The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2276: Painful Ren Kai!

Ren Kai did not dream of dreaming, he would meet Cao Xiaoxian here. i^Cao Xiaoxian is the daughter of Lu Congrong. Ren Kai saw Cao Xiaoxian as if he saw Lu Congrong, guilty and fearful, and let his face directly change his color.

"Ren Kai!?" Similarly, Cao Xiaoxian did not expect that Qin Dong brought it, it would be a betrayal that framed her father, almost her father's soul-stricken Ren Kai. At this time, I saw Ren Kai standing in front of myself. Where can I stand the anger that has been suppressed for a long time? With a sigh of relief, the figure is violent, like a colorful butterfly in the flowers, it is very beautiful, but it is also quite fierce.

Ren Kai is not the opponent of Cao Xiaoxian, plus the guilty conscience and timidity, the muscles of the whole body have long been stiff, see Cao Xiaoxian swept a leg, and even forgotten. Just listening to the bang, Cao Xiaoxian’s leg was solid and the sly was printed on Ren Kai’s chest. Powerful power, instant eruption, Ren Kai one-eighth or more body shape, can be regarded as burly, but at this time it is like paper paste, no weight, volley flew more than ten feet, when landing, blood mad, In addition to the "color" of pain, no other expressions can be seen.

"Big bastard! You are a despicable villain, I killed you!" However, Cao Xiaoxian did not hate, his body shape was slightly, and immediately rushed up.

Ren Kai, who has already suffered a loss, is learning to swear. He screamed "Help!" and then climbed and fled. [

Seeing it, Cao Xiaoxian is really moving to kill the heart, his body is chilly, his eyes are cold and stroking, and the right palm that swiftly flies at least condenses her more than 90% of Xianli. If this is on Ren Kai’s body, he will be able to do it at Ren Kai’s point.

"Little fairy sister is slow!" Qin Dong saw a bad situation, hurriedly flew "plugged", and seized the wrist of Cao Xiaoxian. i^

Cao Xiaoxian earned a few earns, and he failed to break away from the big hand of Qindong Iron Clamp. He couldn’t help but scream with a bit of annoyance. “Xiaodong, what do you mean? You brought him here, not just to let I am asking for a fairness for my father. Why do you not let me kill him now?"

"Qin Shaoxia, Grandpa Qin, you must save me, save me!" Seeing Qin Dong, Ren Kai is like seeing a savior, busy rushing forward, holding Qin Dong's leg, then Never willing to let go.

Today's Ren Kai, who is also the deputy cabinet owner of the Yunge Pavilion, has won the weight of Xue Qianfeng, and is also considered to be a prominent figure among the immortals. But look at his performance at this time, the weakness is like a beach snot, not only lost his face, but also the low wind wearing the Yunge.

Xue Qianfeng has countless people in his life, but he can be seen in Ren Kai’s body.

"Get out!" Qin Dong screamed, and his body was released. Ren Kai was shocked by eight feet.

"Small people like this, keep it, kill it! Xiaodong, you let me go!" When Cao Xiaoxian saw Ren Kai, he wouldn’t fight for a fight, how could he not kill him? heart.

"Small fairy sister, don't be excited when you don't kill him now. It's still useful to keep him."

"What is the use of waste like him? What's the use of Xiaodong? What happened to you today? In the past, you have acted in a decisive manner. Never let go of the water. How can you be so indecisive today for such a despicable villain?"

Qin Dong smiled and said, "Small fairy sister, have you forgotten it? The landlord is still suffering from the big sister! You killed him at this time, unloading the anger, you are happy, but Lu Zhuang Lord? His grievances, how should I elute?"

In order to let Cao Xiaoxian understand the sobriety, Qin Dong is quite heavy. Sure enough, after listening to Qin Dong’s words, Cao Xiaoxian calmed down a lot. She was originally a very intelligent person, otherwise it would not be possible to rely on her own power and almost played the entire Wanpeng gang. The words of Qin Dong, a little thought, will understand the profound meaning of Qin Dong. The palm of the high lifted up and slowly let go.

"Thank you Cao girl does not kill the grace, thank you ..." See Cao Xiaoxian received his hand, Ren Kai, then let go of the heart, directed at Cao Xiaoxian's continuous martyrdom.

Cao Xiaoxian sneered aloud, saying, "I won't kill you, but I won't let you be better! It falls in the hands of my Cao Xiaoxian, and you have sin!"

"Ah?" Ren Kai, who had just eased his face, had changed his face to a color.

Cao Xiaoxian heavy grunted, turned to Peak kendo "Ling Shushu trouble you will find two people he looks, I'm free will severely beat him up!"

Ling Xiaojian laughed and said, "Is this necessary? Only Qin Shaoxia can enter and exit freely. This kid can't run even if he wants to run!"

For Ren Kai, Ling Xiaojian did not have any good impressions. The cold and faint eyes glanced at Ren Kai’s body and let Ren Kailian play a few shudders. What happened to him in the days after that?

"Wait!" See the two Ling Yuanmen disciples to take Ren Kai, Qin Dong drank. [

"Hand over the colorful !!"

Qin Dong’s words, Ren Kai, dare not listen? I dare not hesitate to sneak out of the colorful, and then handed it to Qin Dong.

This colorful enamel is really an artifact that was inherited from ancient times. When Qin Dongyi got it in his hands, he didn’t have to deliberately visit it. He could clearly feel it. It’s a very powerful, like the power of the fairy in the Dachuan River. , along a special and mysterious trajectory, slowly flowing.

It is hard to imagine that in a magic weapon, there will be such a huge amount of fairy spirit, and I don’t know the realm of the magical power that was originally honoured. However, it is obvious that the district emperor, even if it is the peak of Sanpin, is afraid that it is difficult to match it.

"Now this colorful cockroach stays here, and it is completely isolated from Xue Qianfeng. Xue Qianfeng wants to control it again. It is impossible to borrow it as a evil." Ling Xiaojian's "color" is big. Zhen, Xue Qianfeng lost the colorful pipa, it is like losing an arm, absolutely can be called heavy.

Qin Dong nodded, but there was no pity in God's "color". The muttered road "just until now, we have not found a way to crack the colorful cockroaches. Those beasts controlled by the colorful cockroaches, and the entire sacred beast Tens of thousands of ethnic groups do not know when they can get out of trouble and restore their free will!"

Ling Xiaojian’s cheerful and optimistic road “Ha, don’t worry, step by step! Anyone who can think of it before, is the colorful scorpion that Xue Qianfeng regards as a treasure, and one day, it will fall into our hands?”

Qin Dong sighed, and the eyebrows "hairs" were stunned, and the voice of the singer "has been inconsistent with the evils of the ancient times! The reverse is the opposite, the person who is away from the heavens will eventually be shackled and will perish!"

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