The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2272: Enter the fairy ring!

Qin Dong sneered, "I have no plans to kill him. %&*>

Ren Kaiyi is even more happy than winning, and nodded again and again. "If the young man can let a certain "sex" life, Ren is absolutely willing to put Xue Qianfeng's plot!"

Qin Dong brows wrinkled, cold road "Why, do you like betrayal? First, the landlord, now you can even betray the betrayal without hesitation?"

Ren Kaixuan’s dry laughter said, “People don’t want to destroy themselves!”

"Hey!" Although Xue Yao has now rebelled through the Yunge Pavilion, and Xue Qianfeng has also torn the face, but they are still father and son, the same blood flowing in the body. Seeing Xue Qianfeng was sold by Ren Kai in this way, and Xue Yao’s heart still felt uncomfortable. [

"Damn! It seems that we have to temporarily cheap this mess!" Baihua Palace, the main name of the female hero, is the most hateful, for the villain Ren Kai, but then quickly!

"Qin Brothers, even if my father has a trust in Ren Kai, he will never lend him the infinite period of time. I am afraid that the deadline has already arrived, and the colorful scorpion still has to go back automatically." Xue Yao said to Qin Dong frowning. .

Qin Dong gently nodded and turned his eyes to Ren Kai. Before Qin Dong spoke, Ren Kai responded with great initiative. "Seven days! Xue Qianfeng only gave me seven days of permission, and now there are three days left. time."

"What can I do? With this colorful cymbal, Xue Qianfeng can continue to conquer the fairy beast and become a spiritual pet. He will be invincible." The main flower of the Baihua Palace was frowning, and he said with a worried look. .

Qin Dong sneered and snorted. "In this world, no one can beat it. %&*>

The face of the main flower of the Baihua Palace was on the rise, and asked crisply, "How come, do you have a solution?"

Qin Dong smiled slightly and turned to look at the "medicine" and the rose. He asked, "You don't want to know, where did I get your spiritual pet?"

Rose and 芍 "medicine" looked at each other and nodded in a hurry.

From the beginning to the present, this has always been the biggest mystery in everyone's mind. Even Ren Kai has widened his eyes and can't conceal his inner curiosity.

Qin Dong looked at the owner of the Baihua Palace. The heart of the Baihua Palace was trembled with a few tremors. A pair of eyes also stunned. Looking at Qin Dong, he asked excitedly, "I can... I can go too?" ”

"Of course! Since they are all of their own, this is justified! Not only can the palace owner go, but Snow Brother can."

"Can I also?" Xue Yao was taken aback. Although he has already indicated his position, he is the son of Xue Qianfeng. This relationship cannot be lost anyway. Xue Yao did not expect to be trusted by Qin Dong, so he was surprised.

Qin Dong smiled and said, "What, Snow Big Brother doesn't want to go?"

"No, no, I just think..." Xue Yao was so touched, and some did not know what to say.

Qin Dong waved his hand and looked serious. "Even if others don't go, Snow Big Brother must go. Because there is a person who wants to see you, you must also want to see her, waiting for you."

"Who is it?" Xue Yao asked subconsciously.

Qin Dong shook his head with a smile. "You will know when you go."

Just when people were in doubt in their hearts, a glare, suddenly rising in front of them, followed by a huge force that was invisible but not allowed to resist them, slammed into their bodies. It seems to fly high into the air. When the crowd exclaimed, they looked back and looked at it. It was a white sky. Everything in the heavens and the earth seemed to disappear for a moment.

Fortunately, such a weird and terrible situation did not last long, and the figure of the people suddenly sank, and then their feet stepped on the ground. At the same time, the white sky that enveloped them was like the sea that retreated from the tide, and quickly disappeared without a trace. Everything in front of us was slowly clear. [

"It's beautiful!" Binoculars can see things, and the Baihuagong master can't help but give a sigh. This woman, the beauty of things, always lacks resistance, especially the scenery of this fairyland, has been raised for thousands of years, has never been destroyed by the outside world, pure, beautiful, comparable to the peach blossom source of anyone's mind, the beauty is fascinating The Baihua Palace is naturally unable to withstand it.

The main force of the Baihua Palace has been quite good. The "drugs", the roses and the disciples of the Baihua Palace have long been stunned, as if they have drank the most intoxicating wine in the world, and they don't know where they are.

Compared with these women, Xue Yao is more concerned about it, but it is the intense and scary spirit of the spirit that is surging around this week. As the owner of the Shaoge Pavilion, Xue Yao’s knowledge is naturally beyond the reach of ordinary people. Moreover, within the jurisdiction of the Yunyun Pavilion, there are indeed a few places, so that all the eyes of the immortal world are envious of the two eyes, the self-cultivation of the water. But the scent of the spirits accumulated in the so-called cultivation treasures, afraid of being added together, is also difficult to be one tenth of this.

Only when Xue Qianfeng does not hesitate to spend his own power, countless sacred stones, for him to gather a large array of spirits, with the help of the great battle of the spirit of the spirits, perhaps with the intensity of the spirit of the fairy spirit here two.

But here, there will never be a gathering of great spirits. The spirit of the spirits around it is completely spontaneously gathered. It is this point that makes Xue Yao, the Shaoge master who wears the Yunge, also have to be deep. Shocked.

"There are such wonderful places in the world?" Ren Kai kept looking forward, and the **** "color" on his face changed again. The mouth opened and opened, and he never closed.

Seeing Ren Kai’s astonished appearance, Qin Dong gave a sneer, and the colorful squatting in the fairy ring was tantamount to being completely isolated from the snow thousand peaks. Xue Qianfeng wanted to take back the colorful enamel, fearing He can't do it if he is exhausted.

"Qin Shaoxia, what is the place here?" The Baihua Palace Lord couldn't help but be curious, Zhang mouth asked.

Qin Dong has not answered yet, not far away, a few figures suddenly like electric light, rushing. At the same time, Baihuagongzhu and Xueyao and others also discovered the coming people, and the gods were changed in color, and they immediately stood by.

When Qin Dong saw it, he laughed haha. "Don't worry, there will only be people here. Oh, except for this name."

Ren Kai's "color" bitter, and quickly lost a smile.

"It seems to be... Ling Yuanmen's Lingzhangmen!" Xue Yao recognized the head of the person, Zhangkou said.

The Lord of the Flower Palace also saw that the guardian **** "color" was loose, but soon, a pretty face changed his face again. "What is going on, Lingzhangmen’s cultivation is clear, it is already The Emperor's Land!"

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