The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2026: Fairy magic!

w Qin Dong spit out a long sigh of gas and asked, "This is certainly good, but this method of alchemy I will not. book>

When Qin Dong’s voice just fell, Cao Xiaoxian giggled and said, “Younger brother, you are worried about it! Speaking of alchemy, look at the whole fairyland, I am afraid that no one can be a long and short with my mother! Is it ah, mother? ?"

Although the smile of the beautiful "woman" is humble, it does not refute it. Obviously Cao Xiaoxian's words are true. Latest novel Baidu search ""

However, the difficult color of Qin Dong’s face did not dissolve. Therefore, he did not believe in the beauty of the "women", but he felt that this alchemy was always an individual force, but a beautiful woman. Nowadays, I am repaired as a total loss, and I am afraid that it will not be refining.

Not waiting for Qin Dong to open, the beautiful "female" people saw his mind and smiled and said, "Do not worry! When I left the division, Master gave me a magic weapon!"

Said, the right hand of the American "female" people "touched" the "touch" of the jade belt that she tied at the waist, a clear light flashed, the beauty of the "women" people suddenly had one more than a sound box size, the whole body was green. Color, non-Golden non-jade, but it is the four-legged furnace of the aura.

Qin Dong did not rush to see the four-legged furnace, but glanced at the jade belt of the waist of the American woman. Needless to say, this jade belt is definitely a magic weapon for storage, no more than Qindong’s. Qian Kunsheng is a little worse. Latest novel Baidu search ""

Seeing the face of the people, "lu", "the fascination", the "color", the beauty of the "woman" lips trembled silently, and did not know what to say, then the right hand rushed to the four-footed stove and pointed to one finger, the delicate four The foot stove floated up from her palm, and the whole body was bathed in a vibrant green brilliance. This is not surprising. What is really amazing is that when the road is green and the brilliance of the brilliance is gone, the four-legged stoves, which were originally only the size of the music box, have become one person high and five or six people Crude. And the aura that comes out of it has become more and more amazing.

"This magic weapon in the fairy world is really amazing!" Qin Tailong could not help but admire, his eyes filled with yearning and envy.

The beautiful "women" smiled at Qin Dongdao. "This four-legged stove is a very powerful magic weapon. It is used to make alchemy. Basically, I don't need to use Xianli, and the refined Xiandan is absolutely top quality!"

Qin Dong realized that she was a young woman. There is no diamond drill, no porcelain! How can a beautiful "female" person be the kind of arrogant swaying, slogan, and chaos?

Qin Dong nodded and asked, "How long does it take for the dragon to use these dragons to make these fairy beasts and the best fairy grass into an elixir?"

The beautiful "female" people thought for a moment, "These kinds of fairy beasts that you have come out have the best fairy grasses, which are not ordinary goods. So it may take some time to refine, but for three days, Can be refining!"

"Three days!?" Qin Dong was shocked when he was on the road, and he couldn't believe his ears. If it is not a beautiful woman, but a substitute, Qin Dong will definitely swear in the face.

We must know that Qin Dong’s rejuvenation of the “female” of the United States is not a powerful pill for deceiving people on the street, but an elixir that allows people to cultivate Xianli and turn to the fairy. Qin Dong thought that refining such an elixir would have to be said for a few months and a half. It is possible to do it for a year or two. However, he thought that such an elixir would only take three days in the United States. time.

The beautiful "women" grin and smile, "Why, don't you believe in mother?"

"No, no, I..." Qin Dong shook his head and gave a smile. It is not that he does not believe in the beauty of the "woman", but that he underestimates the power of the fairy kingdom. Just like this four-legged furnace, no matter who owns it, it is not a matter of doing more with less. If you are sitting on a rocket?

"It seems that this fairyland is really beyond the existence of the heavenly heavens! In the future, I will be careful to act in the fairy world!" Qin Dong said in his heart.

"Xiaodong, are you now assured that these fairy beasts and the best fairy grass will be handed over to me?" The beautiful "woman" smiled "吟" and "吟" looked at Qin Dong.

"Ah? Of course, of course! Everything depends on the mother!" Qin Dong returned to the gods, busy and repeated promises.

Finally, I can help Qindong with something. The beautiful "female" people are also very happy, and the smile on their faces is more brilliant than ever.

"Pay the helper, these fairy beasts and the best fairy grass can refine more than a hundred elixir, you will be troubled in the three days, pick a hundred and six level monks above the monk, wait for me to refine After the elixir, they can take it immediately and improve it!" The "female" person said to Yanshan.

"No... no problem! I will arrange it immediately!" Fu Yanshan was excited at this time, and even some of them said that it was unfavorable.

It is no wonder that in the Wanpeng gang, there will be a hundred super-powerful masters who really have Xianli. Can this make the Yanshan gang excited? Undoubtedly, after this, Wanpeng will deserve to be the strongest existence in heaven and earth. [

"Pay the uncle, remember, when picking people, not only pay attention to cultivation, but also pay attention to character!" Qin Dong could not help but swear.

If this hundred people are all selfish, self-interested, and disregarding the villains of others, Qin Dong would rather take these elixir to feed the dog.

Fu Yanshan was also a wise man. He immediately understood the concerns of Qin Dong. He immediately patted his chest and said, "Small East, you can rest assured! The people I have chosen will never let you down!"

After all, Fu Yanshan suddenly smiled, and some embarrassed ones rubbed their hands and said, "However, that Xiandan, I have to book one first."

When Fu Yanshan’s voice just fell, Qin Tailong couldn’t help but smash him and yelled, “Look at your bear, it’s really shameful, and the faces of our predecessors are all thrown away!”

Fu Yanshan snorted, and he stunned Qin Tailong, and Zhang mouth slammed "Roll your milk" and "milk" eggs! You are just standing and talking, no pain! You have already cultivated Xianli, of course. It doesn't matter, but what about me? If I don't have a thick face, I won't have to step on my feet for the rest of my life, kicking my feet and kicking?"

It is rare that Fu Yanshan, who has always been majestic, can also shed a lovely side, and everyone can't help but laugh.

Qin Tailong is even more happy to laugh. "Ha ha, are you not convinced? You are not convinced, you also have a son like Xiaodong who has the ability! You can’t do it yourself, you still want to kick, maybe? ?"

Fu Yanshan’s trepidation is about to open his mouth. When he turns back to the teacher’s day, he smiles and laughs, “吟” and “吟”, where he came to see the play, and when he was in the middle of his heart, he came up with an idea and waved his hand at the teacher’s celebration. Qimen’s shouting, “Qing, go, go back to have a son! I don’t believe that I will pay less for Yanshan than his surname Qin!”

Fu Yanshan is really enough to be 'poisonous'. If you don't fight back, you will strike the heart of Qin Tailong. Before the laughter, Qin Tailong, who was so happy, had a face that instantly smashed down, and it turned out to be magical. The thief was pulling faster than the book. m

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