The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 878: Yiyi farewell!

The VIIIth chapter of the seven hundred and eighty-eight chapters to say goodbye!

"That... then you tell us, how many odds do you have?" The glass fairy saw that Qin Dong had already ironed his heart, and shook his head helplessly, asking with full of concern.

Qin Dong smiled a few times and extended a finger.

"One ... one percent?!" Glass fairy, Mo Xielong several people exclaimed at the same time. Only one percent wins, what is the difference between this and death?

"Qin Shaoxia, since you are so powerful, or else, we should not be enemies with her for the time being. When our strength grows up, come back to fight with her, can't this be done?" asked the whisper. [

Qin Dong shook his head and said, "We can indeed leave, but if we leave, what should Dachu do? Under the wrath, Dachu will be corpse. And, the man’s husband, can Do the tortoises? If I really want to leave, I am afraid that I will not be able to lift my head forever."

The faces of several people became more and more dignified, and the surrounding atmosphere also fell into a dead silence. Qin Dong smiled and said, "You, what's wrong with you? Although I only have a 10% chance of winning, I will definitely lose if I don't see it? Do you forget it? The evil is invincible, God is a long-eyed!" ”

"Xiaodong, you should not comfort us any more. You tell me the truth, have you already made up your mind and want to die with you?"

In the end, Liu Lixian and Qin Dong had the most contact, and he was the most aware of him. In one sentence, he said that he had thought in Qin Dong’s heart. The repair of the ambiguity is unpredictable. If it is not his best calculations, I can take advantage of it, but even if he does, he will only be attacked by three waves, but he will not get her. "life. Coupled with the soul scale that is almost impossible to break, Qin Dong wants to come and think, except for the same with the singer, he really can't think of other methods.

"Ah!?" Listening to the glass fairy, saying that Moxielong’s eyes are even more rounded.

Flying feelings, falling repairs, asking for empty space, He Sanjin, and the injured moon is not central. At this time, all the tensions held their breath, and all the pairs of eyes fell on Qin Dong.

Qin Dongyu laughed, and on the glass fairy road "Fairy, that is only the worst plan, not necessarily happening, huh, huh..."

"You are less sloppy with me here. Xiaodong, when you were on Wulong Island, you told me that I am like your mother. Then I am now asking you to be my mother. Guarantee, when you fight with the girl of the dark unicorn, you can win if you can win. If you can't win, then you must first protect yourself and never do stupid things. Xiaodong, you have to remember, stay in the green hills without ignoring firewood. burn."

"I remembered your words." Qin Dong, although a serious look, seems to have heard the words of the glass fairy. However, the glass fairy is clear, once Qin Dong has made up his mind, it will not be changed by a few words. With all this in mind, the glamour of the fairy in the glass sighed, and the mood was not relaxed, but it was more dignified.

"Qin brothers, we all listen to you, this will leave the big Chu country, go to Bi Yougong. However, you have to promise us, we must come back alive! We all wait for you in Biqing Palace!" Mo Xie Longben is A **** "sexual" man, at this time, Qin Dong is treated as a brother. At this point, I couldn't help but condense a wet mist in my eyes.

"Ha ha ha ... Mo teach the Lord, the man and the man, the bloodshed does not cry, what are you doing?" Qin Dong laughed and joked.

"Get out of the way! If you change to someone else, my blood of Mo Xielong is drained, and I will never shed a tear!" Mo Xielong wiped his eyes.

Qin Dong noodles "color" a positive, eyes slowly sweeping a few people, said "the deep affection of Qin Dong, Qin Dong remember in my heart. I am **** and revenge, have not yet reported, naturally will not easily die. But There are unexpected events in the sky, and life and death are even more than one day. Qin Dong is really unable to promise you..."

"Qin brothers you..." Mo Xielong was anxious.

Qin Dong waved his hand and interrupted his words. He said, "Qin Dong is fortunate to win, naturally it is good. But if Qin Dong is unfortunately killed, there is one thing that can be promised."

Liuli Fairy has long known that Qin Dong will say this, nodding his face with a nod, "Diaodong, what do you say? Everyone will promise you even if it is liver and brain!"

Qin Dong nodded. "I don't know Qin Dong. I don't know how high the earth is, but if I really die, I will look at the mainland. I am afraid that there will be no more rivals. In order not to let the mainland fall into a **** hurricane, I I would like to ask a few people to do my best to adjust Xiaomei. Xiaomei is the blood of the Yuan Dynasty. It is a peerless cultivation. If all of you can do your best, I believe that Xiaomei will shine and be able to take up the confrontation. The heavy responsibility."

"I said Qin brothers, you ... you are about to face a battle of life and death, how do you still have the mind to manage these?" Mo Xielong said, shaking his head again and again.

"I can't care! Only by arranging everything, I can really be careless."[

"Xiaodong, you are obviously only a teenager, but you have more heart than anybody, and the burden is heavier than anyone else. You let us people, how can you feel it..." The glass fairy looks at Qin Dong. Heartache tears DC.

"Please ask your predecessors to promise Qin Dong!" Qin Zheng was kneeling in front of everyone.

At the same time, Mo Xielong and Liuli Fairy rushed forward, and together they helped Qin Dong, and the glass fairy turned to look at Mo Xielong. Mo Xielong will know what to do, and when he beats his chest, he said, "Qin brothers, your heart is clear to all of us. You can rest assured that if there is such a day, Moxielong will pass on the sentiments of this life to Xiaomei girl, never hide. private!"

"Xiaodong, you can sacrifice your own "sex" life, can we not even do this? You can rest assured!" The glass fairy held Qin Dong's hand, and the words were extremely eloquent.

Two days later, outside the Imperial City of Dachu, a group of people said goodbye.

Although the glass fairy is trying hard to suppress the sorrow in the heart, but the tears are not contending. I want to say a few words to Qin Dong, but I can’t stop crying.

"Brother! I have never admire anyone in my life. But for this brother, I really served!" Mo Xielong held Qin Dong's hand tightly, and his voice was full of grief.

Qin Dong smiled at Mo Xielong, his wrists shook, and when Qian Kun was neutral, he shot two purple lights. When the light dissipated, Mo Xielong discovered that Qin Dong had two jars of wine in his hand.

"Qin brothers, you are..."

Qin Dong smiled and said, "Mo Lao Ge, have you not been thinking about having a drink with me? I am ready for this wine. How about you and me?"

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