The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2193: The truth is surging!

Ling Xiaojian only thought about Ling Yuanmen. Nowadays, the talents are dying, and the heart is sentimental, but they have not thought about it. At this time, the reminder of Qin Dong is suddenly a vibration. i^ gaze carefully, and it is not surprising. All of them are elites and backbones. It is really the foundation of Lingyuanmen.

Those Ling Yuanmen disciples who left, some came from helplessness, but more because they were afraid of death. Such disciples, even if they let them stay, are just a few words. Once the disaster is over, they can’t count on it. If they stay, they will not leave.

With such a thought, Ling Xiaojian's mood suddenly opened up a lot, and suddenly looked up to Qin Dong, with a bit of shocking color, "Well, you are interested in stimulating me?"

Qin Dong haha’s smile "There is no test of fire, where is the real gold? We should thank Yunhe Xianren. If it is not him, how can you distinguish it? In the disciple, there is really Who is trustworthy?"

Ling Xiaojian looked at Qin Dong and took a long while. He just shook his head slowly and said with an undisguised admiration. "I didn't expect you to be young, not only to be outstanding, but also to a heart." It is more exquisite and translucent! My Lingxiao sword is ten years older than you, but it is not only impossible to repair you, but this heart is also far from you. It seems that I have been living for a few decades! ”[

"Bad boy, you are playing with your heart!" Cao Xiaoxian couldn't help but look at Qin Dong, it was a bit speechless.

Qin Dong gently smiled, did not pay attention to Cao Xiaoxian, said to Ling Xiaojian, "Liangzhangmen, you must not be arrogant. Originally I thought that among these Lingyuanmen disciples, one tenth of them can stay, it is considered good. However, I did not expect that the willingness to stay and die with Lingzhangmen almost reached half. %&*>

Qin Dong said that Ling Xiaojian can not help but be proud. In this life, there are three or two people who are willing to die for themselves. It is a blessing, not to mention that he has so many.

Ling Xiaojian took a sigh of relief and said to the disciple of Ling Yuanmen who had left the dragon to emptied and waited. "Ling Weijian He De He can, everyone is willing to swear to follow, here, Ling has thanked everyone!" After all, Ling Xiaojian rushed to the crowd and took a deep bow.

Seeing that Ling Xiaojian’s body shape is a little shaken, the dragon empties and hurries and shouts “The head, your wound...”

Ling Xiaojian took a breath, waved his hand, stood up straight, and raised his voice, "You, you have a feeling for Lingmou, Lingmou can not treat you badly. Yunhe Xianren is extraordinary, I can't see it." Everyone stays with me to die! If you sacrifice the "sex" life of Ling Xiaojian, and protect the "sex" life of your brothers, that is the most cost-effective business I have done in my life! Clear, you This will lead everyone to leave quickly, not to delay for a while!"

"Hey, the brothers are willing to stay, they have made up their minds, to die with you, do you think we will go?" The dragon was very excited and shouted loudly.

"Yes! What about Yunhe Xianren? Can he kill us twice? It’s just a death, not afraid!"

"Hey, you are driving the brothers, that is, look down on the brothers!"

The dragon emptied the voice and just fell, everyone responded, and the sound of the road rang through the clouds, and the roof of the hall was smashed.

The ear back to the "swing" is full of affectionate words, Ling Xiaojian has never shed tears in his life, but at this time he was moved red eyes.

"Brothers, brothers listen to me! Everyone has a deep affection for Lingmou, Lingmou has received it. Can not, therefore, ruined everyone's "sex" life. You are not only my brother, but also my brother, It is the seed of Lingyuanmen's future revival. If it was killed by Yunhe Xianren, we Lingyuanmen, but it was completely embarrassed!" After that, Ling Xiaojian turned and took the hand of Su Hongshou, said "red sleeves" You are a great elder, and my brothers are handed over to you. You must lead them, live well, and reinvent the glory of Lingyuanmen!"

"No!" Su Hong sleeves have long been listening to the enthusiasm of "swing", and I can't help it anymore. In turn, I held the hand of Ling Xiaojian, and no longer shouted out loudly, "I have already had a red sleeve." Determined, this life, life is your person, death is your ghost!"

"Red sleeves, you..." Although Ling Xiaojian had already noticed the infatuation of Su Hongshou, Su Hongshou has always been obsessed with the number of rituals, never swaying, so Ling Xiaojian did not dare to "disorder". Unexpectedly, at this festival, Su Hongshou will confess to himself in desperation. The true feelings revealed in such a critical juncture are really heavy, and Ling Xiaojian is both moved and somewhat unbearable.

The friendship of the people is like a warm stream, gathered in the heart of Cao Xiaoxian, so that her tears can not help but rush out, and people can't control the sobbing. While "touching" tears, I turned to the voice of Qin Dong, "Smelly kid, give me a way, think about it!"

Qin Dong couldn't help but shake his hair out for a bitter smile. Cao Xiaoxian called him to be more and more convenient.

"Ling the door and you, I wonder if you can clean up your emotions a little, listen to me a few words?"

Qin Dong said this, whether it is Su Hong sleeve, dragon empty, or those Ling Yuanmen disciples, all of them brushed their eyes to Qin Dong. Everyone in the eyes has an eager anticipation, and hopes that Qin Dong will once again be shocked and bring hope to them.

Qin Dong looked at Ling Xiaojian, was about to speak, and suddenly there was a rush of footsteps outside the door. When the people looked back, they saw the special envoy A with a look of sorrow and hurried in. [

Before Qin Dong asked the special envoy to prepare tea, he really took it. Knowing that you don't know this craft, you will not be satisfied with Qin Dong, and you will be alone and hard-working. When he practiced almost, he walked out the door and found that Ling Yuanmen’s disciples fled one by one, which made him very puzzled. This was a hurry to find Qin Dong, ready to ask.

Ling Xiaojian once visited the Yunge Pavilion several times. One of them was specially envoyed by the special envoy, so he recognized him. Seeing the special envoy A came in and really surprised him. "You...what are you here?"

Although Ling Xiaojian is the head of Ling Yuanmen, his position may not be as high as the number of the bit, so the special envoy is not very concerned about him. I only looked at him and looked at Qin Dong and asked "Qin Shaoxia, Ling Yuanmen's disciples, what are you running?"

Qin Dong had not seen the special envoy A, but he forgot him. When he saw him, he could not help but ask, "Why have you not gone yet?"

"Walk? Why do you want to go?" The special ambassador's face "color" is more "fascinated" and "confusing".

Qin Dong chuckled and said, "You still don't know. Lingyuanmen has already had a big disaster. Yunhe Xianren can kill at any time and razor the entire Lingyuan Gate!"

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