The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 825: Rongqing Wang Suxi!

Not to mention the sword, even Gan Zhuo did not expect that Qin Dong will suddenly put this poisonous hand on the little prince, the whole person is like being ordered "point", staying on the spot.

The sword sent a heartbreaking scream and rushed forward to pick up the little prince.

"His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness Prince ~" The sword is constantly calling, but the eyes of the little prince are always closed and the breath is weak.

"Grandpa, you..." Gan Zhuo stared at Qin Dong. [

Qin Dong was cold as iron, and waved at him, indicating that he would not say much.

"You... why are you so worried? Your Royal Highness is only a child, how can you put this poisonous hand on him?" The sword was full of anger and anger, and asked Qin Dong’s gnashing teeth.

Qin Dong shook his head indifferently and replied lightly. "I just want to give him a lesson, but I missed it. I am sorry."

"Hold... sorry?" Qin Dong’s words made Shi Jian’s mouth snarled, and he couldn’t believe his ears. The little prince is on the eve of the night, but Qin Dong is just saying sorry, this is too much to deceive.

"Kill him, revenge for His Royal Highness!" The little guards of the little princes are all loyal and loyal. Seeing this scene, no one is angry, and a loud roar burst, and they rushed toward Qin Dong.

How can Qin Dong put them in the eyes, and to Gan Zhuo, Mu Wei gave a look of "color", and each of them gave a palm, and they put these guards to the ground.

"I don't want to do things too much, let's go!" Looking at the eyes of the sword, full of resentment but helplessness, Qin Dong said faintly.

"The surname is 逍, you are so extinct "sex", I am a royal family, do not share the sky with you!" The voice of the sword trembled because of extreme anger.

"With yours! But I want to tell you that I am treating the enemy with ease, and I have always been merciless. So, before you act in the big Chu State, it is best to think twice!"

"Hey!" The sword screamed, and the murderous stunned Qin Dong, then picked up the little prince and turned away.

When the sword and other people left, Gan Zhuo immediately got together with Qin Dong and asked with a puzzled face. "Grandpa, are you doing this too much?"

Qin Dong looked at him, but did not answer his question, but turned his head and looked behind him. Gan Zhuo subconsciously turned his head and looked at it. He should have come over.

"Ha ha ha ... 逍 逍 主 is really prestige, so often admire!" Chang Ying ha ha said with a smile.

Qin Dong’s face is as calm as water, and the faint road “Tong’s brother has won the prize. I don’t know why my brother is coming today, what is it for?”

Chang Ying laughed, "It’s the princess, let me ask the lord to teach the house. If the priest is free at this time, let me go."

Qin Dong nodded and told Gan Zhuo that "I wounded the Prince of Dachu State. It is difficult to protect the royal family of the Chu State from revenge. I am commanding, the whole school is up and down, and the first level is on guard!"

"Ah?" Looking at the meaning of Qin Dong, it seems that it is going to be a full-scale battle with the royal family of the Great Chu State.

Chang Ying is clapping his hands in succession. He also said that "the Princess has not read the wrong person, and the enthusiasm of the lord has made a certain heartbreak."

Qin Dong sneered a sigh, and reached out to "Chang brother, let's go, don't let the princess of the princess wait for anxious."

In the palace of the hustle and bustle, Qin Dong not only saw the embarrassment, but also another guest. This person is about five or sixty years old, with a burly figure and a dignified attitude. He is a sneaker in the city of Dachu.

Qin Dongzheng guessed the identity of this person, and smiled and said to Qin Dong, "You are coming to the Lord. Let me introduce you, this is the king of the Grand Churgeon, Prince Su Xisu!"

Qin Dong did not know much about the royal family of Dachu. This is the first time I heard the name of Rongqing Wang Suxi. However, seeing that he is so polite to him, presumably this Su Xi’s power in the Great Chu State must be extraordinary.

"The name of the lord of the lord, the king has heard for a long time. Today, when you see it, it is true that the name is not vain. The temperament of the priest is in the world, I am afraid that few people can be with you for a long time." This Suxi is very kind and enthusiastic to Qin Dong. However, the words are still self-sustaining, and they are not humble.

"Rong Qing Wang won the prize." Qin Dong gently nodded, and put a dragon dragon to teach the head of the party.

"Giggle... This palace can get the help of the two masters and the princes of Su, such as the tiger's wing, why isn't the big thing?" Listening to the tone, Qin Dong and Su Xi are compared to his right arm, which is no different. In recognition of Su Xi has the same status as Qin Dong, which makes Qin Dong add to the heart of this Su Xi.

"I don't know the Royal Highness Princess, I will summon me today, what is the order?" Qin Dong asked.

I smiled and looked at Su Xi, saying, "Wang Ye, it’s better for you to explain to the priest."

Su Xiyi gave a cry to Qin Dongdao, "The sect of the lord, the so-called country can not be a day without a king. The emperor of the Great Chu State, Suyang, has been missing for many days, life and death are unknown, so that the state is unruly, the political ruling is increasingly ruined, and so Going on, I am afraid that the country will not be a country, and the consequences will be disastrous."

After listening to Su Xi’s words, Qin Dong’s heart sneered. Su Yang is in the hands of 姥姥, how can life and death be unknown? Su Xi said that it is clear that he intends to seek a squat.

"Wang Ye heart is the best in the world, worrying about the country and the people, it is really commendable!" Qin Dongpi smiled and said nothing.

Su Xi's face is a bitter, saying, "Although my heart is in the world, I want to do good for the people of the Great Chu State. Unfortunately, I am just a prince. I don't know what to say. I want to do a lot of things, but I want to do it. It’s more than enough.”

Qin Dong turned to look at the hustle and bustle, "His Royal Highness, since the traces of the emperor of the Great Chu State are unknown, and the country can not be without a day, then why not re-elect an emperor?"

"Oh! The Lord of the Sect is really wise and wise, what you said, coincides with me and my Royal Highness. In order for the people of Dachu to live a stable and stable life as soon as possible, we must hurry and re-elect the emperor!" Su Xi is busy Nodded.

Qin Dong smiled slightly, and said, "In fact, you don't need to choose. Su Wang, whether you are a seniority or a prestige, you are in the Dachu country. No one can compare, this emperor is the most suitable."

"As long as the people of Dachu can live a good life, I am willing to pick this burden. There is one thing, but it is very troublesome."

"What is it?" Qin Dong asked for a pretense.

Su Xidao, "The martyrdom master did not know. Before Su Yang disappeared, he once established a prince. As long as this prince is still there, others are afraid..."

"It turned out that the troubles that Su Wang said were the princes of the Great Chu State, hahaha..." Su Xi’s words had not finished yet, and Qin Dong suddenly laughed.

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