The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2024: The man's mind!

w Just seeing the beauty of the "female" people's look has changed, and their hearts can understand that these fairy grasses that Qin Dong took out must not be simple. Use the reader to watch millions of novels, completely without ads!

In addition to the ancient orchids, Qin Dong took out eight kinds of fairy grasses, which he found in the twelve fairy mountains. At that time, Qin Dong did not know the most famous of these grasses, but he could feel the incomparable spirit of the spirits contained in them, which recognized the great value of these grasses. A brain is in the bag. At this time, he only hoped that these fairy grasses would not let him down, and he could help the American women. Latest novel Baidu search ""

"Xiaodong, these immortals..." The beautiful "women" wanted to ask where Qin Dong got these fairy grasses. I thought that Qin Dong did not answer twice before. It was obviously a matter of concern, so I went to the mouth. When she was around, she swallowed back. To be honest, this kind of words can't be asked, and the curiosity that can't be repaid is really uncomfortable. Even with the cultivation of the American "women", the same is true.

"Mother, these fairy grasses, do you need it?" Qin Dong asked anxiously.

The beautiful "female" people began to patronize the preciousness of these fairy grasses, but they forgot about it. At this time, Qin Dong asked, and immediately looked down and looked at it. This view does not matter, the eyes of the beautiful "female" people are happy. The latest novel Baidu search ""[

Together with the ancient orchids, the nine kinds of fairy grasses that Qin Dong took out, there are actually seven kinds of raw materials necessary for refining Qidan, and it is still the seven most difficult to find. For the American "woman", it is simply like the decline from the sky, the excitement and excitement of the heart, almost impossible to describe with language.

When I saw the beautiful "color" of the "female" people, Qin Dong knew that these fairy grasses were really good for the "female" people, and they were happy.

The beautiful "female" people seem to be the passers-by who struggled in the endless darkness. They suddenly saw the dawn in front of them. The taste, even the beauty "woman" people could not suppress, looked up to Qindong, once in the eyes Tears flashed.

"Xiaodong, you...what do you want to thank you for your mother!" The voice of the beautiful "women" was slightly sobbing. After being repaired as being imprisoned, the grievances and sorrows suffered by the American "women" are countless.

Far from mentioning, say Ma Yong and Cai Dingjun. What are these two bastards? In the past, in the eyes of the American "female" people, it was a gadget that was even worse than the ants and pigs. But it was such two things, and it was necessary to force the "women" to become wives, and the "women" were almost forced. "On the road, the beauty of the "female" people in her heart can not be wronged?

Qin Dong was the most understanding, and immediately understood the feelings of the beautiful "female" people at this time. "Mother, the past has passed, no need to worry about the past. We still have to look forward, early. Refined to Qidan, restore your mother's cultivation!"

The beautiful "women" nodded heavily, and said: "The grass that is needed for the refining of Qidan is basically all right, and now it is only a bad taste."

“Are you still awkward?” Qin Dong frowned, “Mother, what is worse, you said, I will go find it!”

The beautiful "women" shook their heads and said, "No! The bad taste, the mother has found it! But it is not around, but stays at my fairyland!"

"Ah? This... what should I do?" Qin Dong's brows tightened tightly.

The beautiful "female" people are also somewhat embarrassed. If she wants to go back and take the taste of the fairy grass, she must meet with Lu, and Lu Congrong is undoubtedly the person who the US "women" do not want to see. Once it fell into the hands of Lu Congrong, the American "women" wanted to refine Qidan and resume the plan of cultivation, and they followed the soup.

"Mother, is that the fairy grass you are in our house? If so, I will go back and pick it up for you!" Cao Xiaoxian said.

"Right right!" Qin Dong's eyes illuminate, "Mother, if you are not convenient to go back, then let Xiaoxian go back, Lu calmong does not know what is happening here, he will not doubt Xiaoxian. ”

Qin Dong is invigorated, but the frown of the "female" people has never begun. Looking at Cao Xiaoxian's eyes, full of worry.

Cao Xiaoxian sees through the minds of the beautiful "women", and laughs and laughs. "Mother, you are worried that I will see you, and then learn to be bad? You can rest assured, I will not! All that has been experienced in heaven and heaven, already Let me completely understand that my father’s actions are unpopular and will not succeed. What I am thinking now is how to help you return to the right path, and you will never be a tiger again!"

Looking at the firm "God" of Cao Xiaoxian, where is the beauty of the "woman" who still has doubts? I nodded gratifiedly.

The beautiful "women" nodded, Cao Xiaoxian quickly said, "I don't want to be late, then I will go back now!"

The beautiful "female" man hurriedly pulled her and laughed. "No hurry! Your current repair has not recovered yet. How can I rest assured that you will go back alone?"

Cao Xiaoxian smiled a bit and said, "Mother, my situation, you don't know, you want to resume repairing in the extremely scarce place of Heaven's Heaven, then you can't wait until the Year of the Monkey?"

The beautiful "woman" looked at the "color" of the land, and smiled and said "stupid gimmicks, the fairy in the fairy world is indeed a hundred times stronger than the heavens, but why have you seen it in the fairy world?" What's the best of the grass?"

After the United States "women" people so little, Cao Xiaoxian suddenly realized, guarding so many excellent fairy grass, but also not enough scent for him to recover?

The beautiful "female" people patted Cao Xiaoxian's head with some love, and laughed a few times. "And, there is a super master like Xiaodong who works for you. I see it for three or five days. The work of your body can not only be restored, but will go further!"

Cao Xiaoxian's petite body was slightly shaken. Her current cultivation is a fairy tales, and further, that is the realm of Xianzun. Although it is only a matter of difference, it is really a different thing. Cao Xiaoxian looked forward to Qin Dong’s gaze and eagerly sighed. He whispered, “You are a man’s husband, shouldn’t you avenge?”

Cao Xiaoxian really had such fears. She had to know that she almost wanted Qin Dong’s life, and she took the means of sneak attack. No matter who she was on, it was a shameful shame and would never be easily relieved.

Cao Xiaoxian once again taught Qin Dong's open-mindedness and tolerance, smiled and said, "Where is the younger brother who remembers the brotherhood?"

"You... you said that I am your sister?" Cao Xiaoxian opened his mouth, and the big, black 138 reading book jumped out of his eyes.

Qin Dong brows a wrinkle, the road "is also right! Your age may not be bigger than me, maybe I am your brother! Yes, I am 22, how big are you?"

Looking at Qin Dong's serious look, Cao Xiaoxian only felt as if there was a warm current, running in her body. Unconsciously, the eyes were covered with thick fog.

There is no doubt that Qin Dong really treats her as her sister. Everything that happened in the past did not seem to leave any marks on Qin Dong’s heart. How broad is this to be able to do? The image of Qin Dong, in the heart of Cao Xiaoxian, instantly became extremely stalwart, and warm...m

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