The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2214: The villain is desperate!

The situation suddenly reversed again, and the chasing of the people turned into a chasing. I^ Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp, fairyland is not such a survival rule?

"Ling Weijian, I am Nanchong Yan and you have no enmity, why do you bitterly "force"?" Ling Xiaojian chasing is very tight, let Nanchong Yan somewhat breathless, while riding the road to escape, while anxious Angry and screaming.

Ling Xiaojian smiled and said, "Don't you have a hatred with the grandson?"

"You..." Nanchong Yan Yi.

The shape of Ling Xiaojian suddenly skyrocketed, and the speed instantly increased by 50%. In the blink of an eye, he followed Nanchong Yan. "You shameless villain, or go back to the world early!"

In other words, Ling Xiaojian's arms are swollen, the palms are waving, and the celestial powers of Xianjun's three products are like the tides, like a blowout, straight to the back of Nanchong Yan, and smashed into the past.

Feeling the terrible pressure of landslides after coming to himself, Nanchong Yan Zhi’s face was pale, and he knew that this palm could not be answered anyway. Directly screaming, "Yunhe immortal save me, save me!"

"Hey! Do you think that Yunhe Xianren is a god? He can't save you!" Looking at the desperate look of Nanchong Yan, Ling Xiaojian was not pity at all. The palm of the hand suddenly looked forward, and the open five fingers were printed on the back of Nanchongyan almost simultaneously.

However, when the sound of the bang was heard, the Nanchong Yan was like a broken kite. It vacated and then fell heavily. It left a shallow pit on the ground, showing the palm of Ling Xiaojian. Without any mercy, Nanchong Yan’s little life is naturally unstoppable.

If Nanchong Yan has the ability of the prophet, he is afraid that he will never put his own "sex" life into it in order to flatter the two little sisters. %&*>

"Ling Weijian, you... you are so bold, dare to kill in the Yunyun Mountain Villa?" The two little sisters dreamed of not knowing it. After a few days, the Lingxiao sword became so bold, and he raised his hand and asked Nanchong. Yan's "sex" life. At this time, the two youngsters looked at Ling Xiaojian again, and could no longer mention it with the Ling Xiaojian not long ago.

"How about killing? Is it a despicable villain like Nanchong Yan, shouldn't it die?" Ling Xiaojian had not answered yet, and Sun Qiong stepped forward and stood side by side with Ling Xiaojian. Say loudly.

Ling Xiaojian smashed Nanchong Yan, and it really gave him a bad heart.

"Sun Qiong, are you really tired of living?" Tibetan dragon looked to Sun Qiong, and Mei Yu was murderous.

Ling Xiaojian chuckled and said to Sun Qiongdao, "Sun Brothers, Yunhe Xianren's cultivation is that it is amazing all over the world. If you come this way, it will become the enemy of Yunhe Xianren. He is afraid that he will never let go. You, are you not afraid?"

Sun Qiong snorted heavily and said, "I am afraid? I am afraid of it, but I am afraid, and I cannot be scared by two shameless shackles. "Sex" is a small thing and dignity is big!"

"Good!" After listening to Sun Qiong’s words, Ling Xiaojian praised him with great sighs and said, “Sun brothers, you can rest assured! You are not asking for the medicine from Yunhe Xianren. Is it a cure for your sister? Wait a moment, Yunhe Xianren's "medicine" library is yours, what kind of fairy grass "medicine", even if it is taken!"

Ling Xiaojian’s words are very heroic and make Sun Qiong’s heart move. But he didn't take it seriously. Not only did he not take it seriously, but the crowds around him were shaking their heads. In the heart, he praised the heroic spirit of Ling Xiaojian, and at the same time he squeezed a cold sweat for his fate.

"You two arrogant people, can't be lawless! Everyone listens, if anyone can give birth to both of them, then it is a great achievement, we will sue my grandfather, and reward him for it!" Play has started the trick of mobilizing the masses.

It’s just that Ling Xiaojian is not Sun Qiong, the essence of Xianjun’s three products, but it is a master of first class. Everyone present was rarely repaired above him, and the body of Nanchong Yan was still not cool. He was the forerunner of the car. Who dares to take the tiger?

After listening to the words of Hidden Dragon, Ling Xiaojian’s face also immediately sheds a sneer, and the eyes are cold and swaying, and slowly glance at the crowd for a week. When they looked around, everyone hurriedly lowered their heads. I am afraid that the low is slow, causing the misunderstanding of Ling Xiaojian, which is not very good.

" waste!" Among the people, no one responded. The Tibetan dragon was so good that he couldn’t help but angered.

Ling Xiaojian snorted and said, "I will listen to you. Today, this Yunyun Mountain Villa will not receive any more guests. If something is fine, give me back! Don't go late, you have been innocent!"

Ling Xiaojian has one word and is extremely heavy. The audience around the audience wanted to stay and watch the fun, but I was really worried that it would splash on the blood like Ling Xiaojian said. Curiosity kills the cat, this sentence is still touted in the fairy world! [

After a moment of hesitation, everyone did not make a sound, and they turned their bodies and hurried away.

"Let's go, let's go! After that, you can't think about stepping on this door again!" Seeing everyone under the deterrent of Ling Xiaojian, one by one actually turned around and turned around. In the blink of an eye, in front of the mountain gate, it was already It’s a door. There are two small squats in the Hidden Dragon, and the face is white and straight.

Ling Xiaojian listened to the scream of the Tibetan dragon and gave a sneer. "This is your peace of mind! After today, the idle cloud villa will be smouldering, and naturally no one will step on this door!"

"You... you are too arrogant!" Crouching Tiger whispered.

Ling Xiaojian's face "color" is abrupt, the **** "color" is cold, and the voice is low. "The last time I came to visit Yunhe Xianren, you two little sisters will make me all the hardships. It really is true. Today I come, first Find both of you to make this account clear!"

Seeing Ling Xiaojian's face, "Show" and "Shu", murderous, is not like the meaning of joking, the hidden dragon and the tiger are two small, this is a little scared.

"Ling Xiaojian, don't want to mess up! Don't you really want to die?" Under the horror of the Tibetan dragon, even the voice couldn't help but tremble, and a bully would be hard, and the color would be guilty. The face of the little man is full of expression.

"Hey!" Ling Xiaojian screamed, and his figure took a step forward.

Hidden Dragon exclaimed, and the figure involuntarily receded backwards.

"Hidden Dragon, you are topping, I am going to ask Grandpa!" The Crouching Tiger is silent, but the mind is more than the Tibetan Dragon. Seeing that Ling Xiaojian is clear that he wants to move the real thing, he screams and flies to the Yunyun Mountain Villa.

"Crouching tiger, you... you bastard!" How could Hidden Dragon not understand the mind of Crouching Tiger, so he was not angry, and his mouth was straight.

Ling Xiaojian’s evil laughed, and looked at the crocodile who was thrown into the forest and took the road. Zhangkou said, “You are so anxious, let this seat send you a ride!”

In a word, Ling Xiaojian is a palm of his hand, and he is like a javelin thrown out, just like the javelin thrown out, slamming into the back of the tiger!

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