The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2266: Baihua Palace, proud and exulting!

"You know it!" Baihua said coldly. %&*>

"Hundreds of flowers, since you are so ruthless and unrighteous, then you can't blame me." Ren Kai face "color" cold, staring at the Baihua Palace, the faint road.

In the heart of the flower, I asked, "What do you want to do?"

Ren Kaixie laughed and said again and again, "You are daring to join the world, and cooperate with the disciples under the door to kill our little cabinet owners. As a deputy cabinet owner who wears Yungege, I naturally want to ask you justice!"

"The surname is yours, you are planted and framed!" I did not expect Ren Kai to do such a thing, the Baihua Palace Lord was shocked and angry. [

Since I have already torn my face, Ren Kai has no worries, cold and cold, "I am not looking for a scapegoat. You are coming right. Baihuarou, I am a caring for you, but you are so determined, really let me Disappointment! However, if you are willing to change your mind now, I can give you another chance."

Baihua softly smiled and glanced at the three Sanpinxians next to him. "Do you think you have decided to eat me?"

Ren Kai’s hands are playing, and the faint road is “obvious!”

"That may not be! 芍 "medicine", 蔷薇!" Baihua softly screamed.芍 "Medical" and Rose immediately uttered a whistle at the same time. In an instant, the rumbling sounded like the sound of a tank, and it rang through the clouds.

Even if Ren Kai is a fool, he can guess that there must be something terrible in the vicinity, and the face "color" becomes dignified immediately. Sure enough, a lion cub came, the shape of the red blood lion, like a sharp arrow off the string, smashing out from the jungle. When the four claws fell heavily on the ground, it was like stepping on the heart of Ren Kai, and let Ren Kai involuntarily hit a few times. %&*>

"Red blood lion!?" Ren Kai exclaimed, and the three trinity sages who subconsciously approached him were close to some. He is a little fairy, in front of the red blood lion, only serves as a snack.

"How, Ren Kai, just a red blood lion, will you scare you like this?" Looking at the face of Ren Kai's "color", Baihuagong said with a cold smile. Ren Kai deceived her door to the Baihua Palace several times. The arrogance of the arrogance has long made the Baihua Palace a sigh of relief. This time, there is a chance, and it is natural to have a good sprinkle.

Was ridiculed by the main flower of the Baihua Palace, Ren Kai gradually calmed down, a red blood lion only, is equivalent to the second product Xianjun, and can not change anything. However, after waiting for Ren Kai to finish his breath, the earth under his feet trembled fiercely, just like a small earthquake that caused Ren Kai’s body to sway.

"What happened?" Ren Kai did not know what was going on at the moment. God's "color" was tight, and he hurriedly asked.

At this moment, just a few dozen feet in front of him, several people were holding a huge tree, and suddenly, by an inexplicable force, they were broken at the same time, and then they were thrown high in the air. . Immediately, the dragon's huge and unparalleled figure appeared.

Is the dragon elephant not comparable to the red blood lion? When it first appeared, it immediately became the center of the world. The body of a mountain like a stalwart, where the light stood there, simply did not need to move, it was enough to bring a huge deterrent. Anyway, when I saw the dragon elephant, Ren Kai was like a man who had cast a spell. When he was on the road, he was stuck there and could not move.

Even the three three-character sinisters beside him were also lightly swayed by the dragons, and the gods were greatly changed, which was ten times more tense than the previous one.

"Where... Where is the dragon statue?" After a while, Ren Kaicai slowly returned to God, and asked a question.

The Baihua Palace Lord smiled like a flower. "This dragon elephant and the red blood lion are the two spiritual darlings who have recently joined the palace. Are you a deputy cabinet owner, have you got your eyes?"

With the addition of the Dragon Elephant and the Red Blood Lion, the strength of the Baihua Palace has increased by a few. The current Baihua Palace is no longer the soft persimmon that can be bullied and unable to resist. This can be seen from the expression of Ren Kai’s horror. The Baihua Palace Lord has never been as proud as it is at this moment. Can her smile not be brilliant?

"Impossible! Red blood lions are gone, dragon elephant is so easy to surrender?" Ren Kai's first reaction is not to believe, said again and again.

The main flower of the Baihua Palace snorted. "I really don't see the coffin, no tears! Rose, prove it to him!"

The rose was crisp and pleasing, and the body shape followed the vacant space. A rise and fall, unbiased, and steady standing on the broad back of the dragon. From the beginning to the end, the dragon elephant did not react at all, as if all of this was justified.

"Difficult... Isn't she talking about it?" Ren Kai’s heart suddenly slammed. [

Rose standing on the back of the dragon elephant is really not a prestige. Seeing Kay Kay’s "color" change, sneer, jade pointed at him, and shouted: "Dragon elephant, give him some color" look!"

The voice of Rose was lost. Ren Kai had not had time to respond, and he saw the dragon elephant, and rushed to Ren Kai, opening a big mouth. One voice like "吟", suddenly rang through the clouds, rolled up a gust of wind, and shouted toward Ren Kai.

Ren Kai couldn't avoid it. He was directly thrown to the ground by this gust of wind. The situation was really awkward.

"The owner!" The three three-character sinisters were busy stepping forward, and Ren Kai was dug out from a pile of gravel and dead leaves.

Looking at the horror, Ren Kai, who was pale in color, asked the owner of the Baihua Palace, "How about, as the deputy cabinet owner, this time, do you believe it?"

There is nothing left in a red blood lion, but a dragon elephant can be added, and the owner of the Baihua Palace is also the creator of Xianjun. The two sides really want to move their hands. The situation has turned sharply, completely beyond the expectations of Ren Kai, even if Ren Kai is arrogant, there is no panic.

Mainly, his heart is still imaginary. Today, these people here, even if they escaped one, he will be ruined.

"Isn't it too fast to let the younger masters release?" The Baihuagong master suddenly gave a sigh of relief, and actually shocked Ren Kai.

"No! I have gone through all the hardships, and I have such a situation today. I will never admit defeat! The four of you are still doing what you are doing, not giving me over!" Ren Kai turned to look at the four holy beasts and shouted. .

The Lord of the Flower Palace gave a sneer and said, "Ren Kai, when you are a smart person, you also have a confused time. Do you think that with these four holy beasts, can you help escape the catastrophe today?"

The Holy Beast is in heaven and heaven, it is definitely the strongest of the top, but when it comes to the fairy world, it is obviously not enough. On the same day, Xue Qianfeng was deliberately trying to conquer the Holy Orcs. He only hoped that the Holy Orcs could replace him to conquer the heavens and the heavens and the human world. As for the conquest in the fairy world, Xue Qianfeng did not expect them at all, because they simply could not count on them. Spiritual power and Xianli are not at all a level of things. The holy beast and the immortal have a different kind of cloud.

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