The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2241: The scarf wins the eyebrows!

"Qin brothers, this is not a joke.%&*>

Qin Dong has not yet received the speech, Xue Qing shouted with a scorpion, "芍" medicine, here is nothing for you, you shut me up!" Then, and quickly rushed out a smile, on Qin Dong It’s a boxing fist, and it’s a road to swearing. “Qin brothers, I’m not a thing, I’m offended to you, and I’m asking you to ignore the villain!... This time, if you can help me through this difficult time, I will Xue Qing, I will never treat you with a stepless door, there will be a thick report!"

"Xue Qing, are you here three-year-old children? At that time, people are dead, what are you talking about? If you want to be a man, don't let others die for you!" The more angry, I couldn't help but pointed at Xue Qing's nose and snorted. She is afraid of Warwick, afraid to wear Yunge, but Xue Qing and Promise, but she is not afraid.

"Smelly head!" Seeing the vitality, Xue Qing’s heart was filled with hope. I didn’t expect it to be stirred up by the drug. Xue Qing looked at the eyes of the drug and immediately smashed it.

At this time, Warwick couldn't see Qin Dong. Why did others avoid it? He Qindong was eager to get rid of it. Is he too stupid, still too confident, not knowing the depth? In any case, Warwick still feels that Qin Dong is more useful than Xue Qing, and he wants to persuade him to say a few words. Unexpectedly, he has not waited until he opens his mouth. Qin Dong seems to have expected what he wants to say, and waved his hand. Xiao smiled and said, "Wu Da Ge, you also saw, Xue Qing faced the red blood lion, almost lost his fighting spirit, even if he let him stay, in addition to let him take a "sex" life, no matter how It doesn't make any sense. You don't always think naively, he really has the courage and skill, can entangle the red blood lion, and get enough escape time for us?"[

"Yes, yeah, I... I can't do it!" Even if it was Qindong, it would be hard to listen to it. Xue Qing couldn't care. No matter what, for him, keeping the "sex" life is always more important than dignity. %&*>

Warwick turned his head and swept Xue Qing, and when he saw his pocket, his heart would be blocked. After careful consideration, what Qin Dong said is really not without reason. If you pin your hopes on Xue Qing, you might as well believe that the sows will climb trees. But Qin Dong...

"Qin Dong, have you really decided?" Warwick frowned.

Qin Dong did not hesitate any more. He nodded heavily. "Yes! You should go first. When you are safe, I will find a way to get out. When we meet in front!"

"Qin brothers..." 芍 "medicine" opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

Warwick raised his hand and said, "Okay! Qin brothers, we are all waiting for you!"

Warwick really appreciates Qin Dong and can appreciate it again. He will not give up his "sex" life for Qin Dong. After not thinking about how long, Warwick made a decision.

After listening to Warwick's words, Xue Qing's heart suddenly slammed, and his legs were soft. Fortunately, he woke up in time to force his body shape, otherwise he would be shameful.

"Qin Brothers, your great grace, I will not forget Xue Qing!"

Looking at the Qin Qing, who was greeted by Qin Dong, he was greeted by the "medicine" and the rose, and his heart was in the middle of Xue Qing. Don't look at his superficial thank you to Qin Dong, secretly, how can you laugh at Qin Dong stupid!

The rose, which has never been sounded, suddenly squeezed the palm of the medicine. The two hoes get along with each other, almost growing up together, and they have already formed a tacit understanding. The medicinal medicine immediately understood the heart of Rose and nodded lightly.

"Brothers, we are both to help you!" 芍 "medicine" took a long breath and suddenly said loudly.

Qin Dong couldn't help but be amazed. However, I didn't expect that these two gimmicks, which seemed to be weak and windy, had such courage and loyalty.

"芍"药", 蔷薇, are you two crazy?" Wowei brows, full of surprise and shouted at the two.

芍 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” In this tens of thousands of valleys, death is just a matter of time. So if it is always dying, can we die with someone who looks at us with pleasing eyes and admiration, isn’t it a beautiful thing?”

"You two..." Warwick's face "color" could not help but change. He thought that "medicine" and rose, but two ignorant, stupid gimmicks, I did not expect that they also There is a seven-year-old exquisite heart.

"Wu Da Ge, they want to die, just follow them, we still have to go!" Xue Qing Yu Guangyu went to the red blood lion and began to play around them, a heart suddenly hung to the eyes of the blind, It’s a moment that I don’t want to stay here anymore, I just can’t wait to be able to lie on my wings, which is far away.

"Good! This is your own choice, I respect you! You want to stay, let's stay!" Warwick also saw it, 芍 "medicine" and Rose, even if he followed him, would not help him. Can only become cumbersome. It is better to be here, the troubles of the province.

"Qin brothers, you take care of yourself, we will have a period later!" Chong Qindong hugged his fist, and Warwick never stayed, flying to the depths of the valley. [

"These things that are timid and afraid of death are really laughing people!" Looking at their backs, the eyes of "medicine" are full of disdain.

Qin Dong smiled and turned to look at the two gimmicks. From the beginning, Qin Dong really did not have a good look at them, it is because Qin Dong just regarded them as passers-by, strangers, but now it is a little different, Qin Dong regards them as friends.

Don't look at the "medicine" and the rose are just two girls, the performance at the crucial moment, compared to Xue Qing, Wu Gang, summer men, do not know how many times to force.

"You said that you are really good, good end, why do you have to stay and die?" Warwick left, 芍 "medicine" could not help but complained to Qin Dong.

Qin Dong said with a smile, "Don't you stay?"

"We...we are fainted!" 芍 "Pharmaceutical" smashed his feet and annoyed.

Qin Dong shook his head and smiled. "Trust me, you not only have not lost your head, but have made the most wise decision in your life!"

芍 "Pharmaceutical" white gave him a look, whispered: "To accompany you to die? I can not see, this decision is wise."

"Sister, since we have made a choice, what is the use of these? If it is urgent, think about it, how to deal with the red blood lion?" Rose said, faintly said.

"How to deal with it? At the moment, there is only one way to be afraid!" 芍 "Pharmaceutical" eyebrows slightly clustered, adding a little cute to her.

"What way, sister, you are going to say!" Wei Wei eagerly urged the road.

芍 "药" white gave her a look, snorted, "what way, let it eat three of us, live to kill it!"

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