The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2163: kill!

"This is a good saying! Sima Laofufu, you have thought about it, you will have it today?" Su Hongshou was so excited that he couldn't help but shouted at Sima Jian loudly.

Sima Jian squinted at Su Hong sleeves and screamed coldly, "Su Hong sleeves, what are you, are you qualified to say this to the old man?"

"Hey! Dead to the end, still in the shelf, you really do not know that Xue Qianfeng is a dog's leg, the same as his "sex"!" Su Hong sleeves and lips snarled.

"Let's relax!" Sima Jian burst into a burst of anger, and the five fingers suddenly opened, and a pair of cold claws, immediately rising to the sky, straight into the red sleeves of the head fell. Latest novel Baidu search ""

"Old man, you dare!" Seeing Su Hong's sleeves in danger, Su Jie thought that he did not want to fly, and a pair of fists waved like rain, and instantly tens of thousands of boxing fists, falling straight toward the cover. The claws slammed up. [

"Ajie don't want to smash!" Su Hongshou was shocked, and then he followed up. Yubai flew and took out a few palms. He and Su Jie's boxings merged in one place, ready to resist with Su Jie. Sima Jian's claw.

"Okay! The old man will send your sisters and brothers together on the road!" Sima Jian gave a sigh of relief, slammed his body and drums, and his right claws collapsed like a mountain, and his left hand swept across the palm, condensing a domineering fairy. I will include both my sister and my brother. Latest novel Baidu search ""

If this is really succeeded by Sima Jian, let alone Su Jie, who is only the second place of Xianzun, even Su Hong sleeve is afraid to escape. It’s just that it’s already at this point. Even if the two brothers and sisters are afraid of their hearts, they have no choice but to greet them with a hard scalp.

Seeing that the two brothers and sisters are "sexual" life is worrying, Qin Dong's body shape suddenly descends from the sky, it is like an iron tower, and the two brothers and sisters are strictly behind them. Just like the undulating boat in the squally winds and waves, suddenly drove into the calm harbor, the sudden security and practicality, so that the brothers and sisters gave birth to a deep touch.

"Sima Jian, your opponent is me!" Qin Dong looked coldly at Sima Jian, who was like a tiger, and said coldly.

"There is no reason! The old man is fighting with you!" Has Sima Jian been "forced" to this kind of thing? Whether it is anger or anger, or violently, it makes him lose his senses. Suo Sexuality mobilized the whole body of Xianli, all of the brains, and the whole person’s radiance was “shot”, and the momentum was soaring that people could not look directly. Whether it is claw shadow or palm strength, the power in this blink of an eye has doubled.

Sima Jian hated Qin Dong, and he only wanted to smash his corpse and see the power that Sima Jian finally broke out. Su Hong’s sister and brother could not help but face each other. If there is no Qin Dong today, they may be able to stay in the hands of Sima Jian, perhaps with a whole body.

Stronger and stronger! Even though Sima Jian has given up the strength of the whole body, he still wants to beat Qin Dong, but he still has a little heat. In the face of Sima Jian's crazy offensive, Qin Dong's "color" does not change, and the mouth is even more "swinging" to pick up a touch of scornful smile.

With Jintong and Simajian, Qin Dong’s master of the fairyland finally had an intuitive understanding and understanding. His confidence rose sharply. With his cultivation, he would be able to turn the fairy world upside down. Xue Qianfeng wants to control the whole fairyland in real terms. From now on, I must first ask him about Qin Dong’s opinion.

"Go to hell!" To Sima Jian, Qin Dong did not have any pity and sympathy. If Sima Jian is not a person wearing a Yunge, Qin Dong may still be able to spare his life, but since Sima Jian has branded the wearing of Yunege, it is equivalent to the blacklist of the prince, and must die!

The dual sacred powers in Qin Dong's body roll like "the tide", and with the momentum of Qin Dong, it sprang out. Sima Jian’s claws and shadows are powerful, but in the face of the dual sacred power, it is not worth mentioning.

Under the wrapping of the dual sacred powers, Qin Dong’s palm is like a penetrating piece of thin paper that passes through Sima Jian’s claws and palms, like entering the uninhabited territory, all the way forward, the ghosts can’t stop ! When Sima Jian woke up with God, Qin Dong’s palm was already printed on his chest.

"" Looking at Qin Dong, Sima Jian’s face finally flowed out of the "color" of horror.

Qin Dong snorted, without any nonsense, the binary force of the body suddenly launched, like a flood of beasts, a brain filled into Sima Jian's chest. What is the internal organs, what are the seven classics, and all fall apart. Sima Jian’s chest collapsed in an instant.

"Take the Yunge Pavilion is... will not let you go!" Sima Jian screamed at Qin Dong, exhausted the strength of his body, and said such a sentence.

Qin Dong sneered a sneak, "There is no coincidence, I will not let go through the Yunge Pavilion!"

"Hey!" Qin Dong's voice fell, Sima Jian's mouth, immediately like a fountain, spurting out a large share of the blood arrow, splashing a full of heaven. With a bit of unwillingness, with a bit of fear, straight down and fell down.

"Dead... dead?" Sima Jian fell down for a long while, Su Jie only returned to the gods, with an infinite surprise on his face, and asked Su Xin's sleeve.

Su Hong’s face is also a bit of a disappointment at this time. I can’t believe that the famous Singe’s great elder Sima Jian has died like this! Looking at the body he had fallen on the ground, it was quite straight, and it seemed to be no different from the dead dog. [

"More... Thank you, Shaoxia for helping to save!" Some of Su Hong’s sleeves don’t dare to look at Qin Dong. It’s not surprising that Qin Dong’s cultivation is really a high monk, capable of killing the peak of Xianjun’s three products. Sima Jian, how do you say that you have the master of the emperor's realm? This is a strong man who can reach the realm of the emperor. In the fairy world, there is nothing to look forward to. Even more incredible is that Qin Dong is still so young. If this is passed out, I am afraid that the entire fairy world will be shaken.

Qin Dong turned to look at Su Hong's sleeves, and then God's "color" indifferently moved his eyes to the side, and the words of Su Hongshou were ignored.

Although Su Hongshou was helpless, he only injured the deep sea giant tortoise, but Qin Dong was not a saint, so he did not mind their damage to the deep sea giant tortoise. He could not do it.

The indifference of Qin Dong made the heart of Su Hong sleeves sink. Such a super master, standing in front of the living, if you can not get to know, Su Hong sleeve will be sorry for a lifetime.

"Xiaodong!" When Su Hongshou was upset about "chaos", a sigh of relief attracted her attention.

I saw Cao Xiaoxian, Yue Lu, Nan Gong Yao and Hu Tiehan swept away. The four people listened to Qin Dong’s words and did not go forward. At first, they were still somewhat dissatisfied. They could wait for the back and see Sima Jian. Their dissatisfaction disappeared immediately. Undoubtedly, in the face of such an enemy as Sima Jian, they can't help at all, and they will only add chaos. After Sima’s fitness died, the four men came out and swept over.

"Xiaoxian!?" Seeing Cao Xiaoxian, Su Hongshou immediately bowed.

Cao Xiaoxian giggled a few times and walked to the front of Su Hong’s sleeves. Ying Ying’s line was a gift, smiled, and very kindly shouted “Red Sister!”


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