The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 898: The division of hunters!

Chapter VIII chapter hunter division!

"Xiao hunter, it seems that it is not right!" Looking at the fiercely screaming wolves again, a hunter asked "color" and doubts.

"That little white tiger may have lost with his mother. Everyone is uplifting, don't give up!" Xiaohun seems to have guessed that Xiaobaihu wants to help them. Therefore, looking at Xiaobaihu’s eyes is full of sadness and embarrassment.

Although the White Tiger is the king of the beast, the King is only a cub, and has not yet grown. In the face of an adult wolf king, there is no chance for even one in a thousand. Xiao hunter wants to rush over and help the king, but he can't just throw away his companions, so he will be so sad and embarrassed.

"Call~~~呼呼~~~~" Seeing the wolf king to "force" near, the king instinctive turned to Qindong for help. [

The king turned his head and always wore the wolf king, and finally waited for the perfect opportunity. Almost at the same moment, the wolf king's huge figure suddenly leaped, sharp as a short, ordinary tooth, flashing the cold light, biting a bite to the king.

This white tiger, very spiritual "sex", every inch of skin on the body, every piece of meat, is full of heaven and earth aura, eating even a bite, has great benefits for the Wolf King. It is no wonder that the Wolf King will be so excited when he sees the King, and even the human flesh and dinner will not be put in the eye.

Xiao hunter had long expected that the little white tiger was fierce and sorrowful, but when he saw the wolf king rushing to the little white tiger, he couldn’t help but scream and desperately took a palm to the wolf king.

At this time, Xiaohun was caught in the encirclement of the wolves. The situation was extremely dangerous. Then he took such a disappointment and immediately gave the group wolves a chance. The black wolf, which has always been a huge body, leaps in the air and squats with the stalker. When the force is not enough, the sharp claws leave three deep visible bones on the body of Xiao’s hunter. Blood trough.

The stalker’s slap in the face of the Wolf King was evaded by the Wolf King’s alert, and the offensive against the Little White Tiger King was not affected at all.

From this palm, Xiaohun knows that his own palm will not be how the wolf king will be. Seeing the wolf king dexterously avoiding it, he is not surprised. There was a long sigh in his mouth. Only he himself understood that his palm was just doing his best to make his conscience a little better.

"Hey animals, look for death!" Xiaohun is about to hold his eyes shut, and screams in the clear sky, causing him to tremble involuntarily.

Turning his head and seeing, after seeing a bush, a figure flashed like a "shot", you are rushing to the little white tiger's wolf king, I don't know why, the body suddenly stunned in the air, can't go up, down can't go down, that The situation is quite different.

However, this strange scene only existed for a short moment. The figure that emerged from the bushes was like a teleport. It instantly reached the front of the wolf king. At the same time, a big hand was extended, and the volley caught the wolf king. Neck.

The wolf king only had time to make a loud and screaming scream, and he heard a crackling sound and was broken by his life. The huge wolf king, this slammed, fell from the air on the ground, no sound.

The fierce wolf king, who was raised and killed by Qin Dong, could not help but shocked Xiaohun and a hunter, and shocked the wolves. In the eyes of a pair of wolves, staring at the wolf king lying on the ground, it is like a stupid, and it will not come back to God for a long time.

Qin Dong raised the big cockerel from the ground, and smiled slyly. "How do you know that it is amazing? After seeing you, dare not dare to fill the head!"

"呜呜~~~" The king whispered a few times, and the little head was so embarrassed that he was buried between his two claws.

"You guys, aren't rolling fast!?" Qin Dong looked at the wolves and glanced.

The wolves were awakened by the sound of thunder like Qin Lei. They immediately fled around like birds and beasts, and the blink of an eye was not left.

Without the threat of wolves, including the stalker, several hunters fell to the ground almost at the same time, while breathing heavily, while rejoicing the rest of their lives.

"You are also a hunter?" Breathing for a moment, one of the youngest hunters, suddenly looked up to Qindong, Zhang mouth asked.

"Well?" Qin Dong bowed.

Xiaohun immediately said, "Hook up the hook! This brother's repair is far above me. I am afraid that it has broken through the congenital scorpion. How could it be just a hunter?"

After that, Xiao hunter came to Qin Dong, his face full of respectful "color" said "Brother, I just thank you for your rescue, otherwise we are not dead here!"

Qin Dong is very appreciative of this sorcerer's loyalty and product "sex", and the words of laughter say "hands-on work, not enough to hang on! Right, big brother, you are called Xiao hunter?"

"Ah? Hahaha... No, brother, you misunderstood. My surname is Xiao, called Xiao Ting. The hunter is my title, not my name."

"The hunter? title?" Qin Dong looked suspicious.

Seeing the expression of Qin Dong, Xiao Ting also stunned. He asked, "Brother, look at your skill, how should you say it should be a hunting king, how can you not know the hunter?"

Seeing that Qin Dong is still wide-eyed, his face is full of "fascination", Xiao Ting said with awkwardly, "I understand, brothers, you must be a high-ranking person, not to walk around, so it will be."

Qin Dong nodded and smiled. "The high man does not dare to act, but I really do not move around."

Xiao Ting took a look like this and explained to Qin Dong, "This is the case. The empire divides our hunters according to the size of the matter. The lowest is the Orion, then the hunter, then the Hunting King, above. There are also hunters, and the hunters of the peaks. I see your brother is absolutely above me, you appear in this beast, but the human traces are rare, so I will take the liberty, you are A hunting king."

There are also hunters in the human world, but they do not classify them. The reason why the Tianyun Empire made such a classification of hunters is that it is also forced by the situation. In the face of so many beasts, hunters must be extremely favored in this country. It is not difficult to see if this light looks at the wear of Xiao Ting and others. But then again, Xiao Ting, as a master of the congenital peak, is actually just a hunter. What is the standard of hunting king, hunting and hunting saint?

Driven by curiosity, Qin Dong did not evade, Zhangkou asked, "Xiao Big Brother, have you seen Hunting St.?"

Xiao Ting listened, first, a glimpse, then haha ​​laughed and said, "Brother, you think that hunting saint is the cabbage in the market, can you see it?"

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