The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 831: breakthrough!

Chapter 831 breakthrough!

"Ha ha ha ... Yuan Shi bloodline is really extraordinary. Only one night's work, you will not know anything about martial arts, become a congenital peak, in a blink of an eye, you must break through the masters of congenital, even I never thought of." Qin Dongda smiled and walked over.

Xiao Mei, who was in a hurry, was shocked. He stepped forward to Qin Dong. He was excited and full of doubts. "Dong Ge, I... What happened to me?"

Qin Dong smiled slightly and said, "Mei, you are worried about me. In order to improve my cultivation, I will not hesitate to dedicate my body to me. Last night, when you and I were in harmony, not only helped me, but also helped. With your chaotic power, your Yuanshi blood is completely awakened, and it also stimulates great potential, so when you wake up, you have such a deep internal force. I will pass you a set later. With the heart, with a little cultivation, you can break through the congenital and enter the ranks of the monks. Moreover, after the incarnation of the monks, your blood will also exert its true power and help you reach the peak."

Qin Dong’s words made Xiao Mei excited. Today, she is no longer just a vase, but with her own strength, she really helps Qin Dong to do something. [

"What about you? Is your cultivation improved?" Xiaomei is happy for herself, but she cares more about Qin Dong.

Comprehend to Xiaomei's affection, Qin Dong was moved. Put Xiaomei in his arms, looking at her with deep affection, and laughing, "Of course!"

Although Qin Dong only said two words, the meaning behind these two words is unusual.

The combination of Yuan Shi blood and chaotic sacred body, the benefits brought to Qin Dong, can be described as unprecedented. When the chaotic sacred body awakened, Qin Dong’s cultivation was promoted to the ninth level. During this period of time, although it is said that the entry is rapid, there is still a long way to go from the tenth level.

Yesterday night, Xiao Mei used her own 贞 "fuck" to open the seal of the chaotic **** ring, the third chaos force, from the chaotic **** ring, poured into the Qin Dong body.

The third force released from the chaotic **** ring, the total amount of chaos is much larger than the previous two combined, more pure.

So many chaotic forces poured into Qin Dong's body, which was very dangerous. If you are not careful, Qin Dong’s ** will be screamed because he cannot bear the impact of this force. Even if Qin Dong has a chaotic sacred body, the meridians in the body are particularly tough and broad, and it is useless.

Xiao Mei, who can talk to Qin Dong, is the blood of the Yuan Dynasty. This elementary bloodline merges with the chaotic sacred body, and the ** of Qin Dong is tenacious than usual.

The power of chaos, in the body of Qin Dong and Xiao Mei, is like a cycle from the lake to the sea, letting it wind and waves, and it can no longer hurt the Qindong.

Not only that, the Yuanshi bloodline and the chaotic sacred body are combined into one, which makes Qindong refining the power of these chaos, and it becomes more convenient. Only one night's work, the third chaos force released from the chaotic **** ring, was completely rectified by Qin Dong refining. The power of chaos in Qin Dong has almost doubled overnight.

Thanks to the growth of chaos, the nine-level bottleneck was instantly broken, and Qin Dong’s cultivation was straight into the ten-level realm. At this time, the power of chaos in Qin Dong has become more pure. Released, the silver light reveals the golden awns, and the power has increased more than one.

Qin Dong never dreamed that he could rise from five to ten in such a short period of time. Every time I want to come, let him have a feeling like a dream.

If we say that Qin Dong had no confidence in defeating the enemy yesterday, then Qin Dong today can be said to be full of confidence.

What excites Qin Dong most is that the colorful power that exists in his body as the image of the Holy Emperor Weilong has also changed due to the skyrocketing power of chaos.

When the chaotic Eucharist wakes up, the power of chaos and the power of the colorful can be partially combined to create a wonderful, more powerful new energy. Only this kind of integration is not close, the energy is also unstable, and it will be transformed into the power of chaos and the power of colorful at any time.

However, this time, the situation is somewhat different. Between the power of chaos and the power of the colorful, a wonderful little vortex is formed. The power of a trace of chaos and the power of the colorful blended here became a new energy that flashed purple.

At first glance, it looks like a purple nebula. Magnificent and gorgeous, faintly reveals a shocking edge. The new energy of this purple "color", once formed, will not be transformed into the power of chaos and the power of colorful, but with the small whirlpool, non-stop rotation, self-contained.

The sudden formation of the small vortex is still very small, and the purple "color" energy formed is also very rare, only a slight trace. However, Qin Dong can clearly feel that the power of this slightly purple "color" energy is absolutely amazing. In other words, this purple "color" energy is higher than the level of chaos and the power of the colorful power.

Qin Dong used to be conscious, driving the power of chaos and the power of colorful, injecting into this small vortex, hoping to generate more powerful purple "color" energy. But whenever he injects the power of chaos and the power of the colorful into this little whirlpool, he will be bounced off by the small whirlpool. If Qin Dong injects more, he will feel the pain that seems to be torn. [

In desperation, Qin Dong can only give up, let the small vortex absorb the power of chaos and the power of colorful, and grow this purple "color" energy, and dare not interfere again.

"East brother!" With a clear call, Yu Cui, Yan Mingqiu and Xiao Rusei, three people came from afar.

"Hey?" came to Qin Dong and Xiao Mei, and the eye-catching jade immediately gave an exclamation, and his eyes glanced back and forth between Qin Dong and Xiao Mei.

Xiao Mei was ashamed of Yu Cui's gaze and couldn't help but lower his head.

Qin Dong’s pretending anger looked at Yu Cui and asked, “Cui Er, do you look at us like this, is it a monkey?”

Yucui quickly shook his head and said, "No, no! I just think that the two of you seem to be not the same as yesterday. Meier’s sister seems to be more beautiful, and you seem to be more... more handsome. ”

Yu Cui said that Yan Mingqiu and Xiao Rusei also felt that it was wrong. The faces of the three women were full of suspiciousness.

"I... I am going to take care of my sister-in-law!" Xiaomei couldn't stand the three-eyed look, blushing and turning away.

Qin Dong sighed in his heart, and the eyes of Yu Cui were really sharp. The power of chaos is a very magical energy between heaven and earth. It not only has powerful power, but also optimizes the human body. The power of chaos in Qin Dong's body, for every point of growth, Qin Dong's graceful appearance will inevitably improve one point.

Xiaomei itself is the blood of the Yuan Dynasty, and it is also moisturized by the essence of his rain. It is naturally more beautiful...

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