The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 861: False happy!

Chapter 861 is a fake!

Just before the Wangfu Gate, when the war broke out, it was not calm in the Qindong House.

I got the slap in the face, and I expected that when the Qindong dynasty smashed the Wangfu big "chaos", I would like to save the people, and the other two illusionary orc warriors are like a big enemy, looking around with vigilance.

However, the happyness on their side is somewhat careless and not tense.

I often wrinkled my brow and looked at him. Shen Sheng asked, "Happy Master, your master, how can you not see?"

Happy, there was a hoarse voice. "I have already ordered people to call, maybe on the way."

"Hey? Happy teacher, how is your voice somewhat different from usual?" Chang should look up and down, full of doubts and confusion.

"Not the same? Is there? Oh~~~ It may be that I was sleeping yesterday and I was cold."

"Have a cold? The teacher of the Happy School will really make a joke, and it will be a realm for you, and will it be as cool as an ordinary person?"

"Oh, huh... I’m not careful, I’m not careful.”

Often shook his head and shook his head. "Qin Dong may appear at any time. The spirit of the priest is still good to play, so that there is a mistake when you get it. We have no way to explain it to you."

"What Chang brother said is, what is said! Hehe..."

"The surname is often, you seem to be very nervous. Is it also you feel it, today is your death?" Mo Xielong said with a sneer.

"Shut up! This seat is now free to take care of you, to kill Qin Dong, you see how I clean up you!" Chang Ying is indeed a little bit uncertain, especially the right eyelids, from the morning, the mad jump more than.

The voice of Chang Ying just fell, and suddenly a black gas fell in the air, showing a sturdy figure.

"His Royal Highness, you..." According to the previous plan, she should be in the dark at this time, and this suddenly appeared, so that Chang should be taken aback.

I didn’t pay attention to it, I turned my head and looked at Xiaoyao. He shouted, "Who are you?"

A happy, sly way, "His Royal Highness, I am happy, you don't know me?"

"Don't dare to lie to me!" He screamed and waved his hand to fight a power of destruction. The exhalation exclaimed, and hurriedly lifted out a release of a spiritual power and greeted him.

The two forces collided in the air, and they screamed in the air. They were struck back by the smashing force of the smashing, and the mouth of the mouth overflowed with a blood flow.

"His Royal Highness, what are you doing?" Xiaoyao's eyes widened and his face was amazed.

"You are not at all happy! I want to pretend to be a ghost in front of the palace. You are too small to be in this palace!"

"What? He is not happy?" I should always be surprised.

He nodded and said, "If it is not that you find that his voice is different, this palace will not notice." After that, his eyes are fixed on the body, and he said, "I still not show your true body?"

"His Royal Highness, you... what's wrong with you, I am not happy, who else?"

"It's still hard!" He had everything in his hands in the palm of his hand, but now suddenly there was a fake, and suddenly he realized that she was afraid of thinking about things. I feel even more, perhaps unconsciously I have been in the palm of my hand. It is this feeling that makes you jump out of the dark.

Seeing the fake happy still does not recognize, and my heart is even more anxious. One bite of silver teeth, the black gas of a road, like a dragon that chooses to succumb, tumbling like a "tidal" screaming toward the false sorrow.

Seeing this black air, you have to devour the fake sorrow. Suddenly, in the black air, the cold light of the silver color is erupted, showing the shape of a crescent moon, centering on the false escapism and sweeping in all directions. .

This crescent-shaped knife smashed out and often jumped up without a surprise. This strange knife was originally made to suffer from his great suffering. Now he drank it. "You are the moon!"

Nowadays, there is no way to disguise the next month, and sneer, and restore the true body. Holding a machete, cold eyes look at the usual, hey, gloomy road "good! You probably never dreamed of it?"

"No! You are not killed by the sorrowful leader? How can it appear here, and also fake the sorrowful leader?" Chang should be a suspected "confusing" at this time, and asked again and again.

The sly eyebrows are now clustered. The icy cold road "It goes without saying that the real happy is only a problem."

"Hey... Hey, you are reacting now, is it too late?" Yue Wei said with a cold smile.

"Where is he now?" He suddenly rushed toward the moon and forced him to take a step closer. The black gas that enveloped the whole body, rolling, is like boiling water.

"Guess what?" The moon was not awkward, and it was full of sarcasm.

"Funny!" At this time, it was already angry and screaming, and a scream, a wrist trembled, and the black air was forced to go.

The moon’s subconscious subordinate scimitar resisted, but underestimated the power of this attack. I only heard a bang from the bang, and the knives in the hands of the moon were not broken. The whole person was also blown out by the smashing power of the smashing, and the blood was sprayed on the ground.

The moon was not struggling to stand up from the ground, glaring at the cockroach, gnashing his teeth and saying, "I haven’t been confused for a while, and made your canine teeth, so that I have stained the stain that I can’t elute for a lifetime! Fortunately, I have to meet Qin Shaoxia, let me Suddenly repenting. The scorpion animals of these illusionary orcs are trying to conquer the world, it is simply an idiotic dream!"

"What are you talking about?" The voice of the cockroach was full of anger, and there was no small surprise.

We must know that when the moon is under her hands, it has always been a singular promise, greedy and fearful of death, but only a few days of work, but a hundred and eighty degrees of great changes. I was able to throw away life and death, even if it was facing her, it did not flow out of the slightest fear, and it seemed to be a big sense of ignorance. It was like changing a person, so that you can’t help but marvel.

"Hey! You killed me!" The moon was not standing upright, and his face was dead.

"Hey, like him, you don't need your shot, I will send him!" Chang should have a cold drink, and he slammed into the moon.

"The surname is often! Are you bullying the month if you are bullying?" The moon is not always seen in the palm of your hand, and the mouth bursts into the mouth, not to kill the body's spiritual power to the extreme, greet Chang Ying.

The month was not injured, but the injury should not be good. The two are still half a catty. Only this time, the moon is not holding the determination to die, the courage of fearlessness, will be upgraded to the extreme. But I should always see that the moon was beaten and became a serious injury. I was scornful at him, and I often didn’t want to have a life of the moon. I wanted to torture him first, so this palm did not use all the power. ......

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