The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 820: Vitality reproduction!

"Do you think that I will not kill you? Come on!" Qin Dong screamed, rushing into the sky, and the five fingers of Xiao Rushen’s neck tightened.

"Don't, under the mercy of your hand!" Under the eagerness of the flight, I couldn't care much. I flew up and wanted to grab Xiao Rushen from Qin Dong's hand.

"Get out of the way!" Qin Dong, who was irritated, did not care about it. He only felt that there was a huge force coming from the side, and he did not want the cohesive force to go back. How the flies will be the opponent of Qin Dong, this shock, the flies of the whole person immediately flew back.

"Qin Shaoxia, I am waiting for you, and let me leave!" Feiqing took everyone in front of Qin Dong and pleaded. [

"Hugh said a lot! Today, Xiao Ruser must die! Whoever wants to stop, do not blame me for being ruthless!" Qin Dong utterly utterly cold, icy, straight into the hearts of everyone.

Just as Qin Dong’s murder had begun, Xiao Ruser closed his eyes to death. Suddenly, Qin Dong’s body was full of colorful clouds, and the shadow of the Holy Emperor Weilong rushed out from Qin Dong’s body without warning. The East and the crowd reacted and they sneaked into the body of Mifen.

This vision made Qin Dong's heart violent, and he couldn't help killing Xiao Rushen. He let her go and hurriedly placed Muffin on the ground.

As soon as the virtual shadow of the Holy Emperor Weilong entered the body of Qin Dong, he immediately turned into a colorful "color" energy, and walked in the body of Mifen, covering the whole person of Mifen in a colorful light. .

"Mr. Hey, this is..." The feelings of the fly are both shocking and fascinating.

Qin Dongchong fluttered his head and shook his head. His eyes were full of excitement. "Maybe, she still has a save!"

Listening to Qin Dong said that everyone who is desperate is full of enthusiasm, especially Xiao Rusei, so excited and sobbing, a pair of big eyes, staring at Mifen, not awkward.

In the body of Mifen, the colorful Xiaguang swam for thirty-six weeks, which was re-created as the shadow of the Holy Emperor Weilong, leaving Muffin and returning to Qindong.

Qin Dong hurriedly released a **** thought, drilled into the body of Mifen, and carefully explored it. The result is that Qin Dong is happy and worried.

The joy is that with the help of the power of the colorful, Miffin’s already severed vitality has reappeared, and the various parts of the body have been restored. What worries Qin Dong is that this time Miffin was deeply victimized. Although ** has been cured by the power of colorfulness and regained vitality, the soul of the sacred beast has fallen into deep because of being over-created. Sleeping.

The sleep of the soul of the Holy Beast is a nightmare for a holy orc. It is very difficult to wake it up again. And the soul of the Holy Beast fell into a deep sleep, Miffin could not wake up one day, at best, is a living dead body.

Seeing Qin Dong’s expression is always happy, sometimes sad, so that Fei Qing and others are not nervous. "How is the girl in Finland?"

Qin Dong sighed and said the status quo of Mifen to everyone. The moon was frowning and said, "In the past 20 years, I have searched a lot of heavenly treasures. Do you know if it helps the soul of the sacred beast that awakens the girl?"

Qin Dong’s bitterness shook his head, and the so-called heavenly treasures of the moon were only the products of the human world, with limited utility and little effect on Miffin.

"Mr. Hey, let's just say, if you want to wake up the girl, what do you need? We all look for it, we can always find it." The feelings of Qin Dong were not easy to stabilize, and hurriedly said.

Qin Dong shook his head again, what did Mifen need at this time, and where did he know?

Xiao Rusei suddenly said at this time, "I am too one to have a treasure, called 'Ghosting Dan'. It is my ancestor's grandfather, who used thousands of heavenly heavens and heavens to refine it. This Dan is very It is magical, even if it is a life-threatening person, as long as it does not exceed one hour, the scent will be scented in front of his nose, and will be revived and restored.

"Ghosting Dan?" Qin Dong’s eyes slammed, "When I was in heaven, my father told me about it. There are many monks in the heavens and heavens, and there are many magic weapons. The monks are high." The next point, this magic weapon also has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, there are idlers, the heavens bound the many magic weapons, according to the advantages and disadvantages, listed a ***. Among them, the soul of Dan is above this ***, and ranks The top ten. If you give the nectar to the fen child, you may be able to wake up the soul of the sacred beast again with the help of its "medicine" power."

"Will the whole sorcerer Dan... eat it?" Qin Dong’s words surprised Xiao Ru. [

Qin Dong looked at her with cold eyes, and asked faintly, "How, reluctant?"

Xiao Ru's face was red, and he bowed his head. "Finer's sister is because I have become like this today. As long as the soul can really cure her, I will never reluctantly. But this condensed Dan is my one generation passed down from generation to generation. The treasure, my father and too one door up and down, extremely cherished. I am afraid of my father, he..."

After waiting for Xiao Ruser to finish the words, Qin Dong interrupted her with a hegemony. Shen Sheng said, "Your father is best to hand over the soul of Dan, or else I will kill you too!"

"You..." Qin Dong’s words made Xiao Ru’s heart shock, and he did not know what to say.

"Mr. Hey, you are forgotten, even if one is willing to give up the soul, but how can we get it? You know, too one is located in heaven and heaven, not what we want to go." Said with a distressed face.

Qin Dong turned back to Xiao Ru.

Xiao Rushen understood the meaning of Qin Dong and said that he was the first to be low. He said, "It was my father. I gathered thirty-six masters who were too one. They worked together and forcibly broke open the barriers of the two borders and sent me to the human world. I agreed with my father that after six months, he would use the same method to break through the two barriers and pick me up."

What Xiao Yu said, Qin Dong does not doubt. It is possible to break through the barriers of the two worlds. Apart from the extremely powerful magic weapon, there is only this method.

Qin Dong's Wulong Yaoshi, originally should have the power to break the barriers of the two worlds, but limited by his own cultivation, Wulong Yaoshi can not release the greatest power.

In the mind of Qin Dong, he thought of the dark unicorn soul scale that 姥姥 possessed. The power of destruction contained in it was enough to break the barrier between the two worlds, but it was not a piece of the soul scale that was taken back from the shackles. Easy.

It seems that it is unlikely that I will go to heaven in the sky immediately.

Qin Dong looked down at Mi Fu in the arms, only to see Miffin double blush, breathing evenly, just like falling asleep, the heart is both comforting and feeling distressed.

Putting a wave, Qin Dong said, "No matter how difficult, heaven and earth, I must go! You will be scattered first, I want to accompany my sister alone."

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