The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2232: Successful breakthrough!

Qin Dong took a look at the special envoy, and nodded slightly, his eyes "exposed" to appreciate the "color". %&*>

Qin Dong turned his head. He wanted to let Su Hongshou, Cao Xiaoxian, and Yue Lun also seize this rare opportunity, and to understand it carefully, so that the cultivation was further improved, but it was discovered that at this time, the faces of several women were all full. I was nervous and worried. I wanted to let them calm down in such a situation and enlighten them. I was afraid that it was unlikely. I shook my head and had to give up.

Perhaps because of being in the fairy ring, the spirit of the fairy spirit is extremely rich, and the breakthrough of Ling Xiaojian is very smooth. About an hour later, the center of the purple "color" light column suddenly revealed seven "colors" of brilliance, sacred and sacred, looking from afar, like a miracle, people can not help but worship.

"It is!" The special envoy suddenly jumped from the ground, and God's "color" was extremely excited.

At the same time, the rest of the people, there is no change in the "color", have come from these seven "color" Huacai, experienced a kind of extraordinary, vast and ethereal, pure and sacred Bo atmosphere. This breath is in harmony with the sky, the land, the peace, the high majesty! If it is not the superpower of the emperor's realm, how can it emit such a breath? [

Just as everyone is immersed in it, when they are stunned by it, a burly figure rises slowly in these seven colors of color, and the light shines four times. It shines on the earth, resembling a heavenly holy day. Everyone’s eyes were drawn to them and they could no longer be moved.

"That... is that Uncle Ling?" Cao Xiaoxian looked at the figure with a stunned look, and asked in excitement in his mouth.

"It's him! It's him!" Su Hongshou's unprecedented excitement, Jiao Tuo "chaos" trembled, talking voices are like floating in the wind, shaking and powerful.

"Xiaodong!" At this time, Ling Xiaojian suddenly gave a clear drink, shaking the eardrums of everyone, straight into the hearts of everyone. %&*>

Qin Dong smiled slightly and sang "Congratulations to the head of the king, to achieve the realm of the emperor!"

"Ha ha ha ... should not be congratulations, but should be the same hi!" Ling Xiaojian gave a sneer, took a step forward, time and space seemed to be distorted at this time, not waiting for everyone to return to God, Ling Xiaojian The people are standing in front of them.

As soon as Ling Xiaojian broke through, the whole person followed a huge change. Whether it is the momentum or the grace, it is the previous Ling Xiaojian, it is difficult to compare. Su Hongshou only looked at it, and he was drunk in his heart, and his love was even more prosperous!

Looking at the Lingxiao sword with a smile and a prestige, the heart of the special envoy is a burst of embarrassment. The feeling of being completely surpassed by someone who is not as good as oneself is naturally not very good.

"Wait, Uncle Ling, you just said that you like Tongxi, what does this mean?" Lu Congrong is the top of the elite of the Emperor, Cao Xiaoxian and his day and night, the strongest of the emperor's realm, long ago Curious and awe, of course, the heart is still happy for Ling Xiaojian's breakthrough, but not like other people, completely submerged in the power of Ling Xiaojian, even the head will almost never turn. Grab a key point in Ling Xiaojian's words, Cao Xiaoxian asked.

Ling Xiaojian looked at Qin Dong and smiled at everyone. "Why, don't you know?"

“Do you know what?” Cao Xiaoxian’s faces met with each other and asked in unison.

Ling Xiaojian pointed his finger at Qin Dong and smiled. "Xiaodong, although low-key is a good thing, but you are too low-key, such a big thing, even not telling everyone?"

Qin Dong smiled and said, "When I come back, I will encounter a breakthrough in Lingzhangmen. Everyone's mind is on you. I want to say but there is no chance."

Listening to Qin Dong and Ling Xiaojian, you came to me to play a mystery, Cao Xiaoxian was a little anxious, and a group of frowning, repeatedly urged "What is it, you say it!"

Ling Xiaojian laughed a few times, and pointed to Qin Dongdao. "You don't want to be happy for me. Before I came back, Xiaodong had already broken through the bottleneck and entered the realm of the emperor!"

"What!?" Ling Xiaojian's voice fell, immediately caused an exclamation. Everyone looked at each other and they all couldn’t believe what Ling Xiaojian said.

The special envoy slammed the arm of Ling Xiaojian, and the voice twitched the voice. "You are not kidding?"

Ling Xiaojian chuckled a sigh: "I am a boring sword? Is it not so boring? And I am not afraid to tell you that I was able to break through, that is also the blessing of Xiaodong, and received his call."

When Qin Dong listened, he shook his head and said: "The key is still the singularity of the singularity of the singularity. It has captured the fascination. Otherwise, even if I dial it again, it is useless!"[

The people couldn't believe it at first. Later, when they heard a conversation between Qin Dong and Ling Xiaojian, they had to believe.

"Scorpio! So young, it is already the Emperor... There is no ancient people before, there is no ancient people before!" The special envoy was completely chaotic, and the head was like a rattle, and his mouth whispered again and again.

"I nicknamed the first person in the world, but he was also in the age of the emperor when he was nearly forty years old. But you... Scorpio, old innocence is unfair, put all your favors on you. One person!" Cao Xiaoxian seems to be going crazy, his expression is wonderful.

Seeing that everyone is more excited than one, it is too late to calm down. Qin Dong smiled and said, "You don't have to worry! In this fairy ring, the spirit of the fairy spirit is so abundant, as long as everyone has no heart, they will work hard and enter the fairy king. It’s just a matter of time."

In a word, it is like a shot of a strong agent, and suddenly let everyone have a feeling of boiling blood. The special envoy's figure was shaken, and he did not stop for a moment. He hurriedly went to practice.

Looking at his back, Ling Xiaojian nodded. "I think he should soon enter the realm of the Emperor. At that time, we have three emperors here, which should be enough to face the Xueqianfeng. A battle."

Listening to Ling Xiaojian said that Cao Xiaoxian was a little excited and shivered. By defeating Xue Qianfeng, you can save your father. At that time, their family of three can be reunited.

Qin Dong's brow wrinkled slightly, not as optimistic as Ling Xiaojian. Now Yunhe Xianren is dead, but there are two cents and two saints under the hands of Xue Qianfeng, and four emperors, plus Xue Qianfeng himself, it is likely that it has reached the middle of the Emperor, even higher. If it is really to fight, the odds of winning on their side are negligible.

Qin Dong Shen "吟" for a moment, Yang said, "Never do not rush to move the snow and peaks, first remove the three immortals, unload their arms, rescue the landlord, and then fight with the snow thousand peaks !"

Ling Xiaojian nodded and said, "This is the most secure, I agree!"

"Right, you went out this time, didn't you deal with Yunhe Xianren? What happened?" Cao Xiaoxian suddenly thought about it and asked.

Ling Xiaojian haha ​​smiled, screaming "Yunhe Xianren fell in the hands of Xiaodong, can you still have a good time? At this time, it has already disappeared!"

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