The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2196: Hand to hurt!

Ling Yuanmen’s disciple, there is nothing to say about discipline. %&*>

Ling Xiaojian smiled and said, "Qin Shaoxia's good intentions, everyone can't waste it? Go, this is probably the biggest chance in your life. I hope you take it seriously, don't waste it."

"But your head hurts you..." The dragon emptied his eyes and flashed a sorrowful color.

Ling Xiaojian waved his hand and asked, "Why, do you have a way to cure my injury?"

The dragon emptied the face of "color" and bowed his head and said "a subordinate is incompetent!"

Ling Xiaojian smiled and said, "Okay, okay! You stayed, and it hurts me to be meaningless. It just wastes this great opportunity. Go, don't delay the time!"

Ling Xiaojian reminded him to remind him, and the dragon emptied and waited, and this time they left.

The dragons emptied them and sent them away. Ling Xiaojian looked at Qin Dong and smiled. "Qin Shaoxia, I will not be polite with you. You see, the fairy is rich and full, but you can't ask for it. Just right to me. It is beneficial to heal."

"That's it! It's just that the scent of the scent here is rich, but the injury of the squad is so heavy that it takes a lot of time to completely recover."

Ling Xiaojian smiled and said, "Yunhe immortal worried that I would be difficult for Yunxin, the following hands are not merciless, but it is to give me a tone, just want to recover as originally, naturally not so easy. But fortunately, Meng Qin Shaoxia brought me into this treasure, although it is more difficult, but it is a bit more hopeful.%&*>

"Ling the door, can you let me see your injury?"

Ling Xiaojian asked, "Why, Qin Shaoxia still knows how to deal with Huang?"

Qin Dong smiled and did not make a sound. He reached out and grasped the wrist door that Ling Xiaojian handed. Waiting for Qin Dong’s dual sacred power, madly injecting Ling Xiaojian’s body, Qin Dong’s heart suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. He also thought that the land of the Emperor of Yunhe Xianren was so good, so it seems that there is nothing. At least the wounds he caused to Ling Xiaojian, in Qin Dong's view, are completely pediatrics.

How does Qin Dong know that this dual sacred power is superior to ordinary fairy power, and it is really higher than counting. If you change to be a good person, in his realm, facing the Yunhe immortal, there is only a part of escape.

Qin Dong’s heart was relieved, and Ling’s eyes were sharply rounded up. Looking into the eyes of Qin Dong, filled with deep, indescribable horror.

It is precisely because he is deeply involved with Lu Congrong that he has a more comprehensive and specific understanding of the dual sacredness than ordinary people. When Qin Dong’s dual sacred power was injected into his body, he recognized it at once.

This is even more shocking than the fact that Qin Dong brought him into the fairy ring, and his body was almost uncontrollably trembled, and even the breathing became very heavy.

Qin Dong was shocked and hurriedly said, "Ling Zhangmen, your injury is not light, can't be excited."

Ling Xiaojian rushed to take a long breath, this will be the inner excitement, a little suppressed, but in the expression, still a bit sluggish and unbelievable.

"Qin Shaoxia, if... If I guessed it well, what you are using is... is the dual sacred power!?" Although there is only one short sentence, Ling Xiaojian said it is extremely difficult. How big is the shock that brought him.

Qin Dong nodded confessedly and smiled and said, "The knowledge of Lingzhangmen is so extensive!"

Ling Xiaojian looked at Qin Dong and stayed for a few seconds. This slowly shook his head and looked awkwardly on his face. "No wonder... It’s no wonder that you are so high when you are young, no wonder you will Lian Yunhe Xianren is not in the eyes. Lu Da Ge once said that everyone who has the dual sacred power is destined to be the master of this world! Well wow! Lu Da Ge is saved, the Three Realms are saved!"

The more excited Ling Xiaojian said, the later, a seven-foot-tall man could not help but tears.

Qin Dong is also very emotional, looking at Ling Xiaojian Road, "Ling Zhangmen, your loyalty and loyalty, everything you do, let the younger generations admire! It is the honor of my Qin Dong lifetime to fight with you and turn the tide. And pride!"[

"Okay! You two don't want to be a hero here. It's really nauseating. Uncle Ling's injury is tight! Xiaodong, if you can't cure Uncle Ling, don't blame me for being your sister's face!" Cao Xiaoxian Taking a long breath, it is still difficult to hide the excitement in her heart.

When I first returned to the fairy world, she heard the story of the New Moon, and she almost collapsed. But now, her heart is full of hope! This is Qin Dong’s ability. No matter how steep and desperate the situation is, he can always bring hope to people.

"Right right! Lingzhangmen's injury is important!" Qin Dong quickly smiled and said, the body's dual sacred powers were smashed and injected into the body of Ling Xiaojian.

The mystery and mystery of the dual sacred powers, played in the hands of Qin Dong, can be described as vividly. The silky roaming roams in the singularity of Ling Xiaojian, repairing the wounds at a speed visible to the naked eye. The kind of graceful taste makes Ling Xiaojian feel no pain at all, but it is very A little bit pleasant.

Time seems to be only a moment, and it seems to be a long time. When Ling Xiaojian Shen Shen sinks and slowly opens his eyes, the heavy injury in his body has completely recovered. Not only that, the meridians reshaped by the dual sacred powers have become more spacious and tougher than before, which undoubtedly paved the way for Ling Xiaojian's future cultivation.

"Qin Shaoxia, it is really a **** of skill, Lingmou service!" After Ling Yujian recovered from injury, the heroic posture, the momentum of the outside, the eyes are stunned, is really an awesome true hero, extraordinary!

Qin Dongyi waved his hand, haha's smile, "Ling Zhangmen, I am a good person, that is, the skin is too thin, you should never boast me, otherwise I really have to find the ground to dig into it."

Ling Xiaojian’s smile is even louder, and Yang’s voice “Qin Shaoxia is too modest. In short, my Ling Xiaojian’s life is saved by Qin Shaoxia. From now on, but when Qin Shaoxia’s instructions, I’m a sword and a disciple. Even if you are dead and dead, you are not saying anything!"

This is a true man's promise, heavy and extremely thick. Qin Dong did not dare to neglect, and the face of the "color" also followed the solemnity, rushing Ling Jianjian with a fist, said: "Ling Zhangmen's deep friendship, Qin Dong remember in mind!"

They are all true-minded heroes who are open-minded, open-minded, and full of emotions. They don’t need to talk nonsense, and they have a natural relationship. Looking at the four eyes of Qin Dong and Ling Xiaojian, Cao Xiaoxian was excited in the heart, only wishing that he could be a man!

"Hey, you have finally recovered, I am really happy for you!" Looking at the Lingxiao sword that revived the dragon and the tiger, Su Hong’s face was full of bright smiles.

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