The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 838: Good drunken man!

The eighty-eighth chapter is good for drunken people!

The problem of the sword, the Queen’s heart is not at the end, sighed, “You can only try it.”

Qin Dong returned to the government, and Fei Xiang has already been a regular and a glass fairy, and Mo Xielong settled down. I am negotiating with the fall, asking for the empty, He Sanjin, and the four people who are not in the middle of the month. Seeing Qin Dong coming back, the five people greeted them together.

"Qin Shaoxia, it is always necessary to keep the fairy and Mo Jiaozhu at the same time. We can't easily get close. How can this be good?" Liu Lixian and Mo Xielong are in front of them, but they can't save each other. A few people have a group of chaos.

Qin Dong frowned and sighed for a moment, laughing. "This is really a good dog with a loyalty. I will go see it!"

Fei Qingben wants to separate Changli from the glass fairy, Mo Xielong, and often should not be willing. In desperation, Feiqing arranged them in a small quiet courtyard.

When Qin Dong walked in, the brow suddenly wrinkled. I saw the glass fairy and Mo Xielong, and were often applied with two chains, which were locked on both sides of the door. It was clearly treated as a watchdog. Often sitting in the courtyard, facing the table full of food, eating and drinking the fragrance.

I should always look back, see Qin Dong, and hurriedly stood up and smiled. "Grandpa, it is time for you to come and drink a few cups with Chang?"

Qin Dong smiled and said: "It’s just that you have nothing to do with this seat. Just have a good time with your brother."

Said, Qin Dong came to the usual face to sit down, picked up the jug on the table, shook his head, turned his hand and shattered the jug on the ground, the wine spilled on the ground.

"Grandpa, you are..." Chang should be stunned by Qin Dong’s move.

"Chang brother, where is the wine, it is clearly the horse "urine"!" Qin Dong pointed to the wine on the ground.

Chang Ying’s eyes lit up and said, “This wine really has no taste. Is it because you have a good wine?”

"Ha ha ha ... good!" Qin Dong laughed aloud, from the Qiankun Shengzhong ‘Le Taotao’ took out two altars. "Chang brother, don't hesitate to say that this wine is my baby. Ordinary people, I want to let me out."

"Oh? Thanks to the grandfather, it seems that today is a blessing! Hehe..."

Qin Dong smiled slightly and opened the altar of wine. When the mouth of the altar is opened, there is a rich and incomparable wine fragrance. Often there should be no other hobbies, only ten minutes of wine.

As soon as I smelled this wine, I often jumped up like an electric shock. The face was shocked and full of joy. "I have never seen such a wine in this life!"

After that, I couldn’t wait to reach out and pick up the jar of wine from Qin Dong’s hand. It’s a shame to get together and smell the nose. The rich wine is mixed with a pure and abundant spiritual power, which makes Chang Ying’s heart vibrate.

"This wine ... is not a mortal thing!" Chang should be surprised to turn to look at Qin Dong.

Qin Dong smiled and said, "Chang brother is really a person who knows the goods. This wine is not produced from the human world, but from heaven and earth. Its wine is not only rich, but more valuable is that it has added dozens of flavors in heaven and heaven. A rare grass, after drinking, it is good for repairing!

Listening to Qin Dong’s saying that Chang Ying is even more eager to wait for “grandfather, then... then I’m welcome.”

"Ha ha ha... This wine was originally designed for me to entertain my brother. I don't want to be polite!"

Qin Dong’s voice has not yet landed, and Chang Ying has already sent the jar of wine to his mouth. He slammed into a few mouthfuls and poured it into his stomach.

Just smelling incense, it has already made Chang Ying coveted. At this time, a few mouthfuls of belly, really understand the fragrance and sweetness of this wine, but also let the general should stop. In one breath, the little half altar has entered his stomach. [

"Good wine! Really good wine!" Chang should breathe a sigh of relief and shouted at Qin Dong.

Qin Dong’s heart smiled coldly, secretly saying that this should not be known. Le Tao is good at wine, but the wine is also strong. Chang Ying’s cultivation is deep, but like him, a bit of a small altar is waiting for alcoholism. Even if he is deeper, he can’t resist it.

"Since it is a good wine, the regular brother will drink more!" Qin Dong took out two altars from the Qiankun Shengzhong. This Le Tao is not easy to come by, the effect is wonderful, so cheap and often, Qin Dong heart is not willing. For the sake of the glass fairy and Mo Xielong, he was reluctant to give up.

Before and after the three altar music Taotao, was supposed to drink all the time without using half a cup of tea. Not to mention that it should always be, even if Qin Dong is not able to withstand the backlash of alcohol. With a lot of muffled sounds, I should always hold the jars and drunk on the ground.

"Hey, the surname is ,, you are really good at this wine, and you will come to the altar to taste it." Mo Xielong is also a good wine person, the fragrance of Le Taotao, after he smells, the mind is also mad. Eyes look at the regular, do not like money, will Le Tao rushed to the stomach directly, Mo Xielong 馋 almost did not even swallow the tongue.

Seeing that Chang should fall to the ground, there is still an altar left in the hands of Qin Dong. Mo Xielong screamed at Qin Dong as he couldn’t hold the worm in his stomach.

Qin Dong saw a smile and said, "I promised you at the beginning, I want to drink it with you. It is better to hit the sun than to choose the day. Today, you and I will be drunk!"

"Good!" Mo Xielong was overjoyed and even called three sounds. I was about to get up and pick up the jars that Qin Dong handed over. When I reached half of my hand, I suddenly took it back. I blinked at Qin Dong and said, "I almost forgot, you are a dog, a full-fledged bastard. I How can Moxielong drink with you?"

"But the money is easy to find, good wine is hard to find that! So beautiful wine, you really don't want to taste it?" Qin Dong smiled and looked at Mo Xielong.

Mo Xielong involuntarily twitched his throat and his face hesitated. After a while, Mo Xielong suddenly waved his hand and said, "How can I Mo Zhenlong have no bones? Isn't it wine, don't drink and can't die! You are a dog thing, give me a little farther away, so that I don't get dirty." Dragon's eyes.

"Mo teaches the Lord, he said clearly, after three days, you will be executed. In other words, this altar is probably the last altar of wine in your life. You really have to miss this for a moment. Altar wine?"

"Hey! This is not an anger, but a bone! The surname is stunned, you will enjoy it, and one day, you will be retribution!"

"Mo teach the Lord, such a villain, why bother with him?" The glass fairy on the side slightly opened his eyes and screamed at Mo Xielong.

"The fairy is right, such a dog thief, I feel dirty at a glance!" Mo Xielong listened to the glass fairy, and then closed his mouth, a word no longer said.

"Grandpa!" Qin Dong is about to tease Mo Xielong a few more words, flirting, five people have come over.

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