The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2279: Another fairy!

"Ling Zhangmen, who are you talking about?" Xue Yao bowed and thought he had an auditory hallucination. %&*>

Ling Xiaojian smiled and smiled. "You should know this person. You still have a certain position when you wear Yunge."

"Is it really him? Is he going to break through the realm of the Emperor?" Of course, the special envoy A, Xue Yao knows. However, what he did not expect was that the special envoy A did not stay in the Yunge Pavilion, but instead ran here to make the Emperor come.

Ling Xiaojian nodded and said, "This kid is a martial artist. When he got here, he cultivated it, and he was sleepless and forgotten. Plus, when I broke through the Emperor last time, he felt something. Emperor."

"Scorpio, when did the achievement of the Emperor become so easy?" Baihua Palace, the face of the envy and sigh. Although she is a woman, the pursuit of heaven and the desire for the emperor are no less than men. [

Ling Xiaojian smiled and said, "Now, Qin Shaoxia, I, plus this kid, we have three emperors here. If we can add Luzhuang to rescue from the unintentional lake, oh... Xue Qianfeng and San What about Xian Ersheng? Who is the deer, and two more!"

Ling Xiaojian’s words came out, and even Xue Qianfeng nodded. Nowadays, in the Three Immortals and Two Saints, Yunhe Xianren is already dead. Among the remaining two immortals and two saints, the knife saint and the gun saint are not very expensive to buy the account of Xue Qianfeng. Once the plot of Xue Qianfeng is exposed, he People may even turn their backs on the road. As a result, Xue Qianfeng is at a disadvantage.

The situation is revolving, the feng shui turns, and Xue Qianfeng is afraid of dreaming. He manages a good situation that he has only come to his life. This will be turned into a cloud of smoke. Xue Yao can not help but feel sad in the heart for the snow thousand peaks.

Compared with the glory of Xue Yao, Cao Xiaoxian is very excited, just can't wait to save Lu from now. i^

Qin Dong shook his head and rushed to the martial arts. "I think it’s too early to see the palm of the hand. The special envoy was willing to return to us. It is because he wants to live. It is different now. His cultivation is about to become a fairy." Emperor, people are willing to work with us again, not necessarily!"

When Ling Xiaojian heard it, he immediately snorted and said, "He dares! If he is really ungrateful, I must have slapped him!"

Qin Dong smiled and did not speak. At this point, Special Envoy A should officially begin a breakthrough. I saw the purple "color" light column that followed the sky, and suddenly spread out a myriad of purple "color" light, and walked in all directions, and it was intertwined into a purple "color" power grid. It is spectacular, let the Baihua Palace Lord and others, all stunned.

When this breakthrough of the Emperor and the breakthrough of the Emperor, the vision of the heavens and the earth, which is really inconsistent, can make the whole world change.

Wherever these purple "colors" shine, the air of the fairy spirits that wandered around, all seem to be boiling, and the performance is extremely active. Straight into a sky-like Xianglong-like majestic airflow, Haohao "swinging" "swinging" to the purple "color" light column rises, that is, the position of the special envoy A is now.

"This is a good opportunity. Don't let go of it. Carefully understand the direction and way of the flow of fairy spirit in the heavens and the earth, but if you can feel it from it, it will be of great benefit to your future cultivation and breakthrough!" Qin Dong smiled and reminded everyone.

The voice of Qin Dong fell, and the Baihua Palace and others suddenly woke up. In particular, the Baihua Palace Lord is itself the land of Xianjun. It is not far from the breakthrough of the Emperor. This kind of observation is very rare for her. I also refused to be in a state of disregard, and immediately sat down on the knees, and my heart was released from the body. According to Qin Dong, I carefully captured any subtle changes around me.

Xue Yao, Cao Xiaoxian, Li Hongshou, Wu Sheng beast, etc., although far from the breakthrough of the Emperor, but if they can understand from this, they will definitely benefit their cultivation, and no longer delay, They have moved.

Ling Xiaojian and Qin Dong are responsible for the special envoys. When the special envoy broke through, he was actually given two emperors to protect his law.

The breakthrough of Special Envoy A is much shorter than Ling Xiaojian. First, it was the special envoy A before the breakthrough, the repair is higher than the Ling Xiaojian, and second, the special envoy of the Wu Wuzhi title, is not white. Day and night of hard work and hard work, coupled with the ‘live demonstration’ of Ling Xiaojian, the breakthrough of Special Envoy A is a matter of course. Moreover, judging from the number of scent that was swallowed up by the special envoy, the breakthrough was repaired and feared to be above the Lingxiao sword.

Ling Xiaojian also felt this and gave a smile to Qin Dong. It is indeed a shame to be a supreme, but not a special envoy of the Yunge Pavilion.

But for this, Qin Dong has no way, personal talent, formed in congenital, the day after tomorrow can not basically change. Ling Xiaojian has the privilege of breaking through the realm of the Emperor in this life. He has already counted on supernormal play and is very lucky.

"Ha ha ha..." A burst of screaming laughter came suddenly, indicating that the special envoy finally achieved the Emperor.

The purple "color" light column in the sky suddenly burst open and turned into a purple "color" light rain, which was then condensed into a bundle by an invisible force. At a surprising speed, it was inhaled by the special envoy.

A terrible breath that only the emperor could send out, and then spread around, using only a few breaths of work, it covered the whole world, and Qin Dong, Ling Xiaojian and everyone together were covered. [

The people who were closing their eyes and concentrating on their eyes, while opening their eyes, many people’s eyes all showed the "color" of joy. It seems that they have gained a lot from the breakthrough process of Special Envoy A. benefit.

"Qin Shaoxia, you..." Baihuagongzhu suddenly turned his head and looked at Qindong. It seems that there is something to say, but he just opened his mouth, didn't know why, and hesitated.

Qin Donglang laughed and said, "The Lord, everyone is their own, and there is nothing to say, no need to swallow."

The owner of the Baihua Palace smiled and said, "I... I just think it might be a bit arrogant and arrogant..."

"Tangtu and take the liberty? Haha... Palace Lord, you will not want to confess to Xiaodong?" Ling Xiaojian laughed.

When the Lord of the Flower Palace heard it, a pretty face was full of blushing redness. He bowed his head and said, "If you have that meaning, I am afraid that Qin Shaoxia still can’t look at me..."

Ling Xiaojian listened to the eyes bright, this Baihuagong master clearly has this meaning.

The more Qin Dong Yue listens, the more he feels outrageous. He is busy. "Okay! The Lord, there is nothing but a saying."

The main flower of the Baihua Palace coughed aloud, "Qin Shaoxia, although I don't know where this is, but it is really the first cultivation place that I saw only in my life. I want to... I want to ask Qin Shaoxia to be willing to let me And my disciples can stay here to practice."

Seeing the special envoys break through the Emperor, the Baihua Palace Lord is really a bit of a heart.

When Qin Dong heard it, he laughed loudly. "How difficult is this? As long as the palace owner is willing, even though he is practicing here, is it still afraid that Qindong will drive you all away?"

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