The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 870: The world of God!

The eighty-seventh chapter of the net of the world!

Flying is also cold-spoken. "Even if you are despised by human beings, you can show such great courage, not afraid of sacrifice, and fight with your fantasy orc. We are also a group of monks, how can we lose to these Ordinary humans? We may not be able to treat you, but we will definitely be in the end, even if we are with you, jade will burn!"

"The boss is right! It's time for us to be!" He Sanjin clasped his axe with his hands and shouted in a word.

"Ah!!!" He Sanjin’s voice just fell, and at their feet, the screams of the monkeys suddenly sounded.

When I turned my head, I saw that the geek was smashed to the ground by the sword, and thousands of royal guards came from him, and then drowned him. About a few seconds before and after, the uncanny monkey, has been smashed into a pile of rotten meat by thousands of royal guards. [

"Victory! We won!" The sword raised his high-handed steel knife and looked at the soldiers who were surrounded by blood and shouted.

In a twinkling of an eye, the heavens and the earth fell into a burst of cheers. This victory is so difficult, but it is precisely because of this, this victory is precious.

"Don't we have a mysterious orc family really stunned humans?" Looking at the people who are celebrating the victory, he seems to have fallen into deep thought, and the voice is a bit dignified.

"The second child, the third child, the fourth child! The human battle is over. Next, we should be on the scene!" The fluttering eyes swept over the repairs, asked the empty and He Sanjin.

The battle between the soldiers and the geeks is not a slap in the arm, and greatly invigorates the fighting spirit of the four people. At this time, the four big guards are just like the reincarnation. The war is high, and the mind is no longer thinking about why the repairs are so much, just eager, can be like those soldiers, no matter what enemy they face. Powerful, no matter how many sacrifices there will be, how much blood will flow, and the battle will be painful and fast, even if it is dead, it is worth it!

Seeing the flirting four people eager to try, looking at themselves, looking at their own, a brow of a lock, coldly asked "What do you want to do four? It will not be naive, you can kill me four?"

"Maybe not, but we will never back down!" The expression of the flying expression is firm, and the words spit out are more determined.

He slowly shook his head and said, "I promised you. If you win the bet, let them go. Now you win, let's go."

"Well?" After listening to this, the four people were a little surprised. Flying feelings "can't see, you are still a person who speaks and speaks, and who has faith."

He sneered and said, "This palace is the princess of the illusionary orcs. It is respected and noble.

"You have words and letters, but you don't have to!"

"What do you mean?" I looked at the strange feelings.

Fei Fei suddenly said, "As long as you let you live, you will continue to endanger the human world. As a monk, I must not stand by. So even if it is staggered today, the battle between us is inevitable. In this case, It is better to know here!"

"You are looking for death!" Hearing the words of the flying, he was shocked and angry, and he could not help but add three points of murder.

"What is terrible to die? Today, I saw this battle of forgetting death. In our hearts, life and death are no longer a terrible thing! Female devil, talk nonsense, do it!"

"Okay! I have to admit that in the past, I was really too young to see you human beings. From now on, I will not make the same mistake again."

"Where is there so much nonsense? Arrangement!" The flirting screaming, the figure leaped. Falling repairs, asking for empty space, He Sanjin three people did not hesitate, the body shape followed, and in a blink of an eye, they laid a new battle.

"Since all of you are purely looking for death, I will fulfill you!" He did not hesitate, and he was black and tumbling, falling into the crowd of four.

"All the worlds are through the sky, all sorts of things, great compassion, and turbidity and clearness!" The word truth is slowly floating out of the mouth of Feiqing. Falling repairs, asking for empty space, and He Sanjin were all launched in a row, and each exhibition was absolutely unsuccessful, and the spiritual power was indispensable. [

The abundant and pure aura between the heavens and the earth, led by four people, came together from all sides, and in a twinkling of an eye, a colored "color" light column was formed, which directly poured into the heavens and the earth. In this huge color "color" light column, there is a giant shadow of the **** Buddha in the faint side, the law is solemn, the weather is tens of thousands, and the body is covered with the inner world of people who can't penetrate the life, as if by the infinite mana of washing the heavens and the earth.

Even when I saw this scene, I couldn’t help but sigh the last sentence. Although the cultivation of Feiqing is not high, the research on the law has already reached the point where ghosts and gods are shocked.

"Destroy!" With a slap in the face, the color "color" light column with the hidden law immediately spreads out and turns into a pure **** of the world.

In this blow, he did not dare to neglect, his body shape swayed, shrouded his body's destructive power, turned into a million black lines, with her as the core, squeezing toward the world in all directions. Shoot and go.

Originally a clear, sunny sky, suddenly became grotesque, just as if for a moment, it brought people to another wonderful, totally different world.

Looking up at the visions that came from the sky, the sword was full of worries and asked the Queen, "Imperial Queen, you say four guardians, how many odds?"

The Queen is just an ordinary person. He can understand the infinite mystery of the monk world. He also shook his head with a fascinating face. He whispered in his mouth. "I don't know. I only know, Tianli Zhaozhao. , evil is not winning!"

"Broken!" Suddenly a clear voice was heard in the mouth of the cockroach. In the blink of an eye, the black gas suddenly surged three times, covering the sky and covering the sky, and the entire sky was covered.

The Jingshi Shenguang is obviously not the opponent of the power of destruction. After a moment of resistance, it began to converge quickly.

"Hey!" He Sanjin spurted a blood arrow in his mouth, and said with anger, "This devil is really powerful. So big, even why she can't help her!"

"Three Jins, don't distract you!" Fei Qing looked back and glanced at He Sanjin, his palms were staggered and danced in front of his chest, and he played a powerful spirit into the battle.

Falling into repairs, asking for emptiness and learning, according to law. He Sanjin also listened to the warning of flying, and hurriedly gathered his heart and conspired with God. The law was like one, and the spiritual power of the body was continually sacrificed.

The power of the devastating force, the rapidly disappearing of the sacred world, finally stabilized the position with the efforts of the four people, and the power of destruction released by the shackles once again formed a confrontational trend.

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