The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2243: Two hoes are in a hurry!

芍 "药" was shocked, the rose stayed, the two hoes stayed in place, the lips were big, the apricots were round and sly, and at first glance, it was like being cast a mantra For a long while, the two hoes did not move, and even the breathing stopped. %&*>

"Rose, you...have you seen it?" After a while, I asked the drug.

Rose slowly nodded, and muttered: "I saw it, but I... I am not sure if I saw it really..."

"Two girls, you first go to the side, let me clean up this beast!" Just as the "drug" and the rose were shocked and stunned, they didn't know where they were, Qin Dong's clear voice, Suddenly they rang at the top of their heads.

The two gimmicks even took a nap, and suddenly woke up with the gods. The tacit understanding that has been cultivated for many years is different. The two gimmicks can't even communicate with each other's eyes. They all rely on instinct and jump at the same time, one left and one right. They seized Qin Dong’s two arms. [

"Don't! Don't!" 芍 "Pharmaceutical" screamed, and the voice was not urgent.

Although Rose did not yell like the "medicine", it can be seen. In order to seize Qin Dong's arm and prevent him from shooting, she even made the effort to eat "milk".

"You... are you mistaken? Your enemy is a red blood lion, not me. How come you rushed to me?" Qin Dongqiang held back his smile, and asked for it.

芍 "药" turned to look at the red blood lion, only to eat a lot of Qin Dong a foot, the red blood lion is obviously eating a lot of bitterness, at this time trembled from the ground stood up, full With vigilance and fear of fear, Qin Dong was constantly screaming in the throat. There was no shackles and fierceness at the beginning. It seemed to be a bit pitiful. %&*>

芍 "药" is like eating a ecstasy, and once it shakes, it will not stop for a while. The heart is completely understood, and the daring of Qin Dong has always been hidden in the "dew", and he only said that if the red lion is to be a spiritual pet, it is not a bragging move.

Red blood lion, super fighting spirit, if you can surrender it, it is not only prestige, but more importantly, when they walk in the world, they are not afraid of being bullied. When they returned to the Baihua Palace with the red blood lion, they did not know how many sisters they would envy. If it was so cleaned up by Qin Dong, they would not be crying more than the red blood lion.

"Qin...Qin Shaoxia..." 芍 "Pharmaceutical" opened, subconsciously want to call Qindong's name, but a Dongzi to the mouth, she is swallowing back. Realizing that Qin Dong is deep in hiding, where does she dare to be as unscrupulous as before?

"Hey, the drug girl, I will say something if I have something! If it is not now, I will tidy up the red blood lion, and wait for him to slow down, fearing that it will cost a lot of hands and feet."

芍 "Pills" want to talk, but it is really not to say, to know that she is still vocal to question whether Qindong is out of heart. I can’t say it myself, and I’m rushing to the “color”. As everyone knows, Rose's mind is not much worse than her, and she can't pull her face for a while.

Taking advantage of the entanglement of the three men, the red blood lion still does not give up, but thought it was an opportunity to once again rushed toward Qin Dong. This time, the goal of the Red Blood Lion is very clear, that is, to take the "sex" life of Qin Dong. This animal is not stupid, from the foot of Qin Dong, it has been understood that among the three, only Qin Dong is its deadly threat.

"Hey, a good animal, I really don't see the coffin, no tears!" Qin Dong snorted a few times, and the micro-capacity, will smash the "drug" and the violent shock of the rose to the sides, freeing the right hand, the claws Grabbing, in the air, a huge claw shadow, immediately broke through the clouds, as fast as a thunder, crushed down.

Under the gaze of "drugs" and stunned eyes, in the horror of the red blood lions who realized that they were not good, the huge claws directly caught the neck of the red blood lion, the red blood The shape of the lion quickly saved, like a sudden power cut, the power suddenly disappeared, even the body shape is set in the air, it is difficult to move forward.

That red blood lion is really unlucky enough. Just a short time ago, I met a metamorphosis of Qin Dong, a metamorphosis of the emperor. At this time, I struggled with my limbs and tried to break free from the giant claws. Binding, just by its micro-end, where can it be done?

The more it struggles, the tighter the claws will be, and the more snoring the red lions will make.

Looking at the scene of this scene, the two gimmicks of "medicine" and rose, stayed again. This kind of power, they are definitely the first experience, the heart is shocked, the words are hard to describe.

Seeing that the red blood lion is going to be killed by Qin Dong lively, Rose first returned to the gods, and shouted in a hurry. "Qin Shaoxia, his mercy!"

Rose shouted, 芍 "medicine" also immediately reacted, and rushed forward to catch Qin Dong's hand.

Qin Dong smiled slightly and received the claw shadow. The red blood lion regained his freedom. He slammed and fell from the air. The "sex" life of the red blood lion is saved, but the sharpness before it is almost wiped out. After landing, I dared to move indiscriminately. I was busy on the ground, shivering in my body, and my mouth was screaming like a cry.

At this time, 药 "medicine", when Rose went to see the red blood lion, he was no longer afraid of it, leaving only pity and sympathy. [

"Two girls, this animal kills countless people, keeping fear is a big scourge, or it is good to remove." Qin Dong made a very serious expression, said.

"Qin Shaoxia, the beast killing, is often not the fault of the fairy beast. It is the human beings who broke into their territory first, they will be forced to defend themselves, in fact... in fact, they can't blame them." Said faintly.

Qin Dong sighed and punched her with a fist, and praised: "The girl "medicine" is really a bodhisattva heart, admirable! Well! Since the "medicine" girl pleads for this animal, then I will spare it. Let it disappear from my eyes immediately!"

"Cancel... Disappear? Don't!" 芍 "Pharmaceutical" is anxious, and can't help but jump up. It’s hard to catch such a powerful spiritual pet. If you give up in vain, it’s better to kill her. At the very least, it will make her die.

"Rose, what are you doing there, talk quickly! This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, once you miss it, you will never have it again!" 芍 "medicine" rushed to the rose and smashed. The anxious **** "color", the cute and charming of a flower girl, is vividly displayed.

Rose is also anxious, and my heart is raising words. As soon as I look up, I suddenly see a smile on Qin Dong’s eyebrows. I suddenly understand everything. I smiled and said to me, "Good." "Pharmaceutical", you should not worry, Qin Shaoxia has plans."

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