The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 900: Heart is under the kyte!

The ninth chapter of the human heart separated by belly!

"This...this is..." Ge Changchang trembled and held out a finger, pointing at the king, his lips were like an electric shock, and his voice became floating.

Xiao Ting hurriedly replied, "Mr. Ge, this is the pet white tiger of the Qin Dong brothers. When I first saw it, I was really shocked."

"Really... really a white tiger?!" Xiao Ting’s voice fell, and Ge’s eyes immediately burst into a strong greedy light. Even if the mayor of this Gege is still calculating and calculating, he will not be able to conceal his greed in his heart.

Qin Dong felt that this Ge Zhenchang was not very authentic. At this time, he saw his expression, and his heart was sneer. [

"Hey, if you have this white tiger as a pet, I... I can also be promoted to the Hunting King. Hey!" and found that Qin Donghuai is holding a white tiger, and Ge Zhenchang’s son is even more excited.

Mr. Ge did not autonomously nodded and nodded, muttering, "This white tiger is not a beast, but it is the king of the beast, the most ideal pet for a hunter. Look at the entire Tianyun Empire, even if it is At the Hunter level, few of them can capture top pets like the White Tiger. If you want to..."

Speaking of this, Ge Zhenchang suddenly woke up to God, turned his head and saw that countless pairs of eyes were staring at him, and his heart was shocked. He hurriedly turned his head and yelled at his son. "You have not stopped Xiao. Say it, this is the brother's pet! If you want, you can grab it yourself!"

"Hey!" The son did not follow and raised his voice.

Ge Zhenchang waved his hand and was full of impatience. He said, "I have no time to go with you." After that, he looked at Qin Dong with a smile and said with enthusiasm. "Since you are Xiao Ting. Friends, that is our friend in the whole Furong Town. Please enjoy the banquet for this evening!"

Qin Dong did not want to take care of Ge’s father and son, but he could not refute Xiao Ting’s face, nodded and spit out two words “Thank you!”

Ge Zhenchang smiled at Qin Dong again, and this took the son who was still stunned and quickly left.

When the mayor left, the people were also dissuaded. Xiao Ting led Qin Dong back to his home.

Xiao Ting's home is not small, the layout is also very particular, but it is not very popular, a bit deserted, even a person who does not have tea.

Xiao Ting pointed to a slightly "chaotic" home, and some awkwardly said to Qin Dong, "I live alone on weekdays, too lazy to clean up, so a bit of chaos, brothers don't mind!"

The single man’s home has always been the same, and it’s Qin Dong. It’s not necessarily better than Xiao Ting’s. Smiling and shaking his head, said, "Everyone is a man, I can understand! But Xiao Brother, your parents? Do they not live here?"

Xiao Ting first sighed, and he replied, "I have no parents, I grew up alone."

Seeing the stunned eyes of Xiao Ting, Qin Dong could not help but feel a feeling of mutual sympathy. He shook his head and asked, "What about the blind man?"

Xiao Ting listened haha ​​and smiled. He waved his hand and said, "I haven’t married a woman yet. Where are you coming from?"

Qin Dong was surprised to ask, "With Xiao Dan, your condition, what kind of woman is not picked by you, how can you not be married yet?"

Xiao Ting swears, "What's good about being a family? Many people are around, how can someone have a happy life? Besides, let's do this, and deal with the beasts all day long. I don't know which day, the little life is gone. Isn't it a bad thing at the time?"

From Xiao Ting's words, Qin Dong can fully understand that Xiao Ting is not married. One of the reasons in the front is just ridicule. The latter one is the main reason.

Xiao Ting's kindness and integrity, although let Qin Dong appreciate, but also made him somewhat worried. Like the "sex" of Xiao Ting, I am afraid that I will suffer a big loss in the hands of my father and son.

"Qindong brothers, it’s rare for you and me to see you as soon as possible. It’s better to go to the Imperial City with me!" Xiao Ting suddenly thought about it. [

"Go to the Imperial City? Campaign Hunting King?" Qin Dong smiled slightly.

Xiao Ting nodded and said, "Of course! With your cultivation, choose a hunting king, that is more than enough!"

Qin Dongton paused and suddenly asked, "Do you really think that the town mayor will let you go to the Imperial City to run for the Hunting King?"

Xiao Ting listened to a glimpse, full of incomprehensible words "Why not? Ge Zhenchang has announced in public that this matter is a nail, is there any problem?"

Qin Dong shook his head and frowned. "As I see it, the reason why Ge Changchang announced in public is that it is only forced by the situation. I am afraid that it is not his true will. Even if you finally go to the Imperial City, I am afraid of Ge. The mayor will do everything possible and will not let you run for success. You have to know that one mountain can't be two tigers! Now, you are just a hunter, and you have already threatened the status of Gejia in Furong Town. If you become a hunting king, then Gejia How can I stay in Furong Town?"

"Why not? I won't know how to get Gejia!"

"Oh... the gentleman is arrogant, swaying, and the little man is long! Even if you are swaying, you can't avoid those little people, and the gentleman's heart!"

Although Qin Dong’s words were quite pertinent, Xiao Ting’s face still did not agree. Qin Dong sighed in the heart and knew that if he went on, he would not play any role in Xiao Ting, and he could only give up.

At the same time, Gefu.

"Hey! How can you let Xiao Ting represent Furong Town to run for the Hunting King?" As soon as he returned to Fuzhong, Ge Liang couldn't wait to blame his father.

When Ge Chunjiang heard it, he was angry. He asked, "I don't do that? How many people are staring at me! If I am going to go back, can I still do this mayor?"


"But what? Loss you still have a face to blame me! I originally wanted to send you to kill the Wolf King, but you are afraid of death and refuse! Now that Xiao Ding has done it, what else do you have to say?"

"Wolf King is so powerful, who can think of it, Xiao Ting can really kill him? If I know that the Wolf King is so easy to kill, I have already gone!" Ge Liang mouth hardly argued.

Ge Chunjiang’s stunned him, and he hated the iron and couldn’t make it into steel.

"Hey, that Xiao Ting is just a hunter now, and she will no longer put our Ge family in the eye. If he really becomes a hunting king, I will see you as the mayor."

The words of Ge Liang are said to be in the heart of Ge Chunjiang. Ge Chunjiang sneered and said, "You can rest assured that even if Xiao Ting went to the Imperial City, I dare to pack the tickets. He can’t become a hunting king, even There are no more chances to return to Furong Town!"

Ge Liang’s eyes lit up and he quickly asked, “So, you are ready?”

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