The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2189: To point to the sword!

When the expert takes a shot, he knows if there is any. Su Hongshou said that it was not bad at all. Ling Xiaojian was killed by Qin Dong’s repair. This slap in the palm of the hand, not only the speed is extremely fast, beyond his imagination, and the various meanings contained in it are even more inscrutable. In the view of Ling Xiaojian, it is just like a pen of God. Just a little bit of it is enough to make him horrified and benefit.

Ling Xiaojian was excited and injured. He couldn’t speak for a while. Su Hongshou and Cao Xiaoxian helped him with his breath, and smiled and said, “The doorkeeper, Xiaodong’s means are big, this is nothing. Just look at it, the wonderful is still behind!"

Listening to Su Hong’s sleeves, Ling Xiaojian’s busy company has taken a few breaths, and the strange “tidal” red on his face has slowly subsided, but his eyes are brighter, chasing Qin Dong’s figure, chasing More tight.

"You..." This slap in the face, let Yi Yunxin feel a little worried. Sitting on the ground, I forgot to stand up for a long while, looking at Qin Dong with a pair of eyes, it seems to be not sluggish.

Qin Dong chuckled a faint voice, "My easy head, I am slap, are you satisfied?"

Qin Dong’s voice just fell, Yi Yunxin’s whole person jumped up from the ground like an electric shock. He was extremely shy and angry, and his face was instantly twisted and twisted. At this time, Yi Yunxin was full of praise. Crazy beast.

"You dare to beat me, you dare to hit me!?" Yi Yunxin's mouth burst into a groan, slamming, pulling out the sword from his arms, the wrist suddenly twisted, a squeaking sound, and the sound of the ring Completed the entire hall.

Yi Yunxin's repair is also a good place for Xianjun's second product. Moreover, because of the relationship between Yunhe and Xianren, he has cultivated a good kendo. %&*>

"Hey... Yi Dazhang, where is the place, where are you angry and angry, and the swords are added?" Yi Yunxin, who looked at the sword, and the "color" of Qin Dong’s face, did not disappear. On the contrary, it is more and more stagnation.

"Go to death!" Yi Yunxin's five internal organs are about to burn up, where there is still a mind and Qin Dong bickering, bursting out, the sword is one, together with a lightning-like streamer, with a son It seems as if the momentum that can separate the whole world can be stabbed straight toward Qindong.

Qin Dong's figure slightly retreated backwards, sneer and said, "Good! I will use this pair of flesh to fight your sword!" said, Qin Dong's right hand and **** together, turned into a sword Looking forward, I will be on the Haohao Jianguang released by Yi Yunxin.

"This... this is too much fun!" Seeing Qin Dong’s move, the dragon emptied and could not help but shouted.

Yi Yunxin's kendo, it is notoriously fierce, and the sword used in his hands is not a product. Qin Dong used a pair of flesh fingers to directly compare, and the strange dragon will issue such concerns.

Not only is the dragon empty, Ling Xiaojian is also a moment of frowning, fearing that Qin Dong is under the guise of the enemy, and the road of Yi Yunxin. I want to remind Qin Dong a few words, but it is too late. In the blink of an eye, Qin Dong and Yi Yunxin have been entangled together.

Yi Yunxin's kendo, pay attention to the fast and not break, one stroke and one style, are lightning fast, making people difficult to distinguish. As for the fast, Qin Dong is one of the best. When the body is unfolded, the body shape is instantly unrecognizable. If the people are exhausted, they can only see a virtual and unpredictable shadow, and the "swinging" is like a flowing water. Set the trend.

However, I can't see the figure of the two people, but everyone can clearly hear it. The air is constantly ringing, like a collision with iron. It is as dense as rain, and it can be dozens of times in a blink of an eye. . The more people listen, the more they are scared. No one can believe that Qin Dong’s pair of flesh fingers will be so hard, otherwise they will never collide with Yi Yunxin’s sword.

However, at this time, the shock of all people was added together, and then multiplied by ten, fearing that it was not as shocking as Yi Yunxin.

The obvious in his own hands is an invincible, unsettled sword, and he can let him use the strength of eating "milk". He can never help Qin Dong’s pair of flesh fingers, like Qin’s pair of flesh fingers, and It is not made by the flesh and blood, but by the kind of extremely good metal.

Moreover, each collision between the two people can always bring a small impact to Yi Yunxin. It took a lot of work to make a hand, Yi Yunxin was surprised to find that the hand of his sword is becoming more and more numb, and this numbness is still spreading.

Looking at Qin Dong again, it is alive and alive, and there is no impact at all. On the contrary, there is a posture of more and more war. This immediately added an invisible pressure to Yi Yunxin, and left a scared seed in his heart.

"Hey... Yi Dazhang, do you have this ability?" When Yi Yunxin was in a heavy mood, Qin Dong’s face suddenly "exposed" with a smile of evil.

"What?" Yi Yunxin instinctively trembled in his heart, as if something had exploded in his mind, spreading rapidly with unstoppable momentum.

The evil smile on Qin Dong's face was stunned, and a chilling temperament filled the surrounding area. "The game is playing now, it should be over."

Yi Yunxin’s scalp suddenly numb, and immediately understands that it is not what else is spreading in his body, but fear, deep fear! [

"Ah!" Yi Yunxin suddenly gave a hysterical bark, and fiercely gathered all the fairy powers, all infused into the sword front. In an instant, the sword in his hand seemed to be given Life, lived in general, suddenly trembled violently, and uttered a splendid Huaguang.

"I am fighting with you!" Under the fear, Yi Yunxin's whole person seemed to be crazy, and he made a full blow to Qin Dong.

"You still have to save some strength!" In the face of Yi Yunxin's desperate blow, Qin Dong is not as a matter of fact, waiting for Yi Yunxin's sword front to come close, a pair of flesh refers to the tight, the road Jinguang From the fingertips, the "shot" comes out, and it is a few feet long.

The golden light of these lengths is an invincible blade, carrying a treacherous edge, and it doesn't stop for a moment. He slams into the sword front of Yi Yunxin.

This time, there was no more squeaky sound, but a slamming sound. Just like a sharp cut of a piece of white paper, it is very light and soft, but the visual impact it brings is a catastrophe.

Yi Yunxin’s sword, which did not know what kind of mysterious metal was used, collided with the finger of the golden color, and even failed for ten minutes, and suddenly announced the break. Half is still in the hands of Yi Yunxin, but the other half never listens to the command of Yi Yunxin. Under the action of gravity, it is unable to fall to the ground.

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