The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2045: The shock of Zimu Kirin!

w "Good boy, that old man is not welcome!" Purple wood unicorn screamed, really is no longer polite. Use the reader to watch millions of novels, completely without ads!

The rich, almost like the "liquid" body of the wood "sex" aura, from the purple wood Kirin's body sprayed out, straight into the circle of a few blue and purple. Not dazzling, but it is thick and stagnate, it feels far away, like a vast ocean.

In a short while, Qin Dong was surrounded by the "sexual" aura of these woods, and it was like being trapped. However, Qin Dong’s face “color” has never changed in a slight change, as usual, as if he had turned a blind eye to all that happened around him. Latest novel Baidu search ""

"It's a good look! Even if the old man has to admire it, even the old man has to admire it!" Zimu Qilin had an excellent impression of Qin Dong, and then saw the performance of Qin Dong. Unmistakably praised.

However, the praise is praised, but the hands of Zimu Qilin are not willing to have the slightest mercy. This is not to say that Zimu Qilin does not talk about feelings. It is really a round that allows Zimu Qilin to realize that Qin Dong is much stronger than he imagined. He is afraid to keep his hands. [

In this piece of wood, the "sex" aura, the purple wood unicorn can be said to be like a fish, the dragon swims in the sea, the move is not only unusually sharp, but also smooth. In an instant, he set off a huge wave of blue and purple, and the former servant patted the Qin Dong. Latest novel Baidu search ""

If you are trapped in such a woody "sex" aura, it will be like being trapped in a quagmire. But Qin Dong is not, combined with a no-spirit, so that he has already gained the recognition of the "sex" aura of wood. Zimu Qilin wants to use this method to trap Qin Dong, apparently a bit whimsical.

When the attack of Zimu Qilin was about to come to the front, Qin Dong suddenly moved. The palms of the palms are in the sky, and the binary force of the body is sprayed like a "tidal wave". In a moment, there is a holy white light that shoots out, like the pinnacle of the sea god, the effort in the blink of an eye, the purple wood unicorn is picked up. 'The spray' swears.

"This... Isn't this the power of Xianli?" Zimu Kirin involuntarily gave a cry, and the voice was full of incredible.

Qin Dong smiled and said, "Predecessors, you are careful!"

Qin Dong smiled, his body shape, and suddenly "shot" into the air. Zimu Kirin wants to use the woody "sex" aura to trap Qin Dong's abacus, and it is empty.

"You kid, it's not evil!" Purple wood unicorn screamed, and the heart felt bad, and involuntarily took it.

"Give me a collection!" Qin Dong floated in the air, bursting out in the mouth, and tens of thousands of "hair" holes opened at the same time, an invisible suction of a strand of time filled with the heavens and the earth. The wood that was released from the eucalyptus unicorn was a "sexual" aura, and it immediately became a thousand miles, rushing into the body of Qindong.

"Oops!" Zimu Kirin was so shocked that he wanted to control the woody "sex" aura, but at this time, he found that this was simply impossible. Allowing him to use the strength of eating "milk", cold sweat on his forehead, can not stop the points.

Zimu Qilin’s thoughts are decisive, and he knows that if he goes on like this, he will surely lose. As soon as he gritted his teeth and swelled his body, Qin Dong rushed straight into the air and tried to knock him down to the ground.

Qin Dong seems to have long expected that the purple wood unicorn will have such a move, so do not panic. The right palm is extended, the palm is down, and a gentle pressure, a white "color" brilliance formed by the binary force, immediately pressed down.

Not waiting for this piece of white "color" Guanghua and Zimu Kirin to encounter, Zimu Qilin felt a huge threat from it, a heart really wants to jump out of the eyes of the blind.

Do not dare to neglect, Zimu Qilin double palm lightning flicker, one after another, palm power, skyrocketing, smashing to the white "color" light curtain.

However, this white "color" light curtain is formed by the combination of the dual sacred power of Qin Dong. It is extremely tough, and where is the spiritual power of the purple unicorn?

A dozen dozens of palms smashed out, the white "color" light curtain was safe and sound, and the purple wood unicorn was tired enough to scream. At the same time, the white "color" is still pressing down, and it will almost be pressed on the head of the purple wood unicorn.

The white "color" light curtain is not only powerful, but also powerful. The invisible invisible pressure, like the "tidal" water, sprang from all directions, and surrounded the purple wood unicorns.

Zimu Qilin originally wanted to use the woody "sex" aura to trap Qin Dong, but the result was a failure. Now it is good, but he himself was trapped by Qin Dong. Zimu Kirin can clearly feel that he is losing control of the body little by little, fearing that it will not take long before he will move or not.

Zimu Qilin wanted to awaken the soul of the beast. After he tried it, he discovered that this dual force had temporarily cut off the connection between him and the beast of the body. It was an idiot to dream.

I tried a few more methods in succession, but still couldn't get myself out of the predicament, and Zimu's heart was not depressed. I still wanted to take the exams and compare them with others. I don’t know, but the cultivation of others is far above him. This is not a mouse to tease a cat, I don't want to live! [

"Bad boy, still do not accept your magical powers, do you really want the old man's life?" As if on the shoulders of the two mountains, the purple wood Kirin's forehead, the sweat has flowed down, it is really unsupportable, Zhang mouth shouted.

"The younger generation is heavy, and please forgive the predecessors!" Qin Dong was busy with the double force of the Holy Spirit.

Zimu Qilin snorted and snorted, and he took a long time to breathe. This was a bit better. A pair of eyes filled with eccentricity looked at Qin Dong and looked at it.

Qin Dong "touched" the "touch" nose, smiled bitterly "predecessors, you... okay?"

Zimu Kirin ignored, and took advantage of Qindong Road. "How is your kid so perverted? Are you still a person?"

Qin Dong face "color" bitter, he can not remember, this is the first few people to call him is abnormal?

"Uncle Huang, are you okay?" Nangong Yao was the most filial, and hurriedly came forward, took out the silk, carefully wiped the sweat from his forehead for the purple wood unicorn.

The great prince also shook his head and walked over. Although he had already guessed such a result before, but now all this happened, he could not help but feel dizzy. You should know that Zimu Kirin is one of the five great sacred beasts. Whether it is in the Holy Orcs or in the Illusion, it is one of the best and the best. It is the object that makes the Great Emperor worship for life. Unexpectedly, even such a master has lost in Qin Dong’s men, and he still lost so much suspense. How can this not make the big prince who is once a genius feel depressed?

When he saw a young and handsome face of Qin Dong, this depression would become more intense, and there was an impulse to die.

"Uncle, you are right, this guy is a complete metamorphosis! The only purpose of his alive is that the spurs of the spurs hit us!" The great prince even licked Qin Dong's eyes, only wishing to look at him. He took a piece of meat on his body and he felt deflated! m^-^

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