The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2146: Harm to others!

"The old dog is shameless!" Seeing He Mingyang's disregard of his identity, Hu Tiehan was greatly angry. Even though He Mingyang was a famous figure in the fairy world, he did not care much about it. !_三^八^文^学_>Cao Xiaoxian is Lu Congrong's only daughter. Hu Tiehan has only one thought in his heart. Even if he is dead, he can't let Cao Xiaoxian have an accident.

I thought so, and I did the same. Hu Tiehan was like a mad tiger. When he roared, he rushed to He Mingyang.

He Mingyang glanced at him, his mouth screamed coldly, his right palm swelled up, and he waved his hand, and immediately there was a fierce, hammer-like force that slammed into the back of Hu Tiehan.

Hu Tiehan is not able to find out the power of He Mingyang, but he relies on a loyal and loyal loyalty. He does not evade it at all, and the drums "swing" all the Xianli, all want to be hard. This Hu Tiehan's cultivation is still not as good as Cao Xiaoxian, but he can have such courage, so that Qin Dong can not help but admire.

However, Qin Dong certainly can't watch Hu Tiehan's "suicide", and the step of moving the "color" is followed, just before the moment when He Mingyang's palm is about to collide with Hu Tiehan's palms. He took Hu Tiehan’s clothes and slammed him back. He took a sigh of relief and put Hu Tiehan in the dead He Mingyang, but it was empty. [

He Mingyang was surprised to see Qin Dong, but because of the timing of Qin Dong's shot, it can be said that it is just right, ingenious, whether it is early or late, it is impossible to achieve such a wonderful effect.

However, just a glance, He Mingyang's eyes were removed from Qin Dong's body. Because of Qin Dong's age, it is too deceptive to "sex", let him subconsciously think that Qin Dong is just a good luck. Moreover, He Mingyang only had Cao Xiaoxian, Qin Dong and Hu Tiehan in his eyes at this time. !_三^八^文^学_>

"Forcing" retired Hu Tiehan, He Mingyang's pressure, has also covered Cao Xiaoxian. Cao Xiaoxian's original light and elegant figure, obviously stagnation a lot, just like suddenly fell into a quagmire, body shape action, everywhere subject to control.

After Cao Xiaoxian was shocked, he immediately turned his grievances to He Mingyang. He Mingyang’s evil laughed a few times, saying, “Yin Yin, I see, you are still obedient, otherwise you will inevitably be injured.”

"He Mingyang, you shameless old thief, one day you will be full of evil!" Cao Xiaoxian screamed.

He Mingyang sneered without a word, Chai Yu got the opportunity, his figure suddenly rose, and he was condescending, waving a palm and slamming straight toward Cao Xiaoxian's chest. Seeing the twisting struggle of Cao Xiaoxian's efforts, but he could never get rid of He Mingyang's imprisonment. Chai Yu's face was full of sneer and shouted, "Cao Xiaoxian, you have today? Give me a lie down!"

When Chai Yu’s voice fell, Cao Xiaoxian’s face showed a cold and ridiculous sneer. The mouth said, “Chai Yu, I said, you will be killed by He Mingyang sooner or later!”

"What?" Chai Yu heard a word, and the instinctive instinct of the heart surged into a very unpredictable foreboding.

At this time, Cao Xiaoxian’s original stagnation figure suddenly became more flexible. It was like a civet cat. When he was awkward, he came out from Chai Yu’s palm.

"What's the matter!?" Chai Yu's eyes burst into anger, full of horror and uneasiness.

"Let you try my strength too!" Out of the chasing of Chai Yu, Cao Xiaoxian's body shape did not stop, followed by pulling up, a pair of jade palms, dancing, moving, but full of trepidation .

Although I don’t know how Cao Xiaoxian got out of He Mingyang’s pressure, but Chai Yu saw it, Cao Xiaoxian’s offensive was not a small one, and she could not take it. In the exclamation, Chai Yu rushed to eat the "milk" strength, and hoped to avoid the edge of Cao Xiaoxian.

But when she was going to do this, another thing that made her horrified happened. Somehow, the fairy power in her body seemed to disappear, and she completely broke contact with her. No matter how she concentrates on her mind, she can't move even if she has a glimpse of the fairy power. But this is just the beginning of a nightmare. Soon she discovered that it was not only the power of her body, but also the muscles of her body, her limbs, no longer controlled by her, as if there were countless invisible The ropes tied her half, and they squatted, and they couldn’t move at all.

"Master, Master saves me!" Chai Yu was afraid, and desperately rushed to He Mingyang to cry for help.

But He Mingyang also raised her with her at this time, and she couldn’t figure out what happened. Seeing Cao Xiaoxian, who was in front of his own moment because of his own pressure, and the next moment, he will be free from his pressure. In He Mingyang’s view, there are many mysteries, and the whole person is shocked. Lived.

When he came back to God, it would be impossible to go to Chai Yu again. Cao Xiaoxian filled a pair of jade palms of Xianli, without any hesitation, just like a hot wheel, taking turns, only listening to the loud noises of the bang, almost simultaneously, the effort in the blink of an eye, Chai Yu at least In the middle of Cao Xiaoxian more than ten palms.

Don't say that Chai Yu is just a female genius. Even if she is a reinforced iron bone, she can't stand this kind of blow. When Cao Xiaoxian receives the momentum, Chai Yu is only like the broken kite, screaming and flying backwards. After more than ten feet, he fell to the ground.

It’s not Cao Xiaoxian’s heart, it’s really a jade. Every time I saw the crumbling, the face of the moon, Cao Xiaoxian could not wait for a palm to give Chai Yu alive.

In a row, Cao Xiaoxian’s fierce and fierce palms, the meridians in the body of Chai Yu, are all inseparable, and the internal organs are also displaced. It’s very difficult to keep this breath and it’s very easy. It’s impossible to stand up again. [

"Teacher... Master..." Chai Yu did not dream of dreaming. He Mingyang rushed for her, and she would still fall into such a field. In addition to the pain in her face, she was left with no confidence.

Chai Yu can't accept it all, and He Mingyang is the same. In particular, how Cao Xiaoxian escaped his pressure, but also made him "confusing" puzzled. Looking into Cao Xiaoxian's eyes, he was filled with the "color" of shock and doubt. For the whispering call of Chai Yu, he did not care. This person is in a state of ignorance, and it cannot be said that it is a realm.

"Little sister, you... how did you do it?" Only when he saw Cao Xiaoxian’s predicament, a heart that was in a hurry had to jump out of the eyes of the blind man, never expected, and eventually evolved into Such an ending.

Cao Xiaoxian smiled and didn't speak. She only looked at Qin Dong with her eyes. Others didn't know. Her heart was clear. If it wasn't for Qin Dong, she and Chai Yu were afraid to change.

With Qin Dong on the side, it always makes people feel pragmatic. Even if the sky collapsed, it seems that it is no big deal. This sense of security is enough for every woman to be "fascinated" and to fall in love with it.

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