tailong said with a big smile, the heart to his son, It is both envious and admirable.

Qin Dong thought for a moment and looked at Qin Feiyan, Li Yebing and Nangong Yao, and said, "Since the mother gave you the heart of the spirit, I will add icing on the cake, so that you can enter the fairy world earlier!"

As soon as Qin Dong said this, everyone felt that the gift that Qin Dong was about to take out must be something that could not be done. One by one, they immediately held their breath and widened their eyes. This is especially true of Qin Feiyan’s three women.

"Don't sell off, get out!" Among the three women, Nan Gongyao's cultivation is the highest, but her temper is the most urgent, and the most is not to see Qin Dong, unfortunately screaming, at first glance, It seems to be the land of a certain cottage.

Qin Dong smiled slightly, his right hand "touched" to the chest of Qiankun Sheng, purple light flashed, in his hands, it was immediately more than nine "color" different, different sizes, but also round and crystal, fairy "Lu", the beads of light flowing.

"This is..." Qin Feiyan, Li Yebing and Nan Gongyao's eyes immediately smashed. Women always have a higher interest than men in the glowing 'stones'. What's more, the nine beads in the hands of Qin Dong are obviously not the same as the glowing 'stones'. It is not difficult to attract the attention of three women in an instant.

"Is this the spirit of the beast?" Fu Yanshan was very knowledgeable and asked.

"What is the spirit of the beast, this is clearly the spirit of the fairy!" Fu Yanshan's voice just fell, the beauty "female" people seem to suddenly react, rushed forward, a pair of eyes smashing the polar circle Big, which is full of incredible. [

"The fairy of the fairy beast!?" The beautiful "female" people came out with this words, and everyone in the room exclaimed and sighed.

What is a fairy beast? For the heavenly heavens, it is something that only exists in the legend. They have only heard it, but they have never seen it. It is precisely because of this that they will be shocked. The fairy beasts have never seen them. Qin Dong has brought in the spirits of the fairy beasts, and one shot is a hand. How can this not let them feel bad?

"This is the spirit of the blood wolf! Yes, it must be!" The beauty "woman" pinched the smallest one in Qin Dong's hand and immediately recognized it.

Looking at the other eight, the heart of the beautiful "women" almost jumped out of the eyes of the blind man. "Black clouded leopard, double-headed coffin, flying fox... scorpio, this is nothing... ..."

The beautiful "women" whispered to each other, and they resolved one by one, and the **** "color" on the face also changed, and the beauty of the "female" people would be the largest of the nine When one picks up, the whole person can't help but start to tremble, and the eyes are filled with incredible light.

"What is this?" Although Qin Dong killed countless immortals within the fairy ring, he did not know much about the fairy.

"You... you don't know?" The American "woman" became more and more surprised to see Qin Dong.

Qin Dong smiled and shook his head. Although his cultivation was already comparable to the power of the fairy world, his knowledge and experience were far from each other. In the future, I will not be able to make up for it in this respect, so as to avoid being ridiculed as illiterate. m

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