The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 945: Broken sword!

The cloud sister's "color" changed, and her lips moved a few times. It seems that there is something to say to Qin Dong, but she can't say it for a while. In the end, she only gave a sigh and gave up.

Qin Dong looked at it a little and understood the mind of Yunjie. However, in addition to a Qiankun Sheng, there is no other magic weapon in his body. The mysterious ring that hides twelve fairy mountains can be used as a storage magic weapon, but this ring is of great importance. Qin Dong will not give Yunjie until he has not figured out his secret. It is only a sigh, and I don’t know what Yunjie’s mind is.

Yunjie and Xiong Ge dismissed the brothers of "medicine", and they followed Qin Dong and waited for the auction meeting in the afternoon.

I bought the "medicine" grass, Qin Dong originally wanted to search for some spiritual cores, but he went around the entire Baojian conference, and did not see even a spiritual core. In disappointment, Qin Dong could not help but send a bitter smile. He obviously expects this to be too high for this continent. Although it is said that the aura of the mainland is abundant, it is not much more than the heavens. But this is only a space parallel to the human world. The beast is not as ubiquitous as the heavenly heavens, but can kill the beasts. The monks who seized the spiritual core are even rarer. In this way, the rarity of the spiritual core can be imagined. [

"Why didn't you?" After a round trip, Yunjie suddenly complained.

Qin Dong smiled and asked, "Cloud sister, what are you looking for?"

Yunjie sighed first, and said, "I always wanted to find a magic weapon for storage, but I couldn't find it."

Qin Dong smiled and said, "Cloud sister does not have to worry, there may be some in the afternoon auction meeting."

On the face of Yunjie’s face, she showed a bitter smile, saying, “The magic weapon at the auction conference, how many euro coins can we afford? How can we afford it?”

The bear brother did not speak, but just sighed and sighed.

"The surname is Hao, you are purely looking for a child?" Qin Dong did not know how to comfort Yunjie, not far from them, suddenly came the scream of Hu Li’s anger.

Qin Dong looked at the past in the direction of the sound. He saw Hu Li and Xiao Ting standing beside Qing Ying, standing side by side, facing the group of Hao Shi.

The Hao family and the Qing family are really a pair of friends, no matter where they go, they can run into it. Qin Dong is going to look at it in the past. The cloud sister next to her suddenly sighed, “In the past, Qing’s family was a big buyer of the Baojian Conference, but now it has become a big seller. It seems that the Qing family is already being greeted by the Hao family and the National Teachers’ Association. Forced to go astray."

After listening to the words of Yunjie, Qin Dong noticed that behind Hu Lixiao’s body, he supported a large stall full of all kinds of precious treasures. The people standing behind the stalls were all Qingmen.

Even if the home of the Qing family is strong, you can come up with so many treasures at once, but I am afraid that I will be hurt. The only explanation that can work is that the Qing family is raising funds for the afternoon auction. In order to get the gods, the determination of the Qing family is not small.

"The two are my brothers, we used to look at it." Qin Dong greeted Yunjie, and the bear brother slammed into the booth of the Qing family.

"Hu Li, you have been expelled from the Qing family. Today's business has nothing to do with you. You and this brother don't mix it together. It is a face for our noble family." Xiao Ting is with Qin Dong, Qin The strong Dong of the East left a deep impression on Hao Shi. At this time, he saw Hu Li and Xiao Ting appear together. Because they didn't want to provoke Qin Dong, Hao Shi spoke quite politely to the two people.

"Fart! I am Hu Lisheng who is a Qing family. Death is a ghost of the Qing family. How can we watch others bully our Qing family?" Hu Li screamed and shook.

The face of Hao Shi’s face changed, and some could not be hanged. Turning his head and waving to a man, the famous boy immediately walked over with a rusty long sword.

Hao Shiyi pointed to the rust sword, and asked Qing Ying, "Miss Qing, is this sword sold from your Qing family?"

When Qingying saw this rusted sword, his face "color" changed immediately. "It is our Qing family, but..."

"Since this rust sword is sold by your Qing family, it will be fine." Hao Shi did not give the opportunity to say anything, and sneered to interrupt it, then raised the rust sword high. After showing it for a week, he shouted, "Everyone looks at it. It is such a broken rust sword. Qingjia actually sold it to the brother at the price of one thousand gold coins. Everyone said that the price is fair and unfair?"

A word from Hao Shi immediately provoked a thousand waves, and there was a burst of discussion in the surrounding crowd. The broken rust sword formed a strong contrast with a thousand gold coins, even if it was a scorpion, it could not be seen. [

Before the Houshi, he had been "plugged in" among the crowds, and he was motivated around the crowd, roaring from time to time, and the emotions of the masses were even more upset. In a blink of an eye, the surrounding area was already in pieces. Blaming the snoring of the Qing family.

This is of course a heavy blow to the reputation of the Qing family. The shadows are only in a hurry and the eyes are round and sweaty.

"This sword we originally only sold ten gold coins, he had to say that this sword is a sword, worth a thousand gold coins." Qing Ying pointed at the person who bought the sword, shouted excitedly.

Hao Shi sneered and said, "Miss Qing, are you squinting and talking? Is this brother a fool, a thing that can be bought with ten gold coins, is it necessary to produce a thousand gold coins? This is obviously unreasonable. Everyone is right?"

"I really didn't expect that the Qing family, which has always been known for its righteousness, has such a scum. It is a pity!"

"It seems that the Qing family is also fallen."

"On weekdays, the road is sorrowful. In the dark, it is traitorous and greedy. This family is not enough."

The array of arguments that came from the crowd, like a knife, was poked in the heart of Qingying. Qingying's eyes are red, and he screams at the stone. "This is your conspiracy. You purely ruin the reputation of my Qing family!"

Hao Shi brows a wrinkle, a serious way, "Miss Qing, speaking but it is responsible. I don't know this brother. I just see that you are really in the house, and you are born, so you will take the initiative to be his. Repay a fair. This brother, you will tell the truth about the matter to everyone now."

The man who bought the sword immediately nodded and said to the people around him, "It is the Qing family who forced me to buy this broken sword with a thousand gold coins. The Qing family knows that my family has a slight asset, and it has always been a mystery. Everyone was cautious, and this didn't make the Qing family succeed, but I didn't expect that they still had to smash today. If... If I knew that I bought such a broken sword with a thousand gold coins, I was not mad at me, I... ..." said, the person who bought the sword actually choked up, the painful sorrow, people do not want to believe what he said is difficult...

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