The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2185: Passing!

"Su Hong sleeve, you are so bold! My uncle grandfather is you can arrange freely?!" Yi Yunxin stunned his eyes and pointed at Su Hong's sleeves and shouted. %&*>

Su Hong sleeve snorted and snorted. "You don't want to squirt blood. I don't mean to arrange Yunhe immortal. I just worry about him. You have such a capricious, swaying grandson. Can his old man's name be saved? It’s really a bit dangerous.”

"You!" Yi Yunxin still said a little, but Su Hong sleeves, the white face of the gas was red, and he snorted heavily. "I don't want to talk nonsense with you. In short, I can't ruin the whole Lingyuan for Cao Xiaoxian." Door! Su Hongshou, although you are a big elder, we can't let you know the Lingyuan Gate. You can't catch it with Cao Xiaoxian. You have to have a big guy to say the finale! Are you right?"

Yi Yunxin said such a call, and suddenly remembered a echo of the surrounding. Yi Yunxin is obviously very satisfied with his influence. He looks at the eyes of Su Hongshou and is full of provocative "color".

"Two elders, Lu Zhuang, the Lord Lingyuan, can be described as benevolent and righteous, let's turn our faces and don't recognize people, afraid that it is not appropriate?" The dragon emptied the face "color" coldly came in. [

Yi Yunxin glanced at him and angered, "The dragon is empty. Is there anything you are talking about here?"

The dragon sneaked out and sneered, "This is strange. Only the elders are still saying that they are arresting or not catching Cao. Do you have to say something about it? Is it that I am not a person who is not Lingyuanmen?"

Yi Yunxin brows a wrinkle, swearing, "Your dragon has always been empty. It is the elders of the Soviet Union. What the elders say, what do you say naturally? So, you don't have to have more words, this elder is clear to you. Clearly."

The dragon emptied cold and smiled. "The two elders are naturally aware of my dragon's empty mind, but I don't know if the two elders are thinking about them. Is it also well known?" After all, the dragon emptied gently and gave it aside. Let, immediately "exposed" out of the Feiyundong disciples who were newly joined Lingyuanmen behind him.

Originally, people who supported Yi Yunxin wanted to occupy the majority, but they were rushed by these Feiyundong disciples. Yi Yunxin’s side became a widowed party.

Yi Yunxin’s eyes swept through these Feiyundong disciples and was really taken aback. Lingyuanmen and Feiyundong live next to each other and are very familiar with each other. Among these disciples, there are quite a few of them, and Yi Yunxin is familiar.

"The disciples of Feiyundong? How are they here?" Yi Yunxin looked more confused and finally couldn't help but ask.

The dragon emptied and looked at Su Hong’s sleeves. Su Hong’s sleeve turned and rushed to Ling Xiaojian’s sword. “When you are not there, Qin Shousheng brought the disciples under the door to come to the chaos, and tried to engulf our Lingyuanmen. Without insulting, he broke the plot of Qin Shousheng and tried his best. These Feiyundong disciples, after my teaching, decided to repent and would like to join my Lingyuanmen."

Although Su Hongshou’s words are an understatement, it is to make the face of Ling Xiaojian change instantly. Even if he was seriously injured, there was a deep appreciation and even gratitude to Su Hong's sleeves.

Qin Shousheng and Feiyundong are so powerful that Ling Xiaojian’s heart is the clearest. Although he is not present, he can think of it with his toes. Qin Shousheng took his disciples and pressed the army. What a cruel scene. Su Hongshou will not only be able to resolve the situation, but also kill Qin Shousheng, and in turn swallow the entire Feiyun Cave. What a great ability? Ling Yuanmen suddenly found out that he seemed to be a small red-sleeved sleeve before.

Yi Yunxin is also stunned by listening, and does not believe in the heart. But the facts are in front of you, but they are not allowed to believe. A face is blue and sometimes purple, so it’s not hard to see.

The dragon emptied the embarrassed Yi Yunxin, and directed at those Feiyundong disciples, Yang said, "You said, Miss Cao should not catch?"

These Feiyundong disciples have all seen Qindong's means. At this time, Qin Dong stood quietly, where they could think of them more, and even if they shouted with a scorpion, "No! No! !"

In order to show their loyalty, these Feiyundong disciples shouted an unusually strong, screaming scream, resounding through the clouds, and compared Yi Yunxin with his fallen disciples.

"They... They are Feiyundong disciples, can you decide what I am Lingyuanmen?" Yi Yunxin was unwilling.

Su Hong sleeve sneered and said, "Since they joined Ling Yuanmen, that is my disciple of Ling Yuanmen. Yi Yunxin, you are also a person with a head and face, and you are not going to go back?"

Yi Yunxin bit his teeth and can only swallow this dumb.

Su Hong’s sleeves were scornful and gave him a look. “However, this matter is finally decided by the head!”

This is the case with Su Hongshou, who has never forgotten to maintain the opinion of Ling Yijian. Ling Xiaojian was deeply grateful for her practice, but this time, listening to Su Hongshou's words, Ling Xiaojian's brow was suddenly wrinkled. [

Over there, Yi Yunxin’s eyebrows are flying up, laughing and saying, “The elders of Su said yes, we Lingmen, always disciplined, all decisions are made by the head, no one can There is disagreement."

After all, Yi Yunxin smiled and looked at Ling Xiaojian. The faint road said, "Do you have something to announce? Now everyone is here, please let me know!"

Su Hong sleeves faintly felt a hint of ominous premonition, a pair of beautiful eyes rushed to Ling Xiaojian looked over.

At this time, Ling Xiaojian was screaming at Yi Yunxin. In a pair of eyes, he was filled with incomparable resentment. It felt like he was going to eat Yi Yunxin.

"The door owner..."

Su Hongshou just had to talk, Ling Xiaojian erected the palm of his hand, interrupted her, clenched his teeth, and used a very low voice, a word of words. "I announced that from the moment, by Yi Yunxin At the head of Dai Lingyuan's door!"

"What...what!?" Ling Xiaojian's sentence was exported, and Su Hongshou was stunned.

The dragon emptied and supported the elders of Su Hong’s sleeves. They were all stunned and stunned. They couldn’t believe what they had heard.

"Head, this... What is going on?" The dragon emptied and was anxious, and he couldn’t take care of it. He screamed at Ling Xiaojian.

Ling Xiaojian just clenched his fists, lowered his head, clenched his teeth, but did not answer the sound, silently.

"Bold dragons empty!" Yi Yunxin suddenly gave a loud drink, and the voice of the "color" ceremony. "Don't you see that the palm of your hand was seriously injured, so loud and noisy, if you make the head injury Aggravated, what are you waiting for?"

The dragon emptied and slammed Yi Yunxin, and in a pair of eyes, it was about to spurt out the fire. Yi Yunxin did not care at all, sneer again and again, and the eyebrows were filled with the smug look of the villain.

"The doorkeeper, what is going on in the end?" Su Hongshou naturally does not believe that Ling Xiaojian will be so confused, and his painstakingly managed Lingyuanmen will be handed over to a villain like Yi Yunxin, full of eager mouths. Asked.

"What is going on? The door is seriously injured, and it is temporarily unable to exercise the responsibility of the head. So I will hand over the position of the head to Yimou, so simple, the elders will not understand?" Yi Yunxin took a look at Su Hongshou Full of proud roads.

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