The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2191: Responsible!

"Yi Yunxin, are you crazy?" I didn't expect Yi Yunxin to be so ferocious. Even the treatment of his own lovers was so cruel. Ling Xiaojian was extremely angry, forgot the wounds on his body, and stood up straight. Shouted at Yi Yunxin. %&*>

"Oh... this is betraying my end, have you seen it?" Yi Yunxin ignored the anger of Ling Xiaojian, arrogant.

"Damn!" Qin Dong originally wanted to spare his life, but when he saw his ferocity, he immediately changed his mind. A roar, body shape as a ghostly general toward Yi Yunxin swept past.

"I killed you!" Seeing Qin Dong rushing to himself, Yi Yunxin did not hide, squatting, and immediately broke his sword and slammed it toward Qin Dong's chest.

Qin Dong’s cold face is “colorful” and it’s cold and scary. In a pair of eyes, it seems that it is necessary to spurt a flame. In the right hand, a piece of golden light flashes like a sun shining across the lake. The short sword in the hands of Yi Yunxin was actually in this golden light. The inch inch was broken and turned into iron powder, which was fluttering and swaying. [

"How could this be!!" Seeing this scene, Yi Yunxin was completely stupid, and a mouthful of straight can stuff a duck egg.

Just as Yi Yunxin’s heart was horrified, a cold chilly wind seemed to come from a hellish wind, and suddenly he made a few slaps. As soon as he raised his eyes, Qin Dong’s murderous face was already in front of him, less than a step away.

The strong murder is rolling like a wave. Yi Yunxin is the reef that blocks the wave. In the midst of it, Yi Yunxin seems to have seen the sickle of death. For the first time in his life, he is so close to death.

"You... you dare to kill me!? I... my uncle grandfather is Yunhe Xianren, the superpower of the emperor's realm!" Yi Yunxin finally convinced that Qin Dong really wants to take his "sex" Life, the face is full of horror. %&*>

Yi Yunxin kept screaming, only wishing to let Qin Dong stay away from him, but the result was contrary to his wishes. No matter how loud and eager he is, he still has an urgency. However, Qin Dong’s figure has never stopped.

Yi Yunxin was finally scared, almost cried out, and his voice was trembling and full of pleading. "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I don't want to die!"

"It’s late!" Qin Dong’s snoring was not very loud, but it was filled with infinite power, and instantly destroyed Yi Yunxin’s atrium.

A muffled sound, as soon as it arrived. Under the gaze of everyone, Yi Yunxin's body shape is like the baseball that was drawn, the old high of Muir, and Mull fell heavily on the ground. The blood is like a fountain, and it is continuously sprayed from his throat. Out, the breath of life, like flowing water from his body, only a few seconds of work, Yi Yunxin became a body, completely ruined the vitality.

"Just let him die, it is really cheap, this bastard!" The dragon emptied and slammed Yi Yunxin sighed, and the extravagant way.

A dry Lingyuan disciple, but also all clap their hands, even those who are close to Yi Yunxin, support his disciples, and all have a long breath. Such a person is really not worth following.

Yi Yunxin is dead, Ling Xiaojian is naturally very deflated, but as the head, he thinks more. Especially when the figure of Yunhe Xianren flashed from his mind, his heart seemed to be pressed by the heavy object, which made him somewhat breathless.

"Ling Zhangmen, you will not blame me for making your own ideas?" Killing Yi Yunxin, Qin Dong turned to look at Ling Xiaojian, smiled and asked.

Ling Xiaojian shook his head gently, saying "Of course not! Yi Yunxin really **** it!"

"But I killed Yi Yunxin, I will definitely anger the Yunhe immortal, and may bring the disaster to Lingyuanmen!" Qin Dong followed again.

Ling Xiaojian Shen 吟 了 了 了 晌 晌 晌 晌 晌 晌 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神

Qin Dong smiled and said, "One person is doing things alone! If Lingmen is going to give an explanation to Yunhe Xianren, you can hand me over to Yunhe Xianren and let him dispose of it!"

When Qin Dong’s words came out, Ling Xiaojian’s face “color” suddenly changed. A pair of eyes suddenly became sharp and godly, staring straight at Qin Dong, a word of words “Qin Shaoxia, you are looking down on Lingmou Ah! If Lingmou is such a villain, he has long since died in the world, and will live to the present?"

Finished, struggling to stand up, eyes sweeping through the Lingyuanmen disciples, Zhen Xiang "Yi Yunxin is the grandson of Yunhe Xianren, now he died in Lingyuanmen, a catastrophe will definitely fall on us On the head! I am a sword, and I am naturally responsible for it. I am willing to take it for granted! The cloud crane is immortalized into "sex", only the blood of one person, I am afraid it is difficult to flatten his hatred. He will surely vent his hatred on every brother of Lingyuanmen. Everyone is a brother who was born and died with Ling Xiaojian. I don't want to hurt you. From now on, whoever wants to leave, Lingmou Never stop, and offer a gift, it is a thank you to the brothers. Who is willing to stay, willing to face the anger of Yunhe Xianren together with Lingmou, Lingmou does not refuse, just this deep affection, Lingmou will wait for the arrival of the students to return!"

"Head, what are you talking about? Without you, there are no brothers today! What happened to Yunhe Xianren? He is not a three-headed and six-armed arm, nor can he only cover his hands with the hands! My dragon clears the first one. Declared, willing to stay, and face the life and death together!" After that, turned to look at the remaining disciples, shouted loudly, "Whoever wants to be a soft egg, although to do it! But not allowed to say to others, was My dragon is empty brother, who lost me!"[

"The dragon is empty, is it too difficult to hear what you said? Don't want to die in vain, is it a soft egg? We can be different from you, one is alone, and naturally has no scruples. We all have old and small people, if we are Dead, what do they do?" One person came out of the crowd and said coldly.

The dragon emptied the man and glanced at it. He gave a cold voice and twisted his head to the side, too lazy to argue with him.

The man did not pay attention to the dragon emptied, rushing to the sword and holding a fist, with a slap in the face of "color", the brothers have a home, can't afford to die. You should... just like never before me. Brother!"

"Yu Chiwu brothers, I said earlier, this should be done by me alone, I would not want to hurt you. You have to leave, I will not blame you!"

"Thank you for your head!" Yan Chiwu rushed Ling Xiaojian nodded heavily, his face was more intense.

Just about to turn and leave, Ling Xiaojian called him again. "The brothers are slow and slow, I have something to do!"

Yan Chiwu took a breath and looked at Ling Xiaojian. He said, "I have owed the head in this life. What are the requirements of the head, even if you mention it, you will die!"

Ling Xiaojian shook his head and smiled. "That doesn't have to! I just hope that after the brothers have left, don't "disorder", let's not give Qin Shaoxia out!"

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