The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2187: Very shameful!

However, when the sister summoned, and the younger brother could not act, Qin Dong smiled and walked out.

"Xiao Xian, he... who is he?" Ling Xiaojian looked at Qin Dong and asked Cao Xiaoxian.

Cao Xiaoxian caressed his chest and said, "Uncle Ling, you don't ask. In short, as long as there is this kid, Yi Yunxin can't afford to wave."

Ling Xiaojian shook his head and looked at the bitter road. "Stupid girl, the terrible is not Yi Yunxin, but the Yunhe immortal behind him. Hey! I really blinked, and I will pin the hope of the landlord. His body."

Su Hongshou listened and hurriedly asked, "You will go to see Yunhe Xianren this time. What happened in the end, how could it hurt like this?"

Ling Xiaojian sneered aloud, saying, "The Yunhe immortal is a savage beast! What is right, what is decent, all are fake! He refused to help us to name the landlord, but also hurt me," I am going to pass on the position of Ling Yuanmen’s head to his grandson Yi Yunxin. If I don’t agree, he will personally take the shot and kill the whole chicken in the Lingyuan Gate!”

"What? There is such a thing!? This Yunhe immortal, really **** it!" Su Hongshou heard this, straightforward and pretty face white.

Cao Xiaoxian is a cold road. "Sure enough, this critical juncture, who is a true friend, will be clear at a glance. I think the relationship between me and Yunhe Xianren is not bad. Who can think that Yunhe Xianren can make such a Things are coming."

Ling Xiaojian shook his head and said, “It’s no longer useful to say that now. What we have to do is to bear the burden of humiliation. As long as we are still there, we will be able to wash the grievances for the landlord, so I will follow Yunhe Immortal words to do. Xiaoxian, the little brother will stop quickly, do not offend Yi Yunxin. As for you and empty, I will desperately save. I want Yi Yunxin just won the position of the head, the foundation is unstable, He should not be chaotic, he still needs me."

Cao Xiaoxian chuckled and said, "Uncle Ling, there is nothing to be afraid of the Yunhe Immortal, you don't have to worry."

Su Hong sleeves still had some worries. After all, Yun He Xianren was the super strong man in the realm of the Emperor. At this time, listening to Cao Xiaoxian said that Fang Xin suddenly settled down.

With the help of two special envoys of Qin Shousheng and Chuanyunge, Qin Dong has set a great power in the hearts of all. At this time, when he was out of the horse, the dragon emptied and others suddenly settled down, and the gang of disciples under Ling Xiaojian was nervous.

Qin Dong's shot was decisive, and his heart was hot, and he was never merciless. Even though Yi Yunxin supported his waist, they did not want to be an enemy of Qin Dong.

Feeling the swaying emotions of his men, Yi Yunxin’s brow wrinkled, and looked at his own men with three points of doubt and confusion. A disciple who was alive and well, immediately gathered in his ear and reported the heroic deeds of Qin Dong to him.

"What? Qin Shousheng and the two special envoys who wear Yungege are planted in his hands?" After listening to the story, Yi Yunxin’s face "color" has changed a lot, it is three more. The color of the surprise.

Qin Dong chuckled and looked at Yi Yunxin. "Do you know that it is possible to leave a strong color in the history of the fairy world."

Yi Yunxin couldn't understand. He asked, "What do you mean by this?"

The smile on Qin Dong’s face suddenly added a bit of evil, the faint road “because, you will become the whole fairyland, the shortest life, and the most unlucky one!”

"Hey!" Qin Dong’s voice just fell, Cao Xiaoxian, Yue Yan, Nan Gong Yao laughed out in unison. Su Hongshou is also a bit of a man who can't help but twist his head to the side.

Ling Xiaojian is hurting in the heart, and is in anger. When listening to Qin Dong’s words, he can’t help but have an impulse to laugh. Turn his head to Cao Xiaoxian’s “Xiao Xian, this little brother is your friend. Is it interesting?"

Cao Xiaoxian held Ling Xiaojian's chest and smiled and said: "Uncle Ling, you don't care about him. This kid has nothing to do except to play tricks and say a few strange words."

Ling Xiaojian shook his head in a serious way and said, "You can be wrong. Although I was the first time to meet this young man, I saw it. The young man is very temperamental, and the wind is intrinsic. It must not be The things in the pool."

Speaking of this, Ling Xiaojian suddenly saw that the smiles on the faces of Cao Xiaoxian and Su Hongshou became more and more intense, and then they woke up and smiled. "You are so gimmick, come and tease you Uncle Ling. If you really think this young man How can it make him look for me?"

Cao Xiaoxian smiled and said, "Ling Shushu is so good to Xiaoxian, Xiaoxian certainly wants to tease Uncle Ling, you are happy."

Ling Xiaojian ordered the nose of Cao Xiaoxian, full of love. "I see you tease you Uncle Ling, do you want to make yourself happy?"

Cao Xiaoxian gave another burst of laughter like a wind chime. Ling Xiaojian followed a few laughs. The face "color" suddenly became dignified again. He shook his head. "Xiaoxian, listen to his uncle, let the young man step down." Well, for Uncle Ling, he has offended Yunhe Xianren and used his "sex" life in vain. Isn’t this making your uncle Ling’s sin deeper?"

Cao Xiaoxian hugged the neck of Ling Xiaojian, and comforted the way, "Uncle Ling, you can rest assured! Yunhe Xianren wants to kill Xiaodong, not so easy."

Just as Cao Xiaoxian and Ling Xiaojian said, Yi Yunxin suddenly gave a sigh of anger. "Who is willing to kill this sinful kid for this sin?"

Yi Yunxin’s angry voice was very loud. He circled the hall for three rounds and had not completely dissipated. But in the entire hall, it was quiet, no one responded to him and stood up.

Joking, with Qin Dong’s cultivation, even the special envoy who has reached the level of Xianjun’s three products must bow down to the ear. Yi Yunxin himself is only the first level of Xianjun’s second product, let alone those who are under his command. Useless disciple.

"Are you all stunned? If anyone killed this kid, I immediately sealed him as a great elder!" Yi Yunxin saw no one responded to himself, very annoyed, and made a loud drink, and made a big prize.

Yi Yunxin thought that such an enlightenment would have someone stand up, but the result once again made him disappointed. Two times in a row, Yi Yunxin’s face was completely dropped on the ground, and he was so angry that he couldn’t stop it.

"Head, this... This boy is not really good, the brothers are not his opponents. Even if you let us be the head, this life is lost, it can't be."

"Mixed!" A disciple got together in the ear of Yi Yunxin. Just after a sentence, he was thrown out by Yi Yunxin.

"You guys useless things, how do you expect this head to look forward to you in the future?" Yi Yunxin pointed at the crowd and screamed, but then everyone, but the eyelids did not lift, just like Yi Yunxin's people Not their average. In this way, it is even more difficult for Yi Yunxin's egg!

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