The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 859: The tenth monk is terrible!

The 805th chapter of the tenth grade monk is terrible!

The majestic power contained in this sizzling blast not only caused the tens of thousands of soldiers on both sides to squat, but also made the illusionary orc warriors and the four flies in the air battle indiscriminate. trembling. Unconsciously stopped the offensive on his hand, with deep horror on his face, falling back to the ground.

The original battle was in full swing, and the fierce and unusual battle ended in an instant. Everyone looks at me, I look at you, no one knows what happened.

The sword saw the strange, opened his eyes and looked at it, but he was scared and exclaimed, and then stepped back and forth.

"This... what is going on here?" [

Looking at the scared sword, the Queen was stunned and asked, "Shoujian, your martial arts... When did it become so powerful?"

"Ah? This... is this what I did?" The sword looked at his palms and couldn't believe anything.

"Three, this..." Su Xi was scared and opened his mouth, and quickly turned to look at the three Eudemons warriors.

The squirrel's cultivation is the highest, and among the three is also the boss. At this point, a look of dignified look at the sword, cold road "it seems that we underestimated you!"

"I don't believe that this girl will have such a great ability! Smelly girl, pick me up and try it!" The mad cow screamed, and the five fingers clenched his fists and looked at the heart of the sword.

The mad cow’s fist is fierce and abnormal, and it’s said that it’s a fight. The sword only feels invisible, but it’s like a tsunami-like horrible pressure. It’s like coming in, it’s like a sky, let’s wait. The sword simply forgot to gather and resist. The whole person is like a pole, and he is stunned and stands on the spot.

"Don't be afraid, just like the party, wave your hand to meet the enemy!" Just when the sword was in the heart of the sword, the ear suddenly heard the voice of Qin Dong with magnetic "sex".

The unsettled mind in the heart of the sword, the moment of calming down like a magic, and the fear of deep bone marrow, disappeared in an instant.

I saw the sword gently nodded and arbitrarily waved out. In the meantime, a silver-golden mansion, along with her palms, began to form a wall of gold and silver.

"Hey!" The mad cow's punches hit all the holes on the wall.

That scene is like a fist hitting in the water, and the wall of gold and silver is swaying and swaying until the mad cow's boxing power is exhausted, and the wall of light has not broken.

"This is..." The mad cow was surprised and opened his mouth.

Just when he was stunned, the golden and silver walls suddenly exploded, and countless silver and gold, and at the same time 迸 "shooting", the goal is not others, it is the mad cow,

"吼~~~~~~" The mad cow is not an ordinary person after all. Although everything came suddenly, it did not panic.

During the busy schedule, the spiritual power continued to flow, and the mad cow turned into a majestic bull from the moment. A pair of horns on the head, like steel casting, shines brightly under the sunlight. The spiritual power of a green oil, from the sharp point of the horns, "shot", a moment, a thick scary green cloud formed, covering the mad cow body.

The mad cow thought that this way, he could be safe and worry-free, but the result was that he and everyone fell below the glasses.

The silver silk awns that carry the power far beyond everyone's imagination. Just listening to the air, the sound of the sharp wind breaking from the cockroach, covering the green "color" cloud of the mad cow body, looks unbreakable, but in the face of the silver silk mans, instantly collapsed.

It is no exaggeration to say that the green "color" cloud is like a thin letter that can't be thinner. It is only a blink of an eye, and it is worn by the golden silk.

The green "color" cloud cloud covered the mad cow, and everyone could not see his expression, but he could clearly hear the screaming sound of shouting from the depths of the green "color" cloud. [

Every silver thread pierced the green cloud, and the green cloud would think of such a scream, and smash a **** flower. It didn't take long for the whole group of green clouds to be dyed red by the blood peanuts.

When the green clouds dissipated and the dust settled, everyone saw a corpse with a lot of holes, and it was a shame.

"The mad cow!" The squirrel and the geek also screamed at the same time, not only because of the tragic death of the confidant companion, but also because of the terrible silver silk.

"Shoujian, good job!" The Queen was excited at this time, and she didn't know what to say.

The sword is a shy face, saying, "Queen of the Queen, you look at the sword, the sword is not such a big skill."

"Not you? Who is that?"

Just when the Queen was shocked and asked, a few people who flew in the air suddenly shouted and shouted "Qin Shaoxia!"

The Queen rushed to follow the sound, and sure enough, Qin Dong fell slowly from the air. The clothes are long and fluttering, and in the eyes of the people, it is a pleasing pleasing.

"You...what are you going to do here?" The monkey and the squirrel saw Qin Dong, and at the same time exclaimed, knowing that this is a very different calculation.

"You two squatting animals, still do not come to life?" Qin Dong a pair of swords staring at the two, a loud voice. The geek and the squirrel provoked a chill in the involuntary heart.

The mad cow, which was cultivated as an inscrutable, became a dead cow by the work of Qin Dong’s eyes. In addition, Su Xi had heard about the reputation of Qin Dong. At this time, even if he was not surprised, his face could not help but change his face.

On the contrary, the four guards of the law and the queen, the sword, but because of the arrival of Qin Dong, and confidence rose. Thousands of royal guards have also been affected by several people, and morale has skyrocketed.

"Two, this... how is this good?" Su Xi's heart rises with a very ominous premonition, looking at the squirrel monkey.

At this point, the squirrel can't think of it. Looking at Qin Dong, biting his teeth, "Wang Ye doesn't have to be flustered. There are two of me here, to keep you safe!"

"Hey! I am a mud bodhisattva across the river, and what to take to protect others?" Qin Dong snorted, yelling at the squirrel.

The squirrel and the geek looked at each other with a tacit understanding. One left and one right, one on the other, all four hands and four feet were aligned with Qin Dong’s dead hole.

The two followed by the body, naturally know the terrible Qin Dong. This shot is full of strength, and only in this way, the two can have a chance.

"Humble ants, dare to fight in front of me? Give me a back!" Qin Dong's body shape is still moving, his hands behind his back, his shoulders only slightly sway, an invisible pressure, like a squally shower Open.

This is the terrible thing of a ten-level monk, even if it is only a tiny movement, it has a tremendous power. The geek and the squirrel’s body shape have just entered half, and they have been photographed by this invisible pressure. The two only felt that their body shape suddenly stagnate, as if they were caught in a mud, and the offensive instantly collapsed...

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