The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2261: Snowy!

"Four seniors, wake up, don't take advantage of this despicable villain.%&*>

Burning the golden phoenix, the war mad lion, the fighting fire dragon, the purple unicorn four great sacred beasts, together with the rice buds tied by the five flowers, came out from the jungle. Mifen kept pleading for the four holy beasts, but the expressions of the four holy beasts were like marble carvings, and the cold and ice were full of indifference, and they were not moved at all.

In order to be able to catch Mifen live, Ren Kai did not spend less effort to send the four holy beasts together. In the face of such a lineup, even if Mifen grows three heads and six arms, it is only a matter of hand.

"Hey, stinky, don't bother, the four of them are now spiritual pets, only controlled by the colorful scorpion. If other people say, they will not listen." Ren Kai smiled coldly.

Putting Miffin down, the four holy beasts will stand behind the masters of the four sages. It seems that these four masters should be the masters of the four great beasts now. [

"Ren Kai, you, a despicable and shameless villain, will not have a good end!" Mifen saw Ren Kai, and immediately immediately raised a burst of indignation. The most kind-hearted Mifen in the heart, can actually hate this person, this Ren Kai is also proud of himself.

After being separated from Xue Yao, Mifen was hiding in Tibet in order to survive. He did not hesitate to take risks in this valley. He always bears the threat of life. Naturally, he is extremely bad. Full of embarrassment and exhaustion, there are still a few wounds that have not yet healed, and the blood on his body is very heart-rending.

"Let's relax!" Ren Kai screamed and screamed at the exit. A master of the three kings of Xianjun, who was next to him, immediately rushed out, and the slap of the slap hit Miffin's face, directly hitting Miffin's pain. With a cry, fell to the ground. %&*>

"Smelly girl! What are you, dare to talk to me like this?" Ren Kai face "lu" fierce, murderous shouting.

Mifen showed a reluctant side of the "sex" style, forcing the pain, straightening his neck, and screaming at Muffin: "There is skill, you kill me now!"

"Haha... that's not ok. I also hope to use you to catch a big fish! But you can rest assured that when the rain is hooked, I will naturally fulfill you."

"You... you want to hurt Snow Brother!!" Miffin asked in amazement.

Ren Kai nodded and smiled. "It's really smart! No wonder the snowy idiot will value you so much."

"No, no!" Miffin struggled to stand up from the ground, and her mouth shouted incessantly.

Ren Kai will listen to her words and stand there and sneer. Muffin shouted and shouted with all his strength. "Snow brother, here is the trap, you must not come, don't be fooled! Snow big brother..."

"Give me a shut up!"

The master who slapped Mifen, rushed up again, Ren Kai cold smiled and called him, the faint road "don't care about her, let her shout. The louder she shouts, the more she will come. Our This little cabinet owner, that is really a big hero who is passionate and righteous, hahaha..."

"The surname is, I really didn't think that you knew me so well!" Ren Kai's laughter has not stopped yet, and a cold voice suddenly rang, followed by a figure of **** body, falling from the sky, not Xue Yao and who is it?

"Snow Big Brother!" Mifen saw Xue Yao, and a pair of eyes suddenly smashed up, tears involuntarily rushed out, sobbing "Snow Brother, you should not come, this is a trap, the surname is to kill you!"

Xue Yao is a burly figure, and he has a square face. His eyes are full of gods and his anger is stored in it. When people look at it, they know that this is a bright and upright, with a sturdy mind, fearless life and death, and a sense of seriousness. The true man.

Xue Yao looked at Mifen and smiled. "You are my sister who knows Xue Yao. I know that you are in danger. I don't come to save. What brother is I doing?"

Xue Yao’s words made Muffin so touched, tears like a broken bead, rolling down.

Ren Kai turned to look at Xue Yao and sneered, saying: "The lesser owner is the lesser, and it is really powerful! It broke through the dark whistle that I laid down, and silently killed it. If you don't say anything, I will start directly with me, I may have died under your sword."

Don't look at Ren Kai's face full of sneer, it seems very calm, but in the depths of his eyes, but clearly reveals the embers. Although Ren Kai people are insidious, their qualifications are very mediocre. To the present, it is just a fairyland. It is not an opponent of Xue Yao. Otherwise, he does not need to arrange such a big battle. [

Xue Yao sneered and said: "You can rest assured that my snow is not as mean and shameless as you are. I want to kill you, I will kill you in person, never sneak behind!"

"Snow Brother, are you injured?" Seeing Xue Yao's body was bruised, Muffin's face was full of worry.

Xue Yao smashed his hand and waved his sword. He said, "No, these blood are all others."

Muffin took a light breath and immediately raised it again. The four immortal masters of Ren Kai’s side are all sultry and horny, and Xue Yao’s power is not their opponent.

"The surname is now, I have already come, you are coming out!" Xue Yao is really proud, single-handedly, facing the four masters of the three kings, plus four holy beasts, but the face is the slightest No fear, Jian Jianer refers to Ren Kai, and screams.

Ren Kai coughed and said, "Snow Yao, if you talk about the front first, things are going to this situation today, you can't blame me. It's you again and again, the rebellious cabinet owner is the first, the owner is also no way. I have to make this decision..."

"I am embarrassed!" Waiting for Ren Kai to finish the conversation, Xue Yao sighed and spit, and sighed "The surname, do you think that Xue Yao is an idiot? This is what you mean, or my father's Meaning, I am very clear in my heart! Oh, I want to be a biaozi, and I want to set up a memorial archway, the beauty you want!"

Ren Kai was bitterly stunned by Xue Yao, and his face was thicker, and he could not help but be slightly red. I can't help myself to despise myself. There are no outsiders here. Why should you still play with a dying person? It’s just that you’re not interested.

"Good! Since you know everything, then I will not talk nonsense. Less owner, you are ready to go on the road!"

"Let me get on the road? Hey... I’m afraid it’s not that easy!" Xue Yao snorted a few times, his wrists shook a little, and the sword in his hand immediately sounded like a dragon’s bang, and at the same time Invisible but biting cold, quickly diffused and spread, let Ren Kai and the four masters of the three immortals of the three sides even hit a few chills.

"Cold dragon sword!?" Ren Kai's brow immediately wrinkled, and his expression was a lot dignified. Obviously, this sword is very taboo.

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