The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 883: The rain of destruction!

Chapter VIII—The Rain of Destruction!

The golden cloak made Qin Dong's confidence so strong that he would never put the sword of silence in his eyes. So it would be so bold, I wanted to use the Five Dragons to smash the sword of silence.

Qin Dong did not think that the change of the sword of silence is far more than the mystery of his imagination.

Wulong Yaoshi shines brightly, from top to bottom, bringing up a golden Changhong, straight to the sword of silence. Qin Dong is full of hope that a sword can reinvent the sword of silence, but the result makes him unexpected.

I saw that the jade jade points to the point, the soul scales burst out and shoots out the black light. The sword of the silence that hangs between the heavens and the earth is like this, and it turns into a black air and drifts away. [

Qin Dong’s sword was shackled in the air, and there was nowhere to borrow a bit of power. He almost didn’t let Qin Dong’s internal injuries. Just when Qin Dong was surprised and suspicious of this, an inexplicably powerful threat suddenly hit him from behind.

Qin Dong only had time to look back, this is the embarrassment, almost did not let Qin Dong soul fly. The sword of the slain that had dissipated, re-aggregated behind his back, the sharp swordsmanship, full of ruin, facing his neck, cross-cutting.

Qin Dong’s body has a golden cloak, but this neck is empty. If it is being cut, Qin Dong will have to lose even if he has ten heads.

What is even more frightening is that Qin Dong has not yet adjusted from the force of the anti-smear of the previous sword. In the face of this sudden sword, it is impossible to cope.

I seem to have seen the hope of victory, and my face is full of pride.

But before I could wait for a long time, the golden cloak of Qin Dong suddenly separated from Qin Dong’s body and turned into a golden “color” big net, suddenly a roll, and the sword of the silence was rolled up.

"What the **** is this?!" The golden cloak smashed the wishful thinking of the shackles one after another, and it was awkward.

Qin Dong was also surprised by the face, fixedly watching the golden cloak.

After the golden cloak caught the sword of silence, it immediately slammed out thousands of golden lights, and at the same time kept shrinking together, and the sword of the silence was smashed.

The sword of silence suddenly suffered such a blow to destroy "sex", and naturally refused to wait. The power of destruction of the darkness is constantly released from the sword front, and the left and right are suddenly like a trapped beast. They are moving toward the golden cloak, launching waves of waves, and eager to get out of trouble.

The collision between the two is like a thunderous fire, and the sound is shocking. He and Qin Dong are like ordinary people who are not related to each other, staring at it all.


In a loud bang, the sword of silence finally resisted the crazy squeezing of the golden cloak, and the volley exploded. The sacred scales that shrouded the top of the scorpion and provided her with a source of strength were also greatly affected. In a violent shaking and shaking, the radiance radiated from it was instantly dimmed by 30%.

And the golden cloak, in this loud bang, gathered the golden light, re-created as a jade card, unable to fall from the air. Qin Dong rushed to the front and took the jade card.

Looking at it in detail, the halo carried by this jade brand is obviously dimmed a lot, and it is impossible to check.

"What is this jade card in the end?" The shattered sword of the silence has caused a lot of influence on the soul scale, so that I can't believe it. When the dark unicorn gave this precious scale to her, she said with great confidence that as long as there is this soul scale to protect, no one is her opponent within the two circles. But today, facing Qin Dong, the soul scale has been hit hard, she can not be shocked, can not be angry?

Qin Dong is also thinking about the same problems as he is at this time. The jade card was held in the hand, turned over and over, and looked at it for a long time, only to remember, this jade card was originally given to him by the fire dragon.

When the Tiantian Huolong gave him a jade card, he did not elaborate on the purpose of the jade card. He only said to him that he would bring the jade card to his body. At the crucial moment, this jade card would save his "sex" life.

Qin Dong Yang squatted with an inscrutable repair. Although he encountered countless powerful enemies, he was defeated by him one by one. Until today, he hit the shackles. At the moment of life and death, this jade card played its role. Dare to love, this jade brand is not good, but it is a very magical, extremely powerful, even the sword of the silence can not help but protect the body magic. [

At this time, Qin Dong was grateful to the war-torn dragon. If it weren't for him, Qin Dong must die here today.

Qin Dong turned his head and smiled at him. The cold road said, "You have a soul scale. I have a jade card! It seems that you want to kill me, it is not that simple!"

"Do you think that you have broken the sword of silence? Is there any way for this palace to take you?"

Qin Dong’s body was very strong and shouted: “You have any skills, even if they are made out!”

"Your strength is exhausted, and you dare to boast in front of this palace. This palace is a little admired for your courage!"

Although Qin Dong is not ridiculous, he has nothing to say. The power of chaos is almost exhausted, but the power of the colorful is still no movement. Qin Dong’s hand can play poorly.

And oh, squatting on the scales of the soul, but there is no fear, step by step, "forced", for the moment, it is the first opportunity.

"Without the sword of silence, this palace can still make you a thousand knives!" He screamed and slammed his hand, and his right hand was guilty. When the soul scale stood in the middle, there were countless strong tumbling forces of destruction. Around him, it is like a demon who chooses to succumb, and rushes to Qindong.

Qin Dong’s face “color” instinctively dignified, and every inch of muscle under his body was tight in an instant.

"You can taste the taste of this 'Destruction Rain' under the palace!" With a sneer in the face, the right hand rushed to the sky, lingering in the power of destruction around her body, and turning into thousands of raindrops. It was like a black torrential rain, and the face was rushing toward Qin Dong.

Qin Dong’s subconscious motivating of the remaining chaos in the body has little effect. The Yuanfu, which has already dried up, can not be squeezed by a few drops of chaos.

In desperation, Qin Dong can only rely on his body and desperately dodge. It’s just this black “color” torrential rain, with few gaps, even if Qin Dong’s body has reached its peak, how can you avoid the devastating power of these raindrops?

The raindrops condensed by the power of destruction are terrible. Even if it is just a drop, it is like a sword. It is painful to enter the lungs, and what is even more terrifying is that the rain that is condensed by the power of destruction will immediately infiltrate into the human body once it is occupied by human beings.

Once it is successfully infiltrated, the bigger disaster will follow. When the power of destruction enters the human body, it will immediately turn into thousands of monsters and monsters, causing great destruction in the human body, causing even greater trauma...

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