The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2153: Save the giant turtle!


"Give me all to die!" Su Hong sleeves screamed with a slap in the face, and the sword in his hand slammed down, and the terrible sword that was purely condensed with celestial temperament, turned around and turned down, as if from the cloud The dragon in the head, whistling, straight down to the deep sea giant tortoise the latest novel ""

The deep-sea giant tortoise also seems to be in danger. The neck is high and stands up. There is a tragedy in the mouth, and the green light flashes on the body, which makes it straightforward.

"Who dares to hurt the giant tortoise?" Seeing that the deep sea giant tortoise has reached the edge of life and death, Qin Dong’s heart is raging in anger, and Zhang’s mouth screams like a dragon.

The whistling sound of Qin Dong embodies the infinite power, and it sounds louder than that of the blue sky. It is even more shocking to the heart. This is the whistling sound of Su Hong’s sleeve, and the streamer held in his hand is almost a little Didn't take advantage of the horrible swordsmanship that flew out of the streamer sword, but also trembled a few trembles in the air. The powerhouse weakened a few points. If it wasn't for Su Hongshou, with a wealth of experience, he would take control of it in time. She was so hard to condense this offensive, and she was almost smashed by Qin Dongyi’s latest novel "" book [Day and Night Reading] without pop-up window reading [

Not waiting for Su Hong’s sleeve to wake up from this whisper, a dazzling silver light, it’s already like a bamboo shoot, and it’s slammed into it.

Compared with that horrible whistling sound, this piece of silver light is even more unsatisfactory. Its power is like a catastrophe. I don’t know where to start, but it is enough to sweep the swaying, and for a moment, I have to let Su Hong’s sleeve know. Sense of care

The sudden arrival of the silver light, the fierceness of the entry, did not give Su Hongshou any reaction time, with a burst of rumbling sound like a thunderous lightning, directly mounted on the streamer

The streamer sword is a fairy weapon, and it has a reputation in the fairy world. The power of the sword is powerful. If the imagination is not the same, Jintong will not be so jealous.

But this is a kind of fairy weapon, in front of that silver light, it seems extremely fragile, silver light and sword gas hit a place, but the time of the fold, the sword gas will declare collapse, just like that The cloud smoke that was swept by the wind blew away in an instant.

Strong resilience, followed by "forced" to Su Hong sleeve Su Hong sleeve where to think, it would be such a situation, completely did not have time to resist, only feel that the arm of the sword suddenly numb, then her entire body, it seems to be The bulldozer pushed the general, and even shunned back more than ten feet, but still couldn’t stop and the streamer sword that she had been holding in her hand flew out, and made a beautiful arc in the air, slamming, straight "plugged" on the ground

"Su Tangzhu!" The dozens of masked people, seeing Su Hong sleeve was suddenly shaken back, all of them were shocked, shouting, hurriedly greeted

Waiting for Su Hongshou to stand up, not only is her arm numb, but even half of her body directly loses her intuition, and it seems that there are countless mad dragons rolling over, almost straightforward Bleeding

Su Hongshou had to take a few mouthfuls of breath, and she gradually got better of her face, but it was full of inexplicable horror, and even mixed with the screaming screams, the sudden burst of silver, the fold Work, leaving infinite shadows in her heart

Pushing the rushing forward, Su Hong’s sleeves walked forward a few steps forward, looking up and looking forward, only to see the giant turtle in the deep sea, a long slender figure is not Qin Dong, but also who is it?

Don't look at Qin Dong's calm face, but the heart is Yu Yulian who only took the sword. Qin Dong knows that the power of this light sword is much stronger than he imagined. If it wasn't for him to arrive in time, this sword , can be used to turn deep sea giant turtle into meat mud

When I think of the deep sea giant tortoise, I will die in the hands of Su Hongshou. Qin Dong will not have a good face on Su Hong sleeve. The color is like a layer of ice, and the eyes are flashing fiercely. A heart of Su Hong’s sleeve, like falling into the abyss, has been sinking

"Who are you?" Su Hong sleeved and up and down Qin Dong carefully looked at several times, only shocked the young of Qin Dong, but completely missed the character of Qin Dong in the fairy world, shocked with a few Unfamiliar and "fun"

Qin Dong’s heavy snoring was full of disdain. “Just rely on the small people who are hiding behind you, and know my name?”

"What do you say?" Qin Dong’s words obviously angered Su Hong’s sleeves, and he saw his face on his face, and it was full of anger.

Qin Dong is too lazy to say more to her, just looking at the eyes of Su Hong sleeve, the more icy and biting

"Su Tang, don't ask, this kid is a hybrid that wears Yunge! Let me kill him!" A masked man beside Su Hong's sleeve was furious and opened his mouth.

Qin Dong was extremely dissatisfied with Su Hongshou and others. He could hear the words of this masked man, but it was slightly frowning to see the meaning of these people. It seems that the enemy of the enemy who wears Yunge is his friend. , Qin Dong's cold look slightly eased some

Qin Dong was about to open the mouth to ask the identity of Su Hongshou and others. The masked man who spoke, but screamed, with a desperate posture, straight to the Qin Dong swooped over the hands of the sword wielding The road is like a real knife, sweeping the book to the first [night and night reading] no pop-up window reading [

Qin Dong took a look at it and couldn’t help but feel annoyed. This guy’s cultivation, that is, Xianzun’s second product, had such a great courage to shoot himself. Didn’t he see it, how did he break the streamer sword? Qi, how did you shake the Suhong sleeves back more than ten feet? If this guy is not daring, it’s a stupid one, and it’s a little lesson.

When the next cold voice, Qin Dong proudly waited for the man’s knife to come forward, this is a slight lift, it seems that Qin Dong’s move seems to be just the dust on the shoes. In fact, it is actually a few knives that were smashed by the masked man of Qiankun, and after Qin Xiao’s slight squatting, they were automatically broken and disintegrated, and the tricks of sharpness and death suddenly turned into a face. The spring breeze only set off the tip of Qin Dong, but even a sweaty "hair" of Qin Dong did not hurt.


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