The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 841: Healing!

Chapter VIII healing!

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!" Looking at the emptiness between the heavens and the earth, the treasure is solemn, the Qin Dao of the law, and the head of Moxuanlong is like a rattle.

"Teacher, what is impossible?" asked the stranger.

Mo Xielong shook his head and said, "I had a battle with Qin Shaoxia on that day. I was half-pounded and eighty-two. It was only after a short period of time. His cultivation has reached such a terrible situation. According to my estimation, at least Above the level of ten. How can it be so fast to improve?"

"Ten... tenth level?!" Moxie Long’s words shocked everyone. [

The cultivation of a few people in the flight is still superficial. Except for the seven-level of the moon, the four law-protection methods are only six. In their eyes, they can only feel that Qindong is very powerful, but they do not even see the realm of Qin Dong at this time. Being said by Mo Xielong, how can they not be surprised?

You must know that among the monks, the tenth level is like a watershed, separating people from heaven and earth. More than ten levels, it is more legendary. This is true in heaven and in heaven, and even more so in the human world. At this time, a super-level ten-level master is in front of his own eyes, how can they not be surprised? What's more, this person with a ten-level situation is still so young.

"Mo teach the Lord, you... isn’t you kidding? Qin Shaoxia, he really has..." asked the month.

"It will not be wrong! I am a nine-level situation, but in front of Qin Shaoxia, but it can be said that there is no chance of winning, if he is not a ten-level situation, it will only be higher!" Qin Dong said with a piecemeal.

The voice of Mo Xielong just fell, and the six silver lotuses slammed back into the body of Qin Dong, and the shining silver and gold mansions of the heavens and the earth disappeared without a trace. The glass fairy, who has been keeping his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes. Exhausted from exhaustion and embarrassment, the flying look reappeared on her face.

"I... How is this possible?" Feeling the fascination of the body, the glass fairy knows that in this short time, she has almost exhausted the spiritual power, at least 60%. His face is full of shock and "confuse".

Qin Dong slowly fell from the air, with a few apologies. "Predecessors, my skill is still shallow, can not restore your cultivation to the peak, can only restore 60% for you, the remaining 40% It depends on you."

When Qin Dong’s words came out, Mo Xielong almost didn’t bleed on the spot. If Qin Dong can only be regarded as a skill, then what is his cultivation?

"Xiaodong, you... what did you do to me?" The face of the glass fairy was full of surprises.

Mo Xielong came forward and looked at Qin Dong. He looked back and forth several times. He said, "Are you a monster? Is it a small age, you have reached the level of ten, come to Japan, you are afraid of this. Heaven will be pulled out by you."

"Old Mo, what do you say? You said that Xiaodong's cultivation has been promoted to the level of the tenth level?" Mo Xielong's words let the glass fairy involuntarily swallowed a few mouthfuls.

"I'm afraid it's not so much!" Moxie Long's open-minded mind, at this time, is also a little embarrassing.

"Xiaodong, this... what is going on in the end?" Liu Lixian looked at Qindong with a fixed eye. He only thought that Qindong at this time seemed to be shrouded in layers of "fog", let her eyesight be sharp. I also want to see through. This made the glass fairy have to believe that Qin Dong, at this time, has been far above her.

Qin Dong smiled and smiled. Xiao Mei’s shadow appeared in his mind. If it were not her ‘sacrifice’, he would not have today.

"It is no wonder that Qin Shaoxia actually wants to fight alone. It turns out that there is no fear, hahaha..." He Sanjin was straightforward and said with a big smile.

"Single fight?!" He Sanjin said this, immediately let Mo Xielong and the glass fairy to stay amazed.

Qin Dong couldn't help but look back at He Sanjin. He knew that the glass fairy was a human being, and he would never let him fight with him.

Sure enough, when the glass fairy was heard, he shook his head and said, "No, this is absolutely impossible! Xiaodong, although your cultivation has a level of ten, you know, the repair of the dark unicorn is in the thirteenth. The level of the situation, just because it was injured at the beginning, only played the level 10 level. No one knows whether her current injury has healed, whether it is repaired or not, it is too dangerous for you to fight with her alone. !"

"Predecessors, you don't have to worry about me. I naturally have my reason to do this. You should know me as a person. I am not the kind of person who is ignorant and ignorant, right?"


"Predecessors don't say anything more, my mind has already been decided. In these three days, you will be relieved to rehabilitate your predecessors. I have some eternal spirits here, and I will help you. After three days, I will find a substitute, you will be two. The position is replaced. At that time, you will go to Biyou Palace with the fleeing seniors."

When the glass fairy was not finished, Qin Dong interrupted her words. According to Qin Dong’s respect for the glass fairy, it will never be so rude. At this time, he is doing nothing more than showing his determination.

"Qin Shaoxia, do you want to consider again, if the three of us work together to deal with you, the odds will be much bigger!" Mo Xielong said.

When Mo Xielong’s words were finished, Qin Dong did not answer the words, but looked at him with a smile. After a while, Mo Xielong was embarrassed to lower his head.

When the monk cultivates to the end, every step of improvement is a qualitative change. Especially after the 8th level, even if the two are only half the difference, it is also a world of difference, just like the ants and elephants. Mo Xielong said that the three people will join hands and the odds will be much bigger. It is just his wishful thinking. It is not as simple as one plus one and two in the battle of their realm.

"Mo teach the Lord, let me help you to lift the ban on you."

Mo Xielong could not ask for it, and quickly nodded.

Qin Dong was about to take the shot, suddenly paused, smiled and said, "But Mo teaches the Lord, we have the words first, I can help you lift the ban, but in these three days, you must be patient." The ground should always be rude.

As soon as he saw Chang Ying, Mo Xielong’s eyes immediately turned red, and his fists involuntarily picked up. On this day, he can be said to have suffered from the humiliation of the usual. Qin Dong is worried about the temper of Mo Xielong, so he will first make a chapter with him.

Long take a breath, Mo Xielong will press down the anger of the heart, looking to Qindong Road, "You can rest assured, although I am a Shuhan, but also know that the overall situation is the weight. I have endured these three days, but After three days, you must let me kill this dog thing!"

Qin Dong haha ​​smiled and said, "Mo teach the Lord to rest assured that this guy's life is not yours!"

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