The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 881: Silent storm!

The 881th chapter silences the storm!

Seeing the silence and the storm came over, Qin Dong’s heart was leaping. With the "force" of the violent storm, Qin Dong's feelings are getting stronger. In the center of the devastating storm, all that is filled with is the power of destruction. It is no wonder that this storm can destroy the mountains and pull the mountains. Even if Qin Dong’s cultivation at this time, once it is caught by this storm, it will not escape the broken bones.

The silence of the storm is so terrible that Qin Dong naturally will not let it "force" close. The five dragons in the hands of the world, waving like rain, while the power of chaos in the body, like no money to inject into it, the five golden dragons in the Five Dragons, driven by the power of chaos, seems to be injected with stimulants, Crazy.

Every sword is smashed, and it carries the power of fascination. After hundreds of swords and smashes, the "shooting" shop unfolded, and the violent storm was finally wiped out. Finally, the movement was stopped, and the golden "color" dragon swordsmanship was entangled and could not be moved.

"Kid, you are looking for death!" Seeing Qin Dong, he snorted, his hands waved, and the power of destruction, along with her momentum, continued to break into the storm of silence. At this point, Qin Dong is also unable to stop, a bite, the power of chaos with the embarrassing offensive, speed up the output. [

This situation is not what Qin Dong is happy to see. The cultivation of 姥姥 is deeper than that of Qindong. Such a war of attrition, Qin Dong won't win, and can't afford it. There is no other way to think about Qin Dong.

The golden "color" swordsman, which is filled in the sky, slowly merges into each other and turns into five golden "color" dragons. These five golden dragons, around the eternal storm of the ground, continue to hover. This scene is as true as it is, so people can't tell where it is reality and where it is dreamy.

Dachu State Palace.

The queen looked up at the sky covered by dark clouds and her face was full of worries. The decisive battle between Qin and the squad led to a change in the sky. For three consecutive days, the imperial city of Dachu was shrouded in a mist.

"Queen's maiden, have been three days, this battle, how is it still not over?" The sword rushed, the face of the fear is even stronger than the Queen.

The empress smiled and did not answer. She is more eager to get an answer than the sword.

"Queen Empress, are we still sending troops to help Qin Dong?" The sword had wanted to make such a proposal three days ago, but he had been patient and did not say. In a few days, she can't stand it anyway.

The Queen shook her head and sighed. "Do you think I don't want to?" But in the past three days, how many people have sent us to inquire, but the result has never been able to enter the valley. Even those who are similar to you, one When I stepped into the valley, I immediately smashed my bones and died. How do we send troops in?"

"Maybe... maybe you can go in from other places?" When he said this, even the sword himself felt a little ridiculous, and the voice became lower and lower. At the end, it was not much better than the mosquito.

The Queen looked at her bitterly and muttered. "This is a battle between God and God. There is no room for us mortals to "plug in"."

"That... then we really do nothing, just wait for it?" The sword was in a hurry and was about to cry.

"Pray!" The Queen was silent for a long while and suddenly spit out two words.

"Ah?" The sword stunned.

The queen folded their hands together, put them on their chests, closed their eyes, and said slowly, "Now, we can only pray for Qin Shaoxia. This is probably the only thing we can do."

"Qin Dong, this palace advises you to surrender!" Three days of consumption war, Qin Dong's chaos power has almost been exhausted. I feel that Qin Dong’s strength is weakening little by little, and he said with a cold smile.

"In my Qin Dong's dictionary, I never surrendered these two words!" Qin Dong clenched his teeth and shouted.

"You are going to burn out the lights, it’s still hard, interesting?"

"Oh... my strength is really running out, but you, you are also a candle in the wind? If you want to play psychological war with me, you are too naive!"

"You..." Qin Dong’s words made him feel angry, and Qin Dong’s words accurately poked her key points. [

The cultivation of 姥姥 is deeper than that of Qindong, but the gap is not as big as it was originally thought. Until the end of the war of consumption, Qin Dong is about to run out of oil, but he can’t go anywhere. If you continue to fight, Qin Dong is hard to escape, but she also wants to retreat.

I don't want to lose both of them with Qin Dong. I want to psychologically disintegrate Qin Dong's fighting spirit and let him give up. The inner thoughts were broken by Qin Dong, can you not be angry?

"Qin Dong, what you said is correct. Can you forget, I have a soul scale!" snorted and slammed, and suddenly released the soul scales.

The soul scales whizzing into the air, and the power of pure destruction is constantly coming into the body. The Yuanfu, which was supposed to be dried up, was refilled on time. The violent storm suddenly surged, and the five golden dragons that circled around it were hit by the devastating "sexuality". They were swallowed by the violent storm, and they were torn into pieces in a blink of an eye.

"Not good!" Qin Dong shouted, not taking care of the reversal of the swordsman's destruction, even a few mouthfuls of blood spurted in the mouth, and smashed back.

"I want to escape now, don't you think it's too late?" When he saw Qin Dong's move, he sneered and shrouded the black air in his body, suddenly protruding a white jade-like slender palm, facing away. The violent storm suddenly pushed, and the violent storm suddenly accelerated, whistling to the east.

Qin Dong retired quickly, but the speed of the storm was even more amazing. At the same time as the violent storm moved to sweep, the force of destruction of a stock continued to fly around, and the intense and shocking pressure made Qin Dong's body movements more popular. The more the violent storm is the "force", the more obvious this effect is. At the end, the feeling for Qin Dong is like falling into the quicksand.

"Go to hell!" When the storm was over, it was necessary to catch up with Qin Dong, and he screamed, and with the power of destruction in the soul scale, he suddenly smashed out a dozen palms.

More than a dozen devastating forces swept away and instantly fell into the storm of silence. Qin Dong thought that it is necessary to once again increase the power of the violent storm, but in fact, it is not so simple.

When these dozens of forces of destruction were injected into the storm of silence, the violent storm began to change.

The huge wind column that followed the sky suddenly began to shrink and condense, and the power of destruction contained in it continued to squeeze and condense together. Just as Qin Dong was shaken by the horror of this vision, there was a loud bang in the heavens and the earth, and then the rage was rolling and the lightning was overwhelming. The scene seemed to be a peerless soldier, about to be born...

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