The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2248: Damn it!

When Gao Hai’s words came out, it’s really not to scare the “drugs” and the roses. The two people subconsciously went backwards. %&*>

"You... you really have to be shameless!" asked the screaming voice of the drug.

Gao Jiangxiao laughed and said, "Since this is the case, what do you say about nonsense?"

"Red blood lion, up!" Gao Jiang's voice fell, 芍 "medicine" suddenly issued a resent. The red blood lion is very obedient, not waiting for the "medicine" voice to land, its body shape has already reached the midair, the steel whip-like tail suddenly swept away, bringing a series of rumbling rumbling, large blockbuster strong overbearing fairy Force, at the same time rushed to the high family three brothers.

"This red blood lion is really extraordinary!" Seeing the rapid offensive of the red blood lion, Gao Jiang is not surprised, but more and more happy. [

Even if it is the same as the red blood lion, the combat power is also high. Undoubtedly, this red blood lion in front of you is definitely the leader in the ethnic group.

"The animals are stunned!" According to the previous agreement, Gao Hai jumped out at the first time, and his right palm smashed, waving like a waterfall, condensing into a purple light, welcoming the attack of the red blood lion. .

In the end, it is the master of the three kings of Xianjun. Although the offensive of the Red Blood Lion is fierce, it is still blocked by Gao Hai.

"Big brother, are you alone?" Gaohe asked some questions without confidence.

Gao Hai screamed, his figure rose, his palms lifted up, and a purple light immediately emerged from his palm, and then swayed like a big curtain, covering the red blood lion. i^

The red blood lion feels the threat, and the sky is arrogant, and the blood red 鬃 "毛" erected by the roots is as bright as a ruby. I saw the red-blooded lion smashing the giant, and the blood-red "color" 鬃 "毛", at the same time, "shot" out like a fine red needle, hitting the purple "color" curtain hit it.

This countless thin red light hits the purple "color" curtain, just like the steel needle "shooting" on the steel plate, and the sound of the crisp and sweet jingle sounds instantly. It can be seen that whether it is the red blood lion or the high sea, the cultivation of one body has reached the realm of illusion.

Purple "color" light curtain, although the momentum is full, under such a dense needle rain offensive, can not help but some can not resist. The purple "color" light curtain trembled in the air, and suddenly broke a huge gap, a red light like a steel needle, and passed through the gap, and went to Gao Hai himself.

"Hey!" Gao Haikou screamed in anger, and the big sleeves swayed like a wind and a cloud, and those red light that "shot" to the front, rolled into the side, while the right palm flashed out, and the purple split into two halves. The "color" light curtain suddenly bursts open, and the majestic Xian Li Deng rushes out, just like the torrent of the broken bank, and it is impossible to clean up. The red blood lion realized that it was wrong and wanted to hide. After all, it was a slow step. It was directly passed by a purple light and flew out.

Fortunately, the red-blooded lion skin is thick and thick, but it can withstand this blow. It doesn't take long before the figure falls, and then stands up again.

"Gao Jiang, you are still a bit of a vision, this red blood lion, really extraordinary!" Seeing the red blood lion so quickly stood up again, and resumed fighting spirit, Gao Hai nodded slightly, praised.

Gao Jiang listened to his mouth and went straight to the back of his head. He said: "Big brother, you must help me to conquer this beast."

High sea surface "color" nodded solemnly, said: "Do not worry! When did the big brother let you down? But if you want to successfully conquer it, you have to rely on you to help. Hurry and kill them!"

Gao Hai’s voice just fell, and the shape of the red blood lion has already rushed to his front. Look at the **** red lion of the red blood lion, 80% is the real anger. Gao Hai’s figure retreats slightly, avoiding the sharp edge of the red-blooded lion. When the red lion’s rush is a little bit, his body shape suddenly erupts, and the virtual reality is straightforward. The red blood lion is surrounded by death.

Seeing that the red blood lion is trapped by the high sea, the "medicine" can be described as anxious. If the red blood lion died in the hands of Gao Hai, then she must not live to be depressed?

"You three bastards, this girl is fighting with you!" The eagerness of the "medicine" is not a general impulse. No matter whether the cultivation of Gaojiang and Gaohe is far above her, and waving the palm of the hand, they have to rush to fight with the two.

"芍" Drugs can't be smashed!" Seeing 芍 "medicine" is almost a "suicide" move, and Rose is in a hurry. If he doesn't want to, he will smash the drug.

"Sister Wei, what are you doing with me, don't you hear what they said?" 芍 "Pharmaceutical" struggled while screaming at the rose.

"芍" medicine, they just want to irritate you, that is, let you lose your senses, which makes them more likely to succeed!" [

"Hey! Smelly head, to deal with these three small shrimps, also made such a big heart?" After listening to the words of the rose, Gao He snorted, and the face was full of sarcasm.

In the heart of Rose, it is inevitable that it will sink, and there will be some despair in faintness. Any one of the Gaojia three brothers can easily put them to death. In front of Gaojiang and Gaohe, they have no chance of winning. "Oh... you said that you two gimmicks, if you promise us from the beginning, why should you make this happen? Now it is good, we are riding a tiger, not killing you. It’s a pity!" Gao Jiangzui said It’s a pity that it’s not the same thing on the face, and the murderousness goes straight out of his eyebrows.

"Well! The person who wears the Yunge, let me open my eyes again today! I really didn't think that this person could be shameless to such a point, it is really admirable!" Qin Dong, who has been watching with cold eyes, finally No longer silent, slowly coming forward.

"Qin Shaoxia, we... we are tired of you." Rose said to Qin Dong with a bit of awkward look.

Qin Dong shook his head with a smile, saying, "Why should you say such a thing between friends? Then again, three jump clowns, where is the tiredness of talking?"

"Jumping the clown?" 芍 "Pharmaceutical" and Rose can not help but face each other, Qin Dong is really a word that is not surprisingly endless. If the Gaojia three brothers are just jumping clowns, what are they?

"Kid, are you tired of living?" Qin Dong’s words made Gao Jiang and Gao He a slight glimpse. It was only after a while that I woke up with God. Gao Jiang immediately jumped up like a tiger who "touched" his ass, pointing to Qin Dong's nose and screaming.

"People who wear Yungege, really **** it!" Qin Dong, who was still talking and laughing, had a thick frost on his face. If you are familiar with Qin Dong, at this time, you will definitely avoid it far away, so you can't figure out how you die.

Gao Jiang’s guts are 'amazing', Qin Dong’s voice has not yet landed, Gaohe suddenly rushed up like a ghost, a right palm, condensed with a pound of Xianli, and rushed to Qindong’s chest. past……

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