The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 850: Reveal the true body!

The eighth hundred and fifty-five chapters show the true meaning of "show"!

"Shoujian, not rude!" Seeing the sword angered and blamed Qin Dong, the Queen hurriedly drank her. Although she saw Qin Dong refused to express her promise to Germany, she was somewhat disappointed, but she had to be more rational. Qin Dong is now the last hope of the royal family of the Great Chu State. In any case, it cannot be offended.

"There is no reason!" The sword screamed, and the hateful smashed.

"What happened to you?" At this time, Qin Dong woke up with God and looked at the angry sword, which was very surprised.

"You... you are still very embarrassed to ask me, so busy, I am not willing to help, you are really a cold-blooded animal!" The sword did not hit a place and yelled at Qin Dong, and turned to his head and said to Deyi. "German Desire, don't ask him again, waste your tears and saliva."

Listening to the sword, Qin Dong discovered that Deyi was looking at himself with a pair of eyes full of pleading. I hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, I was thinking about things, I was gone for a moment. I don't know what you want me to do?"

"Hey! What is going away, it is clearly shirking." Shi Jian whispered.

Qin Dong has already understood the temper of the sword, and did not put her words in her heart.

Deyi’s mood was ups and downs, and the Queen couldn’t make a sound. The Queen said to her, “Der’s sister, I want to ask the priest to help her report her vengeance.”

"You want me to kill Rong Qing Wang Su Xi?" Qin Dong God "color" a meal.

Dean cried and nodded. Queen's Road, "Easy Master, this Palace also hopes that you can kill Suxi, a wicked bad guy, not only for revenge for Deyi's sister, but also for the people of Dachu in China. Su Xisheng "Sexuality" is brutal. If he is won by the throne, countless souls in the Great Chu Kingdom will be smeared! Please teach the Lord to be merciful and sorrowful, and save the people of Dachu from danger!"

Qin Dong listened after a smile, turned to look at the sword, faintly asked, "This is what you said a little busy?"

The sword's face was red and he muttered, "Su Xi is like a dog in front of you. You have to kill him and raise your hand. It will be a small matter for you."

"Ha ha ha... good fangs! I ask you, you know, there is another black hand behind Su Xi. If I kill Su Xi, my own "sex" life is hard to protect!"

"Don't be alarmist here, your cultivation is so high, under the heavens, who can kill you?" The sword looked disapproving.

Qin Dong shook his head and said, "You are sitting in the sky! Let me tell you, the person behind Su Xi, repaired to be above me!"

"This... is this true?" The sword was shackled.

The Queen sighed and said, "The emperor once said to me that Dachu came to a very terrible woman. This woman is not my family, but she is capable of going through the sky. Even the moon is going to bow in front of her."

"Yes! This is the woman. She is now fully assisting Su Xi, to help him capture the throne, and then use Su Xi to control the entire big Chu State."

"That... what should I do?" The sword was a little panicked.

People are not for themselves, and they are destroyed. In the face of such a powerful and terrible woman, what reason is there for Qin Dong to risk his life to help himself? The empress's heart sank and involuntarily gave a heavy sigh.

Deyi's gaze also faded, looking at Qin Dong, the sad road "If this is the case, then I will not let you be embarrassed. You can rescue me from the palace, save this "sex" life, and again Dedicated to the best, Shi Xianshu treated me for injury. This time, the little girl, I don’t know how to repay it. So, since you recognized me as my sister in the palace, I will call you a brother. If there is a future life, I must Be your sister and repay your kindness."

Said, Deyi bowed to Qindong Yingying's sorrow, Qin Dong saw it, and quickly helped Deyi get up, with a bit of awkward saying, "Deyi **** please pick up, in fact, this thing, I want Apologize to you."

"Apologize?" Deyi, the queen, the sword three people. [

Qin Dong said with embarrassment, "At that time, in order to save you, I had to assume that it was your brother's identity. In fact, my age, where to be your brother, even if you are your brother, I am afraid that it is a little small."

"Ah? Happy teacher, this... Where does this start?" Deyi is full of "fun" and "confusing".

The sword can't help but smile. "You are a bearded man, you have a lot of beards, and you still have tenderness in front of us. Deyi Niangniang is less than 30 years old this year, it is worthy of Fanghua, look at you, at least Fifty? What did you say, the younger brother who is the German goddess is too small, your face is too thick?"

"The sword can not be rude!" The Queen saw the sword in front of Qin Dong, so arrogant, speechless, very a little scared, do not understand how the courage of the sword is so great.

Qin Dong did not pay attention to the sarcasm of the sword. He smiled slightly and applied his secret technique. He recovered his true face in front of the three people.

If you don't trim the margins, you can't get rid of it. It looks a bit embarrassing, and it doesn't matter much with the style. But in this blink of an eye, Happy has turned into a sword eyebrow star, handsome, handsome young man, the huge contrast formed by two completely different images, looking at the three people is stunned.

Especially the sword, probably so long, has never seen a handsome man like Qin Dong, the first-class character, the cheeks involuntarily flying on the piece of blush, and suddenly looked at the idiot.

"Don't look again, then look at the saliva to flow down." Qin Dong gently smiled at the sword, jokingly said a word.

"Ah! I... I didn't have it!" The sword's face became like a ripe tomato, and he quickly turned his body to the side, stroking and jumping quickly, as long as he jumped out of his throat. Heart, I dare not look at Qin Dong again. I was afraid to take another look. It was really like Qin Dong’s saying that the water was exported to the water, and the heroic name of her sword would be completely destroyed.

"This... what is going on here?" Deyi and the emperor behind each other.

Qin Dong Lang Lang said, "In fact, Happy is just my incarnation. My real name is Qin Dong."

"Qin Dong?" The Queen was even more shocked and hurriedly said, "I said before the Emperor, in the Central Plains, there was a young hero who was not allowed. The three empires were all ordered by him, and the power was shocked. The boy The hero seems to be called Qin Dong, is it you?"

Qin Dong rushed to the Queen with a slight decapitation, saying "it is down, but the young hero does not dare to be!"

"The three empires are all ordered by you, you ... how do you have such a big skill?" The sword listened to the Queen's words, and he was so shocked that he turned his head and looked at Qin Dong, and asked incredulously.

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