The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2060: Shooting fingers to take life!

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After that, the left leopard squinted his eyes slightly, his ears squatting, just waiting to listen to the exclamations of the people. The left leopard was experiencing such a scene in the fairy world, and forgot, this is not the fairyland, but here. Heaven’s heaven and earth, wearing the Yunge Pavilion, the reputation of Xue Qianfeng, is really loud in the fairyland, but in the heavens, it is like a wildflower on the roadside. It’s all unknown. As for his left leopard, let alone, who knows him. Which onion is it?

"Woyun Pavilion? Left Leopard?" Destroyed Qilin frowned, his face full of "fascination"

When the left leopard saw the expression of destroying Kirin, the lungs of the straight gas almost burst, and angered, "I have never seen the leopard in the world!"

"Globe! How dare you talk to our clan, do you want to die?" Akasaka was furious and pointed at the left leopard. The book was first published [night and night reading] without pop-up window reading [

The left leopard took a look, and there were two sharp, knife-like cold lights in the depths of his eyes. He sneered, and the yin test said: "You are a monster, it seems that the lesson given to you by this seat is not enough. You are smarter"

Akasaka was even more angry when he heard it. He had to rush to the left leopard and smashed the unicorn to drink him in time. "Red, you are not his opponent, retreat to the side!"

"Family emperor, I..." Akasaka’s face is not reconciled

"Give me back!" The voice of the ruined unicorn has increased by eight degrees, and the power is even stronger. Akasaka is not reconciled, and he has to retreat to the side.

The left leopard looked cold and ruined the unicorn, and the evil smile said, "He is not my opponent. Is it you? Destroy the unicorn, don't look at you in front of these monks, you can do whatever you want, but in front of this seat, you can't do it. Let it go"

"Do not talk nonsense! The purpose of your coming today is to save these human monks?" Destroy the unicorn to suppress the anger of the bottom of the heart, ask coldly

"Oh... you can say that these personal monks are wrong. In my eyes, even the dung is not as good. It’s just to clean up the world. Why should I save them?"

"Damn!" Xiao Siteng, who felt that the left leopard was not very authentic, listened to his words and was even more angry. He couldn’t help but bite his teeth.

"What is your purpose?" Destruction of Kirin is also somewhat incomprehensible.

The left leopard is in shape and points to the destruction of the unicorn. "The purpose of this seat is you! Take the life of our lord, and take your head!"

"What?" Left Leopard said this, Akasaka and a group of Eudemons warriors got nervous when they arrived. They didn't have to tell, immediately consciously surrounded the front of the ruined unicorn, and kept him in the center.

The murder of Kirin's thick eyebrows and the tight voice asked, "I don't understand what I hate and hate with your cabinet. He wants you to take my "sex" life?"

The left leopard waved his hand and said, "I can't control it. I don't care too much! Now you just need to tell me, you broke your own, keep a whole body, or "force" me to shoot, and die. Next morning

"I don't think so much! You think that you are from the fairy world, can you not put my fantasy orc in your eyes? Open your dog's eyes and see that there are five thousand magical orc warriors here, even if everyone spits, You can also drown you alive!" Hearing as soon as he heard it, he shouted in anger.

"When I talk, there is always a fly turning around. It’s really annoying!" Left Leopard said coldly, suddenly hitting the finger, a white light, immediately bursting like a lightning, and went straight to Akasaka. Go

"Red 猊 be careful!" Destroy unicorn to realize that it is not good, screaming, is about to take a shot, and that Akasaka’s reaction is faster, and he rushed to meet it.

Akasaka’s vision was extremely accurate. The palm of the hand caught the white light, but it was obviously not enough. The release of the palm of the hand, did not shake the white light, even Even the effect of the block did not reach the white light and spurt out. From beginning to end, the speed did not have a slight cut.

"Hey?" Akasaka realized that it was not good. He gave an exclamation in the mouth. It was already at this time, and then reacted, but it was late and the white light was unimpeded. First, it was like a penetrating piece of paper. The palm of Akasaka, followed by a bang, wearing a transparent blood hole in the heart of Akasaka. This blood hole is not very big, but it is very terrible, just pierced the heart of Akasaka, and is unbiased.

With a look of horror and disbelief, Akasaka’s body slowly fell to the ground, and never got up again. Book first [night reading] no pop-up window reading [

"You..." Seeing your own love, only one round, but died in the other's hands, destroying the anger and resentment of Kirin, you can imagine

In the face of the wrath of ruining the unicorn, Zuo Leopard laughed, and the cold road "This is good, the world is quieter."

Destroying the unicorn is dumb, and Xiao Siteng is the heart and the shock. The left leopard is just a slap in the face. It’s not a sacred scorpion, but it’s a sinister act. This is what tyrannical cultivation can do, almost beyond his imagination.

The attitude of this left leopard is arrogant and annoying, but his cultivation is really the only power of the celestial world, which is really extraordinary!

"Xiaomen Lord, the appearance of this person, do not know whether it is a blessing or a curse..." Hu Tong came to Xiao Siteng and whispered a word

Xiao Stan turned his head and looked at him. He saw a lot of worries and dignity on his face. Obviously Hutong had the same worries and concerns.

Xiao Stan’s slogan for a moment, condensed, “Let’s see it first!”

Akasaka enjoys a lofty position among the illusionary orcs. When he died, he threw the thousands of illusionary orc warriors in a roar of anger, and the thousands of illusionary orc warriors all had red eyes. Left leopard, always desperately with him

Akasaka, the left leopard is still not in the eyes, these thousands of illusionary orc warriors, even into his eyes, the left leopard even look even lazy to look at them, eyes cold, straight hooked to the destruction Kirin, the word of the word "You are the time to make a decision, otherwise, you will never have a chance to make a decision!"

"Left Leopard, do you think that with a few cents, you can kill me and destroy the life of Kirin? If you really think so, then I can only say that you are too stupid and innocent!" With the ruin of the unicorn The words, a terrible breath that ruined the earth, quickly spread from his body, and in a moment, most of the world was enveloped in this breath.

"How many cents? Hahaha... Destroy the unicorn, it seems that you are not seeing the coffin and not crying!" Left Leopard screamed, his body swayed, and the crystal-like jade-like sensation of Guangli, immediately splashed from his body. The momentum is sacred and sacred, compared to the scent of destruction, it can be said that it is only strong or weak...

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