The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 936: The language is not amazing and endless!

The ninth thirty-sixth chapter is not surprisingly endless!

"I..." Qingying still wants to shake his head again, but when he sees that Hu Li has a few severe eyes, he can't help but feel awkward. He took the rice bowl.

"If you dare to lie to me, I will never spare you!" Qingying angrily stunned Hu Li, and then he ate it.

Qing Ying was finally willing to eat, and the rain was clear in the heart, and he sneaked a thumbs up at Hu Li.

"I finished eating, tell me your way!" A large bowl of rice, Qingying did not eat a few mouthfuls and ate a fine light, can't wait to urge Hu Li. [

Hu Li was very cautious and careful. He sent all the cockroaches away and determined that there were no eyes and ears around him. This said, "Shadows, have you seen the lord these days? How is the progress of the lord?"

Qingying had some sighs and sighed and said, "There is no sign of Xianshui. I have never had any signs of breaking through." The hateful National Teacher’s Association must "force" me to join Qianlongwei. I refuse. They are stunned by the fairy water, it’s really mad!"

Hu Li snorted and said, "The reason why the heroes dare to be so arrogant is because the master's cultivation is too late to break through. If the master's cultivation can break through at this time, it is definitely a powerful for the hero. The shock, even the cockroaches have to be measured and measured, perhaps, they will not dare to come."

Qing Yingbai took a look at Hu Li and grinned. "This is still used by you, it is nonsense. Let me talk about it, can you help the Qing family resolve this crisis?"

Hu Li rushed to the side of Qingying and whispered, "I have a way to let the master break through the bottleneck in a short time and repair it into a big move."

"You... are you kidding? I have no choice but to worry about it for many years. Will you have it?" Hu Li’s words made Qingying believe that he could not believe.

Hu Li said with a smile, "You probably don't know. In this world, there is a kind of immortal. As long as one suits down, even if it is difficult to break through the bottleneck, it will not break."

After listening to Hu Li’s words, the Qing Ying was a glimpse, and then a pretty face burst into anger, screaming at Hu Li, “You can’t help but deceive too much!”

"Ah? What... What?" Hu Li’s face was amazed and he couldn’t understand what Qingying was saying.

The Qingying is a smoldering squid, with tears in his eyes, saying, "Do you think that my Qingying is an idiot, is it so deceiving? What Xiandan, you are listening to you in the mouth!"

"Hahaha... It turned out that you thought I was lying to you! Well, you pick me up!" Hu Li laughed and waved straight to Qingying.

"Since you are asking for trouble, don't blame me!" Qingying was annoyed in his heart. Seeing Hu Liyi's palm shot, will he be polite? With a slap in the face, the palm of the hand greeted him. But annoyed, the shadow is still measured, and my heart knows the bottom of Hu Li, this palm, only used a three-point force.

However, the three-point skill of a second-level monk is enough to make a warrior of the congenital peaks suffer a bit.

Just as the shadow of the Qing dynasty is calculated, this time must be a good lesson to teach Hu Li, but the heart suddenly felt unexplained pressure. Suddenly, the pressure came, and at first the Qingying thought it was a master. When I looked at it, I realized that the power from the palm of my hand was a little different.

"This...this is spiritual power!?" To be clear of the difference between this power, I couldn't help but make a cry, and my eyes were more and more rounded.

Although I don't understand how Hu Li suddenly had the power, she knew in her heart that if she continued to use the force of Sancheng to hard-hitting Hu Li, I would have to suffer from it. During the busy schedule, Qingying hurriedly increased his skill by 20%. With 50% cultivation, he greeted the palm of his hand.

"Hey!" A small, suffocating sound rang out, and the strong remaining strength flew around, causing the rain on the side to be implicated, and could not help but step back.

Qingying’s arm obviously felt a numbness, and he couldn’t help but step back and take a small step backwards. On the other hand, Hu Li was natural, steady and mountainous, and there was no slight movement under his feet. He was laughing at “吟” Looking at her.

"You...when did you break through the congenital?" The accident and shock of Qingying's face. [

"What? Lige broke through the congenital?" Qingyu listened, and could not help but exclaimed.

Hu Lihe laughed, not to mention that the Qingying sisters were so surprised, even now he still can not believe that he has jumped out of the military category, and is among the monks.

"When you know that you are my Qing family, how can you sell Xianshui to you?" Qingying was shocked and full of doubts.

Hu Li smiled and said, "Even if you are willing to sell Xianshui to me, I have no money to buy. Don't forget, you have driven me out of the Qing family, and I have no savings."

"Then how would you..." After a glimpse of Qingying, he suddenly reacted. His expression was very excited. "Is it true... What are you saying, the immortality exists!"

Hu Li nodded solemnly and said, "Of course it is true! Do you remember the two men we met outside Jinguang City?"

Qingying hurriedly nodded and was impressed by Qin Dong.

Hu Li sighed, "We all look away, the two are really rare high-ranking people. This immortal is what they gave me. Take the Xiandan, only a few hours, I broke through the congenital, With the present attainments."

"Does the world really have such a magical elixir?" Qingying only felt as if she was dreaming, but she could not believe it, but the facts were in front of her eyes, but she could not believe it.

Hu Li said, "And the most amazing thing about this Xiandan is that once you take it, you don't need to take the ‘Xianshui’ of the National Teachers' Association. From then on, the entrance to the country is decided by yourself.”

Hu Li’s words are really not surprising, and Qingying has once again widened his eyes.

"Sister, if we can have such an elixir, then the repair of the embarrassment will not be able to break through immediately, and it will not be subject to the constraints of the National Teachers' Union. What good thing is it?" The little face was red, clutching the arm of Qingying, and kept shaking.

If it rains, how can Qingying not understand? It’s just that her heart is more worried than the excitement. Such a good elixir, can you easily get it?

"Li Ge, you... can you clean up the two people for us to have another such elixir? This immortal is too important for us to clear the house, and it can even be said that it is related to the survival of our Qing family." Looked at Hu Li, eyes, filled with pleading.

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