The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2049: Will be a prototype!

w "Well, okay, I listen to you. Use a reader to read thousands of novels, no ads at all!" See Qin Dong's **** "color" unprecedentedly harsh, eyes are sharp as a knife, Cao Xiaoxian whispered a small mouth Child, said in a row.

Qin Dong snorted a little, and this turned his eyes away from Cao Xiaoxian's body.

"Xiaodong, you must go carefully, you must be careful!" Nangong Yao held Qin Dong's hand and said with a sigh of relief.

Qin Dong felt the deep worry in her heart, patted it gently on her hand and turned away. Waiting for Qin Dong to disappear into the field of vision, Nangong Yao, Da Huangzi, Cao Xiaoxian three people turned to the shape and returned to the hidden show. Latest novel Baidu search ""


According to the agreement with Qin Dong, Xiao Stan quickly acted. The disciples in the door were dispatched, and the alliance was spread. With the power and reputation of Taiyimen, two-thirds of the Heavenly Heavens and more than ten monks were quickly brought together. Today's one door is really a master, like a sky. The monk alliance has already seen the embryonic form.

"Hey, Nansha Zong Hutong's old predecessors and their younger disciples have settled down." Xiao Rushur hurried into Xiao Shuteng's study, and said with a voice.

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Xiao Stan is concentrating on what he is thinking, and he hears his eyebrows "Mao" suddenly rises and smiles. "Good! Such as sorrow, this old man, that is a great figure among our monks. It is a cultivation, a distance of ten. However, it is a step away, and its "sexuality" is just as good as it is, it is as hot as it is, and there is great prestige in heaven and earth. As long as he shakes his arm, I believe that many sects still waiting to see, will immediately respond. ”

Seeing it, Xiao Siteng is very respectful of the Nansha Zong's Hutong, and he is very happy that he can participate in this alliance.

Xiao Rusie nodded and grinned. "You are not wrong at all. This old man, Hu is not an ordinary person. It is... his temper is too big, it is just a fire medicine, a little bit of fried. I saw the disciples of his majesty. In front of him, there was no war, and even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe."

Xiao Si Teng sighed, "But anyone who hates hatred is such a temper."

Xiao Ru's face is "color" and condensed. "I am afraid that this old man is too tempered and too angry. It is not easy to communicate. It is difficult to do it at that time."

Seeing Xiao Si Teng, there are similar concerns, but it is not as strong as Xiao Rushen. Shen Shen said, "If you want to be a heavenly world, you can discuss everything."

Xiao Rushen no longer speaks, Xiao Stan said that it is reasonable.

"Is there any news for Ruther, Xiaodong and Wanpeng?" Today, this is the number one event in Xiao Siteng’s heart. During this period of time, although he united more than a dozen monks, they could not be compared with Wanpeng.

Xiao Rusir shook his head, and his face sheds a thick sorrowful color. "There is still no news. Hey, are we sending a few people to Wanpeng to help inquire?"

Xiao Stan slammed for a moment and shook his head. "I am afraid it is not appropriate. The person who paid Yan Yanshan would have not dealt with me. I was wary of us. If we sent people at this time, I am afraid that it will cause his unwarranted speculation. It’s even worse with things. I think, wait a second time, I believe Xiaodong, he will not let us down.”

Xiao Si Teng mentioned Qin Dong, Xiao Ruser’s expression was more dignified and muttered. “Xiao’s cultivation is very high, but he is only a person after all, and it is difficult to compete with the entire Wanpeng gang. Moreover, Fu Yanshan It’s also a man of great enthusiasm, and I’m really worried about Xiaodong’s...”

After waiting for Xiao Ruser to finish the conversation, Xiao Stan will wave his hand and smile. "Fu Yanshan is not good to deal with. Is it that Xiao Siteng will deal with it? You see, now I am not even convinced by Xiaodong? Believe me, Even if Xiaodong can't convince Fu Yanshan, at least he won't be in the hands of Fu Yanshan."

Xiao Rushen nodded slightly, his face was bitter, "I hope everything is as he said."

Xiao Stan smiled and asked, "Yes, your uncle Shu and the moon aunt went to meet the hero of Tian Yunfeng, haven't you come back yet?"

Xiao Ruser shook his head and said, "Not yet."

"How come? Tianyunfeng is not very far away from me. They have been going for ten days. How should they say that they should come back. Is there something wrong on the road?"

"Hey, don't think too much. Didn't Qin Bobo say that the great prince of the phantom beast is now busy healing his little girl, I am afraid that for a while, there is no way to make waves. Sister Uncle, they will not have anything to do." ”

"Also! I forgot to forget this." Xiao Stan was slightly stunned, and his face was relieved.

"Ruser, this time, tired of you?" Xiao Si Teng looked up and saw Xiao Ruser's face covered with tired "color", can not help but feel distressed.

Xiao Rusuo quickly waved his hand. "No, hey, I am fine."

"Is it okay? Look, your eyes are dark. Mutian, the little bastard, why don't you help me share it?"

Xiao Rusie was a pretty face, and he quickly said, "Hey, this day of Tianzhu is more busy than me. You don't know, there are thousands of disciples of the martial art, there are thousands of people, eating and drinking, and all of them have to say hello. Moreover, he has to deal with the trivial things of the Tuwa people, and he only wants to be able to split himself into two halves. It is like you, the whole is a handful of dispensers, and you can swim."

Xiao Siteng laughed haha, pointing to Xiao Rushen. "Well, you guys haven’t passed the door yet, and the heart has already married. I’m not planning, with my husband, I’ve married my dad. ?"

"Hey! What are you talking about? Your daughter, can you be so unconscionable?" Xiao Rushen was ashamed and angry, and squatted.

Xiao Stan also laughed for a while, this is just the "color" way, "You don't blame me for adding burden to the Scorpio. It is really a sword that can't be worn, I hope he can grow up quickly. You see people Xiaodong, that age. It’s even lighter than Scorpio, so I can write a service word even for my brother. Of course, Xiaodong is a genius of talents, and there is no such thing as 10,000 people. I don’t expect Scorpio to Xiaodong is on the sidelines, but he always wants to grow up as soon as possible. Otherwise, how can I be assured that I will give him one of the great foundations of this great future?"

Xiao Rue smiled and said, "Hey, don't say it. Although Tianzhu is not as outstanding as Xiaodong, it is not a fool. Your mind, he understands very well, so he will work so hard. Believe me, he must not Will disappoint you."

"Oh... I certainly believe him, or else, can I cheapen my baby daughter? But, go back and tell him that you should pay attention to rest when you rest, so that you don’t have to be a weapon, you will become Sick lice."

"Oh, if you let God know that you care about him so much, he must be touched to death. Giggle..."

"Hey!" Xiao Stan and Xiao Rusei were chatting happily, and Mu Tianyi stepped in. m^-^

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