The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2179: Ask!

"We are willing to join Lingyuanmen!" Qin Dong's words just landed, a group of Feiyundong disciples, can not wait to shout loudly. The loudness of not only shouting, but also very urgent, it seems that I am afraid that Lingyuanmen would not accept them.

When Qin Dong came to the beginning, it was not clear about the situation in the fairy world. In the fairy world, competition is much more powerful than heaven. Moreover, when they are repaired to the point where they are, they are landslides, endless, and the competition is not terrible. It is terrible and can be related to their lives.

Under this circumstance, the scattered training of single-handedly fighting is obviously not dominant, and it is simply the object of being bullied and slaughtered. Therefore, for them, a sect that can be relied on, relying on the mountains, is particularly important.

Now that Qin Shousheng is dead, the Feiyun Cave has ceased to exist. These disciples of Feiyundong have become children no one wants. It is conceivable that their future roads must be strong and full of infinite danger. They are more urgent than anyone to find a backer. Nowadays, with Lingyuan Gate of Qindong, it is obvious to them that they have tremendous attraction, and they are not blamed.

Qin Dong smiled and turned to look at Su Hongshou. "The red sleeve sister is afraid to give you trouble."

Before the Qin Dong dialect was finished, Su Hong’s sleeves smirked and laughed. If this could be a problem, she would be willing to have such troubles every day. With the addition of these Feiyundong disciples, the strength of Lingyuanmen can be improved by 50%. The situation of Ling Yuanmen at this time is really not optimistic. It can be grown up as soon as possible. Naturally, it is a big good thing.

Su Hong’s sleeves are very pleasing to the eye, and at this time, the more they look, the more joy they are. Although Qin Dong is young, but the ability is not ordinary, it will always surprise her. This made Su Hong sleeve feel an unprecedented sense of practicality.

"Empty, you take them down, arrange it.|" Su Hong sleeve smiled "吟" "吟" looked at Qin Dong, said to the dragon empty.

Looked out, the dragon emptied at this time still a little dizzy, as if the dream has not yet woken up. All these changes are really too dramatic and wonderful!

"Yes!" Su Hongshou also ordered it again. The dragon emptied it and took it, and took the disciples of Feiyundong.

Arranging Feiyundong disciples, Qin Dong turned his attention to the special envoy A. Although Qin Dong saved his life, the situation of Special Envoy A at this time was not optimistic. The siege of hundreds of Feiyundong disciples has caused him an unimaginable hit. Even if it can save a life, the repair of this body is abolished.

"Why save me?" The special envoy was sitting on the ground and didn't even have the strength to stand up. He looked at Qin Dong with one hand and asked Qin Dong with difficulty.

Qin Dong chuckled and snorted. "You must not misunderstand. I am not planning to save you. The reason why I don't let Qin Shousheng kill you is because I have questions to ask you."

"You..." After listening to Qin Dong’s words, the face of the special envoy’s face was as full of bile.

Qin Dong sneered and said, "You can't answer my question, but I promise, I will make you better than death!"

"You... do you want to force it?" Envoy asked with a look of anger.

"It depends on you! If you cooperate actively, then we have questions and answers, and cooperation is good. But if you don't cooperate, hehe... I can't say that I have to make some means. The taste is not so good. ""

Looking at the indifferent face of Qin Dong, the special envoy A’s heart suddenly burst into a deep weakness. Faced with a character like Qin Dong, what if he has three heads and six arms? With this in mind, the special envoy suddenly felt a little disheartened, with a deep depression in his tone. "You ask."

Qin Dong is also welcome, Zhangkou asked, "You said that you still have important tasks to perform, what is the mission?"

Realizing that he couldn’t play any tricks in front of Qin Dong, the special envoy made a lot of refreshment and hesitated. He immediately replied, “Our lord got the news, Shurao’s door was dry, and she was hiding in the seven emotions. Jianzong, then ordered me to wait, rushed to the seven sentimental swords, ready to encircle!"

"Seven emotions swords?" Qin Dong turned his eyes to Su Hong sleeves.

Su Hongshou listened to the special envoy A, the red lips bite tightly, see Qin Dong’s eyes cast, and immediately with a bit of resentment, “It seems that Xue Qianfeng not only wants to start with us Lingyuan, even The Seven Emotional Swords are not ready to let go. He wants to clear the dissidents in a wide range!"

"Why, these seven sentiments and the Yunyun Pavilion do not deal with it?"

Su Hong’s sleeves nodded heavily. “Good! Seven emotion swords are the same as our Lingyuanmen. They have always had a good relationship with Tianxin Mountain Villa! This time, Lu Zhuang’s master was framed, and the sovereign of the Seven Swordsmen also Like the door owner, running around, in order to wash the grievances of the landlord, can be said to spare no effort!"[

Qin Dong frowned, his mouth swelled with a sneer, a faint road. "If this is the case, then we can't stand by and watch." Then, look at the special envoy A. "What does Xue Qianfeng say?" Start acting?"

The special envoy Shake his head and said, "The Seven Sentimental Swordsmanship is very powerful, not so easy to annihilate. The meaning of our lord is that let us first rush to the surveillance, and wait for the three bones and the three centuries The predecessor arrived, and this is the action."

Su Hong sleeves snorted and snorted. "It seems that these three immortals are really the dog legs of Xue Qianfeng!"

Qin Dong brows and asks, "Don't you be the owner of the house?"

Special envoy Shakes his head. "Our lord is thinking hard to break the law of the unintentional lake seal. It can't be separated. In addition, although the forces of the Seven Swords are not small, but there are thin bones and iron skins, it should be enough. It is."

Su Hong’s sleeve nodded and said, “Snow Qianfeng’s arrangement is also strict. The sect of the Seven-Emotional Jianzong, Feng Yuanxiong, is said to have possessed the cultivation of the Emperor’s first product, but after all, it has not broken through the last bottleneck. Both Bianxian and Tiexianxian are already the real Emperor of the Emperor, and the Tiexian is already in the first place to see the Emperor's second product. The Wind Master can't cope with it anyway."

"Red sleeve sister, how is this skinny fairy and Tin Pixian?" Qin Dong thought about it and suddenly asked.

Su Hong’s face involuntarily immediately revealed a sneer with sarcasm and disdain. He said, “The two men are bullying and hard, arrogant and arrogant, and their conduct is very different from their cultivation.”

Qin Dong nodded and smiled. "Also! How else would these two people be self-satisfied and do the snow-crowned eagle dogs?"

Qin Dong looked at the special envoy A, "You are so cooperative, I don't know how to deal with you for a while. I wanted to kill you, but I am a soft heart. So, it's better for you and those flying. Like the disciple of Yundong, how about joining Lingyuanmen?"

The special envoy glanced at the Su-red sleeves, snorted and did not speak, but his face was full of thick disdain.

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