The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2238: Who is going to test?

"Red ... red blood lion, Wo big brother, how ... how to do?" Looking at the red blood lion, the slick "disorder" turn, revealing the eyes of the cold and fierce light, Xue Qingyi's words Said that it is unfavorable, 芍 "medicine" and rose two gimmicks, but also a delicate body tremble, subconsciously hide behind Warwick. i^

It’s not that “medicine” and Rose think that Warwick is good. It’s really two gimmicks. Among several people, Warwick’s cultivation is the highest, and it may be safer to hide behind him. It was only Warwick who was not the kind of cherished jade. When I saw two hoes leaning against myself, the brows immediately wrinkled, and the dissatisfaction on the face was obvious. If you fight up for a while, if you are tired of these two, are you not tired of him?

Before Warwick’s falsehood, at the juncture of life and death, he suddenly showed his appearance. Warwick unceremoniously turned his eyes to the two gimmicks and shouted: “You are doing what you are doing, I have no intention to take care of you. Two, if you want to live, you have to fight for me!"

"Wowei, you... how can you do this to us?" The two girls’ skins were thin, and when they were helpless, they were so rushed by Warwick, and their eyes flashed. Tears.

Warwick snorted and said, "What happened to me? I told you to come, I want you to fight alongside me, but it is not at the crucial moment to drag my hind legs!"

Seeing that "drugs" and roses are more and more wronged, the tears in their eyes are faintly inflated. Qin Dong is quite intolerable and said to them, "If you believe me, you can come to me and I will do my best to take care of you."

"Qin Dong, don't look for trouble for yourself! You are still a mud bodhisattva soaked in the water!" Warwick stunned Qin Dong with a disappointment and shouted.

Although the "medicine" and the rose are weak women, they also have self-esteem. They are ridiculed by Wowei. They are still eager to seek the protection of Qindong. What's more, the two gimmicks do not think that Qin Dong really Have the ability to take care of them. %&*>

"吼!!!" The red-blooded lion swept a circle, and did not feel the danger from Wowei's body. He made a mad scream, like a horn that blew the attack.

"Wo... Wo Da Ge..." Xue Qing was in the heart of this time, but Warwick hated to die, if not forced by him, where do they face the red blood lion? But for now, they can only rely on Warwick, Xue Qing had to accompany him when he spoke.

"Crap! Of course it is a fight! You also expect this red blood lion to be kind, so let them go?" Warwick took a long breath and scolded Xue Qing.

"Well...but how do you fight?" Xue Qing looked back at the red-blooded lion, and his heart burst into anger.

"Summer, in our few, your body is the fastest, you first try to test the bottom of this red blood lion." Warwick's eyes turned and shouted in the summer.

"I!?" In the summer, I almost didn't lie on the floor, and my heart was straight.

It's no wonder that summer is so angry, and that it is not the same as Warwick, even if he is **** in ten summers. After all, Warwick is the master of the realm of Xianjun, and they are more than a few of them. This is to let him test the red blood lion. It is better to let him go to death.

"Yes, it's you! Why, don't you?" Warwick was arrogant and his eyes flashed coldly.

"Wo... Wo Big Brother, don't make a joke, just do this, I can try to find out the depth of the red blood lion. I..." The summer is about to cry.

"Do not know how to know if you don't try it? Rest assured, there is me, you are not so easy to die!" Warwick seems to be ironic to let the summer try, there is no room for change.

"Wa Big Brother..."

Xue Qinggang was interrupted by Warwick and looked at him with a squint. "Why, you want to go for the summer, I have no opinion."

When Warwick said this, Xue Qing was busy closing his mouth and twisting his head to the side, avoiding the pleading eyes of the summer. It seems that the feelings between the three brothers of the Promise are not the same.

Qin Dong shook his head, although they were not used to it, but saved a life to build a seven-level floating squad, he did not reason to watch them buried under the claws of a small red blood lion. The thoughts in my heart turned, Qin Dong was about to talk. I didn't expect to take the first step in the summer, pointing to his loud voice: "Wu Big Brother, you can let him go. This brother Yi Gao is daring and will not refuse."

When Qin Dong heard it, his face was sullen and he was still thinking about saving this summer. He didn't expect that this summer was not something.

"Right right, let the Qin brothers go! I see that the Qin brothers are all above us, and will be able to test the depth of the red blood lion!" The summer voice fell, Wu Gang immediately echoed loudly. The feelings of the three people are shallower, and they are always deeper than the stranger of Qin Dong. [

"You... how can you let others die for you?" 芍 "Pills" can not see, full of disdain staring at the three people shouted.

"Hey, the drug girl, what do you say in this? Just test the depth of the red blood lion, where will it die?" Summer deliberately put on a confused, and waved his hand.

"You guys..." 芍 "medicine" can not be said by the three-person temperament, a pretty red face.

Qin Dong is a complete understanding of the three guys, a cold smile, do not answer, directly turned their attention to Warwick, want to hear what he said.

Warwick's gaze turned back and forth between Qin Dong and the summer, and his heart seemed to be weighing something. Qin Dong naturally will not be nervous, and a wave of hands can cause the red blood lion to die. But it can't be done in summer. It's a matter of life and death. When I was judged in Warwick's heart, cold sweat was on his face, and it was like a storm.

In this way, two phases and one contrast, who is useful, who is useless, but let Warwick see clearly. With Qin Dong, it is certainly more useful than the summer with a pustule!

With an idea, Warwick immediately looked at the summer, and the face was cold and harsh. "Let's talk nonsense, just go!"

"Wo Big Brother..." The desperation of a face in the summer, the look is extremely collapsed.

Warwick glared and said, "Don't talk nonsense! We are so many people, can't we save you? Go! I don't have to use the red blood lion to shoot, I will cook you first!"

Warwick’s voice just fell, and a hot breath of fire had already swept through them. The people looked up and saw that the red-blooded lion was flying high and was fighting the rabbit with a goose. Go straight to them. It’s not a red blood lion. This kind of rush is not just as quick and simple.

"You waste!" Warwick couldn't help but scream. I wanted to test the depth of the red blood lion first, and then do the calculations. Now it is good. The red blood lion rushed to attack the attack first. There is no other way, but I have to fight hard.

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