The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2036: The left tiger has been planted!

w "Ge Laozi, I am not dreaming? How can there be such a great fairy in the heavens?" Zuo Hu looked at the one hundred and fifty-two elixir in the four-legged furnace, and the whole man could not help but live. The face is full of unbelievable gods. Use the reader to watch millions of novels, completely without ads!

After a long while, the left tiger suddenly turned to look at the American "woman" and asked, "Is these elixirs made by you?"

The beautiful "female" man was willing to talk to the left tiger at this time, and made a cold cry, twisting his head to the side.

Zuo Hu did not take it seriously, or that all his attention at this time had been taken away by Xian Dan, and he could not care about being angry with the American woman. Latest novel Baidu search ""

"Ha ha ha... How can I forget it? Our Mrs. Cao, that is the alchemy of the first class of the fairyland! It really is a well-deserved reputation. In the heavenly heavens where the bird does not pull, you can refine this kind of best fairy. It’s really admirable!” Zuo Hu said, the greed in the eyes continued to flood and became more and more intense. [

This can not help but make Qin Dong somewhat strange, the astrology is full of aura, the fairy grass is rich, all kinds of immortals must be extremely many. The left tiger is already the second place of Xianjun. It is a first-class master. It should not be so unpromising. Just a few elixir will let him "show" such greed. Unless these elixirs made by the American "women" are indeed impossible. Latest novel Baidu search ""

Qin Dong has never been to the fairy world, only heard about it. Just as some people said that the United States is everywhere in gold, taking it for granted that everything in the fairy world must be good. Only when he really got to the fairy world, he would understand why this one hundred and fifty-two elixir would make the left tiger so unbearable.

"Mrs. Cao, you sent me such a big gift, I am a little embarrassed to kill you." Zuo Hu’s face is full of the little man’s smile, which is disgusting.

The beautiful "female" man shook his head again and again and said, "Zuo Hu, you are really incorrigible." It seems that, apart from the constraints of the Snow Pavilion, you are still a bad habit!"

"Oh... With these immortals, there is no way to save the medicine." I don't care anyway!" Zuo Hu reached out and grabbed the elixir in the four-legged stove.

Qin Dong sipped a "slow!"

Zuo Hu looked into Qin Dong with an intolerant look and said, "You don't worry about your kid. When I accept these elixirs, I will send you on the road first! I have only seen eager to make a fortune, and I have never seen you like this. Anxious to die!"

Qin Dong sneered aloud, saying, "Rarely! I am not eager to die, but anxious to send you to death! But before that, I want you to confess to my mother!"

"Your mother?" Zuo Hu looked at the beautiful "women" and smiled. "Isn't it? Is it because Lu Congrong has abolished your cultivation because you gave him a green hat? Hahaha... This is big news, I want to publicize and publicize in the fairyland, and I will face the calm face!"

"Xiaodong, kill him for me!" The beautiful "female" man finally couldn't bear it, and gave a loud drink.

The murderousness of Qin Dong’s body rises and rises, his eyes are fixed on the left tiger, and the teeth are gnashing his teeth. “Mother is relieved, he can’t live!”

"I don't think you can live this wild species!" Where will the left tiger put Qin Dong in his eyes, and he snorted and took a hand.

"You look at the low-lying things of the dog!" Seeing the left-handed carelessness of the left tiger, Qin Dong screamed and took a shot.

The two men's palms collided in the air, and the left tiger realized that Qin Dong's extraordinary. The palm of his hand that he had previously sacrificed was like an egg that was hammered down, and the breath was declared to collapse. However, Qin Dong’s palm power was not reduced, and he rushed toward him.

"You kid!" Zuo Hu looked at Qin Dong with some unbelievable eyes. As for the work of this eye, Qin Dong’s palm has already crossed the distance of several dozen feet and reached his chest.

The left tiger hurriedly held his breath, and the palms danced and danced together to greet the sensible force of the naked eye, and hurriedly greeted him.


A series of muffled sounds, ringing in front of the left tiger, to completely solve the Qin Dong's palm power, the left tiger is even more surprised to discover that his palm is actually faintly numb.

"You..." The eyes of Zuo Hu were even rounded up, and the eyes of Qin Dong were full of shock. The mind keeps thinking, in this heaven, how can there be such a powerful guy, is it still so young? [

"How, can you be serious now?"

There is no doubt that Zuo Hu is the most powerful person he has encountered in Qin Dong. The environment of Xianjun's second product can just be used to practice.

"You are also a Chinese in the fairy world?" asked the left tiger.

Qin Dong sneered aloud, "Do you only have a master in the fairy world?"

"I don't believe it, can you become a fine when you are young?"

The left tiger said this, but when he saw it, he would never dare to be as sloppy as before. God’s color was obviously more serious.

"Eat me!" Seriously, the left tiger, the power is indeed extraordinary. It is a palm, but in a blink of an eye, it has tens of thousands of palms. The sky is full of flying palms, like a group of clouds, covering the small half of the sky.

Among these illusory palms, they are full of the heroes of Zuohu Xianjun. They are dazzling and radiant, and they are full of suffocating murders everywhere.

"This is still like a little look!" Qin Dong slightly decapitated, and did not idle, the body of the force of the force sprayed out, the body shape will also become illusory, untouchable "touch."

"Xiaoxian, let everyone be careful! The masters of the two immortals are not waiting for leisure!" The beautiful "women" people blinked and saw Qin Tailong, the great emperor and others, all looking at the sky, being looked at by the sky. This battle has attracted people to live. The beautiful "women" can't help but worry about it, said to Cao Xiaoxian.

Qin Tailong, they were attracted to live, is Cao Xiaoxian not? At this time, looking at Qin Dong’s squats, the shape of chic and lofty feelings is also somewhat sluggish. It was only after the American "women" rushed again that this was the reaction.

I can't help but sigh, this metamorphosis is really a metamorphosis, and it is by no means comparable to the average person.

Among the people, there are only American "women" who, with their outstanding eyesight, can see the tricks of Qin Dong and Zuo Hu, and the rest are just watching the fun. But it is this excitement, which is enough to make them feel scared and at the same time benefit a lot. You must know that the masters of the world of Xianjun, even in the fairy world, are not easy to see.

"This Xiaodong is really amazing!" The beautiful "women" watched and kept admiring. Straight to the side of Cao Xiaoxian's heart itch.

"Mother, can Xiaodong beat the left tiger?"

The beauty of the "woman" is smiling, "Do not worry, the left tiger is planted today!"

The words of the "female" people have just landed, and her words have been verified. After listening to a thunderous thunder in the air, the left tiger was like a ball kicked by a person, rolling back and flying out.

Look at Qin Dong again, nothing like a person floating in the air, not moving, like a mountain like Yue. Even if Qin Tailong can't see the doorway again, it can be seen at this time that Qin Dong has the upper hand...m^-^

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