The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 904: Beast besieged!

"Yes! We don't have you to eat like this in Furong Town, there are no consciences of white-eyed wolves!" Ge Chunjiang brought a few celebrities, and they all expressed their attitudes and screamed at Xiao Ting.

Xiao Ting thought that with his prestige in Furong Town, he could protect Qin Dong. However, he never imagined that under the careful calculation of Ge Chunjiang, he became a mud Buddha in the river.

The people rushed toward Qin Dong and Xiao Ting, and Xiao Ting hurriedly pulled Qin Dong and rushed into the house, shutting the door. When Xiao Ting and Qin Donggang entered the door, the people would flood like the tide, and the door would be knocked, and it would collapse at any time.

Xiao Ting was already a little panicked at this time. He asked Qin Dong, "What should I do now?"

How to do? Qin Dong is also thinking. With his cultivation, with Xiao Ting, not hurting a people, getting out of trouble, it is not impossible. But once this is done, Xiao Ting will never come back to Furong Town. It is said that the homeland is difficult to leave. In this land, Xiao Ting’s ancestors were buried. This is not a general cruelty for Xiao Ting.

But these people have been red-eyed by Ge Chunjiang at this time, and the door is full of shouts and screams. At this point, I want to reason with them, obviously whimsical.


In the loud noise, the door of Xiao Ting’s family was joined by everyone and pushed from the outside. Ge Chunjiang immediately rushed in with the tide.

"Mr. Ge, I told you yesterday, if you dare to play the idea of ​​Xiaobaihu, I will never spare you!" Qin Dong looked like a knife to Ge Chunjiang.

Ge Chunjiang squinted in his heart and stepped back involuntarily. Can look back at the people in the town, the courage is one strong. To the cold of Qin Dong said, "The surname Qin, you have the ability to kill the people of this town!"

Although Ge Chunjiang people are jerk, they are also very savvy. The people in the town were mobilized to make Qin Dong’s rat a bogey. It’s useless in one thing, and it’s really an old-fashioned traitor.

See Qin Dong brow tightly locked, silent, Ge Chunjiang's face is full of pride.

"The surname Qin, I advise you to hand over the white tiger yourself. If not, the people in the town, who spit in one person, will drown you alive!"

"There is no reason! Qindong brothers, we rushed out together!" Xiao Ting was heated by Ge Chunjiang's mind and screamed.

Ge Chunjiang seized the opportunity again and took the opportunity to say, “Have everyone heard it? This is the Xiaohun teacher who is always loved by everyone! In his heart, there is no Furong town!”

Xiao Ting’s words are indeed causing the anger of the people in Furong Town. After being stunned by Ge Chunjiang, Xiao Ting suddenly became the target of public criticism. For a moment, he accused him of screaming and screaming.

"" Xiao Ting is really real. He is not very good at words. At this time, he is angry and anxious, sweating his forehead, but he can't even say a complete sentence.

This scene is what Qin Dong does not want to see. Ge Chunjiang's calculations can be described as two birds with one stone and the most insidious. Qin Dong thought of a headache, and failed to come up with a feasible way to get rid of the predicament.

"Do you really want to..." Qin Dong involuntarily bowed his head to the big king in the arms. At this time, Dawang did not know what had happened. He held a pair of small eyes, and he looked at the east and looked at the west.

"呜~呜呜~" Just when Qin Dong had no choice but to consider whether to hand over the king, a burst of screaming screams suddenly slammed.

Upon hearing the horn, Xiao Ting’s face “color” changed immediately. Ge Chunjiang is the same. As for the people in the town, his face is full of panic.

"What is going on?" Qin Dong did not know why Xiao Ting asked.

Xiao Ting's eyebrows are tightly locked, and he is about to answer. A man dressed as a warrior, with a face full of fear, is smashing the crowd and coming to Ge Chunjiang. He hurriedly said, "The mayor, the big thing is not Ok! Thousands of beasts, will... surround us with Furong Town!"[

"What do you say!?" This is a great deal. The warrior’s words were just finished, and Ge Chunjiang exclaimed and asked. Among the people, there was a loud and flustered discussion.

"The beast is attacking the city?" Qin Dongyi, in the human world, it is hard to imagine such a thing happening.

Seeing that the little white tiger is about to get it, I didn't expect that this happened at this time. Ge Chunjiang stunned Qin Dong and his heart was angry.

"The old woman "woman" left, show me Qin Dong! Men all with me, fight back the herd!" Ge Chunjiang's heart is not unwilling, but the weight can still be divided, decisively issued orders.

The people of the town were immediately divided into two waves. The old woman "women" stayed and continued to surround Qin Dong, Xiao Ting. The men, in the direction of Ge Chunjiang, hurried away.

Qin Dong turned to look at Xiao Ting and asked, "Xiao Big Brother, things like beasts attacking the city, often happen in Furong Town?"

Xiao Ting’s face was full of tension and worry, and shook his head. “I grew up so big, it’s the first time this happened.”

"That said, this beast is attacking the city, it must be another!"

"Qindong brothers, what should we do now?" Xiao Ting asked urgently.

Qin Dong did not want to say "Let's go see!"

"But they..." Xiao Ting pointed to the elderly and "female" women around them.

Qin Dong smiled and took Xiao Ting's hand and jumped up. This hop is five or six feet high. Those old women, women, can only watch, there is no way to think about it.

With Xiao Ting, Qin Dong has been looting over the walls of Furong Town. In order to resist the harassment of the beasts, this Furong Town has spent a lot of time on this wall.

Although it is only a small town guarding the city wall, it is several meters high and a few feet wide. Above the city wall, there is a surge, enough for a four-wheeled carriage, free to gallop.

The wide walls are filled with boulders, sharp arrows, and fire oil. Look at the posture, always ready to fight a vigorous battle against the city. It can also be seen that Furong Town is really infested by wild animals.

At this time, on the wall of the city, everyone was full of tension, facing the outside of the city, the whole God was on alert, and no one even noticed that Qin Dong and Xiao Ting were coming.

"Scorpio!" After Xiao Ting stood firm, he immediately glanced outside the wall, and he couldn't help but make a cry.

I saw the fierce beasts of the "color" and "color" on the large open space outside the city wall. Big to the rhinoceros giant elephant, small to wild dog wolf, fierce like a tiger cheetah, brutal like a lion and a lone wolf, good guy, is simply a thousand years of animal events! That battle is enough to scare people to life!

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