The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 817: Resurrection!

"Second second, what are you laughing at?" Qin Dong was frowning at this time, and his face was gloomy. He Sanjin was so smiling, his feelings were uncomfortable, his hair was fascinating, and he was screaming at He Sanjin. .

He Sanjin was wrong for a while, looking at this, looking at that, it was not a reaction for a long time.

Qin Dong understands that Feiqing is for himself, and will be so. She smiles at her heart and smiles. She turns her head and asks He Sanjin, "He is a senior, and he has gained a lot tonight."

He Sanjin did not know what happened, but he was scorned by the flies, and he did not dare to let go. He shook his head. It is a pity that "the man is saved, but the enchanting of the phantom orc is given." Ran."[

"The warriors of the phantoms, all of them are inscrutable, and it is very valuable that you can save people smoothly."

Qin Dong’s words immediately aroused the resonance of several people, and flew in a hurry. “I was the first time I played against the warriors of the illusionary orcs. I never thought that their cultivation was so high. Mr. Yu, Should they be the top players in the Eudemons?"

Qin Dong noodles "showing" bitterly shook his head "I am afraid it is not."

"Ah!?" Feiqing and others all exclaimed.

Looking at the expression of everyone's surprised face, Qin Dongdao "You understand why I must save the moon. The enemies facing the human world this time are so powerful that we can hardly imagine. If human beings cannot unite, sooner or later." A slave to the Eudemons."

After all, Qin Dong looked up and looked at the sorcerer and so on. He said, "You used to be used by the illusionary orcs. I only want you to be confused for a while. I will never be jealous. Today, you will be under the clutches of 姥姥Rescue, we will not ask you to join us in the fight against the illusion of the orcs. There is a saying that there is no endless egg under the nest. He has entered the hands of the ecstasy in the mainland. It is also difficult to protect yourself."

Seeing the look of 卞 一 一 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 , , , , , , , 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦Otherwise, I will never let him go, even if it is the end of the earth, I will also smash it into corpses! Let's do it all, where to go, you choose!"

The monks were silent for a while, and suddenly they screamed, "I don’t know what to do, and I’m so ruthless. I really want to stay here, and I’m going to stay with you, and you can fight against the Eudemons!"

Qin Dong looked up and looked at the truth, but did not expect that he would be the first to express his position. I can't help but feel that although the truth is short, it is not confused.

The truth of this statement, the other monks responded, and no one asked to leave, which made Qin Dong very happy.

"Mr. Hey, although we were rescued, our monthly teachers are still unclear. I am even worried, and please ask Mr. Qi to allow us to find the Lord of the Moon." He said to Qin Dong.

His words immediately caused the response of the evil dragon to teach a monk, and they asked Qin Dong to lead them to save the moon.

Seeing that the moon is not in the hearts of these monks, there is such a prestige, and everyone like Feiqing is surprised, and the heart is also reflecting. And this is what Qin Dong wants. If you can't solve the problem between the four big guards and the moon, it will be like a time bomb that will explode sooner or later.

"No! You are the Lord of the Lord here!" The voices of the monks have not yet dispersed, and the empty space will be smashed into the moon.

"Month of the Lord!" Seeing the moon is not full of blood, no interest, no one, and so on, have rushed over.

"Ask the air, what is going on?" asked the flies.

Asked to shake his head and said, "When I found him, he was already dead. It must have been the poisoned hand of the Eudemons."

"Hey!" After listening to the empty words, flying feelings, falling repairs, He Sanjin three people also issued a sigh at the same time. After twenty years of fighting with the moon, the four people have been in the air for twenty years, and they are not looking forward to the death of the moon. But now the moon is really dead, but the four are not happy at all.

Uncontrollable in my mind, I recalled the scenes of the past and the moon when I was a brother, and the goodness of the moon was also followed by the heart. . [

"Moon teaches the Lord, you can't die! Can't!!" The true cry of the monks and the monks, and the silence of the monks, let the heart hurt and cry. Even the blind man can see that their emotions against the moon are never adulterated.

Qin Dong turned to look at the flirt and asked, "Predecessors, you and the moon have been hate each other for 20 years, and have accumulated a lot of enmity. Now the moon is dead, and the hatred between you is also disintegrated?"

Fear sighed and said, "In fact, when the Mo teacher was there, the moon was humbly and diligent, and I was concerned about it. We still have friendships. Just later... Hey, now people are dead, let’s say What is useless. The second child, the third child, the fourth child, since you respected me as a big sister, then I will be the second master, the death of the people is big, and the hatred of the four of us and the moon is not written off."

Falling and sorrowful smiles, "If you can't sneak it, what can you do? Let us chase the yin and sect, and continue to entangle with him? The big sister said yes, people die, and everything will let him pass."

He Sanjin and the questioning empty nod, no objection.

Qin Dong nodded and turned to look at the truth, and said, "Don't cry, go back!"

I really waited for a monk to be very sad, as if I didn’t hear Qin Dong’s words, I still kept crying. Qin Dongjian eyebrows one, directly released a chaotic force, will be the same as the same monk, and shaken away from the moon.

I was really surprised, I was about to ask, and I saw Qin Dong’s single palm, and the palm of the hand was far away from the chest of the moon, a pure and pure, and at the same time implied the silver color of the supreme pressure, from his palm. Through the "shooting" out, straight into the heart of the moon, the effort in the blink of an eye, the moon is not the whole person bathed in a sterling silver light group, so mysterious.

"Don't you have a month?"

Seeing this scene, He Sanjin was shocked and asked, and he quickly hurried his hand and gestured to his voice, so as not to disturb Qin Dong.

Zhen Zhen and others also realized what they were doing. At this time, they all closed their mouths and even held their breath. The atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Silver light in the body of the moon, the non-stop retracting in and out, about half a cup of tea after the work, Qin Dong palms, the silver light then dispersed, the original closed eyes of the moon, but at this time, Suddenly opened his eyes.

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