The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 810: Going home for help!

Qin Dong’s gaze was swept away on both of them, and they knew that they had not found Xiao Ru’s whereabouts and made a sigh. “Xiao Rushen is an eight-level monk. If she hides it, even if it passes by you, you also recognize She didn't come out. Fengze, I was in a hurry and I got angry with you. Don't go to my heart."

Fengze still felt wronged. At this time, listening to Qin Dong said that all the grievances immediately turned into gratitude and embarrassment. As soon as he was, he said, "I am incompetent! Dongge, you can rest assured, I will arrange people again." Look for it, even if it is three feet, you should find someone!"

Qin Dong was allowed to go to Fengze, but he no longer had any hope in his heart.

"Four seniors, you should go to rest first, I want to be quiet." Qin Dong came to the human world, and the mood was as low as it is now. [

Everyone also noticed that Qin Dong’s mood was not good. He did not say more and went out.

Time is rushing, and the day is over. Seeing the sky outside the window, the color is getting darker. The action time of Xiao Rushen and Yue Wei’s appointment is quickly “forced”. There is still no message about Xiao Ru’s on the side of Fengze. Qin Dong’s heart is a little bit smashed. .

When I think about it, Qin Dong feels that I can't wait for such a stupid thing. I decided to go to the house in advance to lurk down, hoping to find Xiao Ruser in time to prevent her from voting.

Although he thought so, Qin Dong knew that he was not wise to do so. With his cultivation, his actions are very difficult to pass. At that time, it is very likely that he will not save Xiao Rusei, but he will also violently reveal his identity. Everything he has worked hard will be completely abandoned. .

The risk can be big, and Qin Dong can't see the eyes of Xiao Rusei falling into the shackles. Qin Dong always thought that he was for Mo Xielong, and he would spare no effort to save Xiao Ruo, but now he feels that he is so concerned about Xiao Rusei, I am afraid it is not entirely because of Mo Xielong.

Just as Qin Dong made up his mind and prepared to leave, Mifen and Xiaomei returned, and the two women brought back Xiao Rusei.

When I saw Xiao Rusei, Qin Dong’s heart couldn’t help but burst into a ecstasy. If his strength was not good, he would not help but jump up.

"Brother, you see, I will find you back as a sister like Ruther!" Mifen came to Qin Dong in a deliberate manner and said with a smile.

Qin Dong "touched" "touch" Mifen's cheek, smiled and nodded, and was about to praise Muffin a few words. Xiao Mei said, "Fen's sister, your skin is really thicker and thicker. It is obvious that Xiao girl took the initiative to find us. How can you say that you brought Xiao girl back?"

Mifen's pretty face was red, and she was embarrassed to lower her head. The lovely appearance made Qin Dong could not help but laugh.

"Brother, you said that Russell is in a great danger. What is the danger?" After Qin Dong saw the moon, he ordered Fengze, Gan Zhuo and others to look around Xiao Rushen, and there was no time. Explain the truth to them. Therefore, Mifen had this question.

Qin Dong did not answer Mifen, but turned his attention to Xiao Rusei. He was full of blame and asked, "Where did you go anywhere?"

The reason why Qin Dong would speak to Xiao Rusei in this kind of blameless tone is really concern for her. This also reflects on the other hand that Qin Dong’s feelings for Xiao Rusei are changing unconsciously.

However, Xiao Rusei did not understand this change. He only felt that Qin Dong was full of blame, high and high, and extremely harsh, which made her very uncomfortable.

A pretty face, bluntly replied "Where am I going, it seems to have nothing to do with you?"

"You..." The girl around Qin Dong has always been accommodating to him, and the attitude of Xiao Tuo, who is top-notch, makes him very unaccustomed.

Waiting for Qin Dong to make a decision, Xiao Russer interrupted his words and simply asked, "You promised me that day, will help me save my brother, I only ask you, do you count?"

"Sister Ruther, my brother has always said one thing, and the words must be practiced, you should not be so fierce!" Seeing the attitude of Xiao Rusei 咄咄 "forced" people, Qin Dong's face "color" is also more and more ugly, Mifen is afraid of them The two men got stiff again and hurried out to play round the field.

Xiao Rusei ignored Muffin and looked at Qin Dong’s eyes. He said, "Since you are talking, count it, let me go. This evening is the best time to rescue my brother!"

After listening to Xiao Ruser’s words, Qin Dong smiled coldly and asked, “You are trying to help me to save your brother, so I showed up and found Fen’s?”

Although Xiao Rushen is easy to impulsive, but not stupid. After the end of the month, the more you think about yourself, the more powerful you are. I want to go and think, the only thing that can help her save people in the Imperial City of Dachu is Qin Dong. However, because of the face, I have been unable to make up my mind. It was not until this time that I finally made up my mind that it was just that Mifen was looking around for her. She just showed up and returned to Muffin.

"Not bad!" Xiao Rusei did not evade, confessed confessingly.

"You said that this evening is the best time to rescue your brother. What do you say?"

Xiao Rusei turned his head and looked at the window. The sky was almost completely black. At the end of the month, it was possible to launch an attack on the government. The time was tight. She didn’t bother to explain too much with Qin Dong. She only urged me to say "I said That is, where are you so much nonsense? Are you going to save me with me?"

"Don't go!" Xiao Rusi asked the urgency, Qin Dong also answered simply.

"You... don't you say that you are talking about it? How can you refuse me?" Xiao Ru's eyes widened in surprise, and he couldn't believe his ears.

Xiao Rusei is because of the time is urgent, too late to explain to Qin Dong, Qin Dong is a sigh of sorrow, too lazy to explain to her. Listening to Xiao Rushen asked, just a cold smile, a faint reply "I promised to help you save Mo Xielong, but did not promise to accompany you to die!"

"You..." Xiao Rushen couldn't help but want to attack, but he could change his mind. The chance to save Moxielong was only once, and it was fleeting. He was helplessly suppressing his anger. Shen Shen said, "You can rest assured that I have been with the moon." After the central government negotiated well, I used the method of slamming the West to rescue my brother. So, this evening is really the best time to rescue my brother, not to die!"

"Ha ha ha..." Qin Dong listened and laughed loudly.

Xiao Rusei was laughed by Qin Dong, and he was very annoyed. He said, "What are you laughing here? What are you laughing? If you are going to save my brother with me, I will be your promise." Man, if you don't go, then in the eyes of my sorrowful, you are a humble, spoiled coward!"

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