The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 947: Flying Wolf Sword!

"Where do I have so much money?" Qin Dong’s words were finished, and the man who bought the sword shouted loudly.

Qin Dong looked at him obliquely and smiled. "You don't have it, but Hao Gongzi has it. Hao Gongzi is so eager and righteous, I believe I will be willing to pay this money for you. I am right, Hao Gongzi?"

Hao Shi’s brow wrinkled, and a million gold coins are not only a small number to the Qing family, but also the same for his noble family. What's more, in order to shoot the gods in the afternoon, the Hao family is also raising money around, this million will be related to the ownership of the gods, not the same.

Seeing Hao Shi hesitating, Qin Dong smiled slightly, saying, "Hou Gongzi, is it that you feel embarrassed? If this is the case, then I will take a step back from this matter, and I will end it."

Qin Dong said that the heart of Hao Shi was shocked, and he was secretly stupid. How could this rusted sword be a peerless sword? Qin Dong deliberately said that he would pay for the loss of one million gold coins as a reputational loss fee, just to scare him and let him give up, so as to clear the house.

In the heart of Hao Shi, he praised Qin Dong’s plan, and sneered at it. He said, “Good! I will protect him! If he can’t get this million gold coins, I will pay for it!”

Qin Dong was shocked, looking at the Houshi, the faint road "Hao Gongzi, this is a million gold coins, you have to think clearly."

When Hao Shi saw the expression of Qin Dong, he even believed in his own judgment. He thought that he would not want to wave his hand and said, "Our heroes have always said that they must practice, and the gentleman should not persuade me."

Qin Dong shook his head and said with amazement that "Hao Gongzi is not an ordinary person, a million gold coins are swaying, admirable!"

Hao Shi smiled and said, “Mr. I don’t have to say more, but let us all open our eyes and see what a rusted sword is like a peerless sword.”

Hao Shi step by step, "forced", Qin Dong is God's "color" hesitation, which makes Qingying's heart is even more upset, could not help but turn to look at Hu Li.

At this time, Hu Li was not practical in his heart, but in order not to increase the concern of Qingying, he still said with a blunt swearing, "Don’t worry, the Qindong brothers must have a solution."

Hu Lizheng comforted Qingying, and Qin Dong’s face “color” changed suddenly and became extremely dignified. Among the binoculars, it is the radiance of the "shooting", such as the stars, and screams, "I am waiting for the naked eye, and I don’t recognize the sword of the gods. I think it is ridiculous!"

Along with the voice of Qin Dong's words, Qin Dong's fingers slowly licked the mottled rust sword, and when everyone's mind was attracted to it, it was as clear as a silver bell, and Hong Liang was like a dragon. The sound slammed into Qiongyu, and at the same time, a golden light that was sharp and sharp, suddenly shot out from the sword, and everyone around it shouted again and again.

Qin Dong’s **** only smashed through the sword, but let this mottled rust sword show its true embarrassment. The rust on the rust sword disappeared without a trace, and the silver body was bright and bright, and there was a faint mist on it. Double-sided blade, sharp and sharp, the flow of sharp light, you can blow the hair "hair" at a glance, cut iron and cut gold, this is not a peerless sword, how can there be such a sharp edge?

For a moment, everyone in the room stayed, and countless pairs of eyes stared at the sword, as if they were sucked by the sword and could not be turned.

Hao Shi is also considered to be a well-informed person. There are also many weapons in the treasure collection of the noble family. However, after reading this sword, I still can't help but open my mouth and the saliva will flow down.

"Drink!" Qin slammed a loud sigh, his body shape floated into the air, his sword in his hand, sweeping across the air, in an instant, a burst of wolf voice, a hole in the world.

It’s just that this sound is already chilling, and even more shocking to everyone is that when this sound is heard, from the top of the sword, it is bursting out of a sword-shaped sword. With a big mouth and a big mouth, licking his teeth and teeth, the momentum is fierce and overbearing, as if there is a kind of swallowing.

Jianqi swept Tianyu, and the air was spurred by the air, and the sound of the sky blasted, letting the earth sky tremble. Such a momentum, even if it is a fine monk, it must be trembled.

When Qin Dong put away the swordsmanship, it floated on the ground, and the surroundings were still silent. The hearts of all people were still immersed in the power released by the sword, and they could not wake up.

Qin Dong's fingertips are lightly buckled, and a series of crisp notes, suddenly sounded, swaying, and concealing the temperament, like a fairy song, which makes people feel drunk.

The ancients used swords and songs. This is what most people think is that poetry is a legend. I am afraid that no one has thought that they can be fortunate enough to witness. [

A piece of music, the reverberation around the beam, everyone is meticulously immersed in, immersed in it, for a long time can not extricate themselves.

"Hu Big Brother, are you not always missing a weapon of pickpockets? Let's take the flying wolf sword." Qin Dong sighed with a stunned Hu Li and threw the sword away.

Hu Li’s busy foot "chaos" took the flying wolf sword in his hand, and instantly felt an inexplicable force rushing into his body, making his body's spiritual power sway, as if it was given Life, lived up.

Holding the wolf sword in hand, Hu Li really felt as if he had grasped the source of strength, courage, confidence, and poured into his heart, so that he could not help but give birth to a passion, even if he was enemies with the sky, he could fight. A fight.

"This... this is really a peerless sword!" Hu Li excitedly shouted at Qin Dong.

Qin Dong haha ​​laughed a few times, said "That is of course! When did Qin Dong look away?"

"This...this is impossible! There must be ghosts in this!" Hao Shi woke up with the gods, looking at the shining wolf sword, and mad like a martyr.

Qin Dong sneered a sigh of relief, and Hu Lidao "Hu Da Ge, may wish to let our Haozizi see and see."

Hu Lijun smiled and handed the flying wolf sword to the front of Hao Shi, saying, "Hao Gongzi, you are also born a famous name, the eyesight is so bad, so a master of the world, but it is a rust sword, I also ran to our Qing family to be fair, I really blushed for you."

Hu Li’s words are harsh, but where can the Ho Stone still care about these? I hurriedly reached out and took the flying wolf sword over and examined it.

In fact, there is no need to check how to do it. Everyone is an expert. The flying wolf sword can be started. Hao Shi can clearly feel that Qin Dong’s words are true. This is a flying wolf sword, which is very spiritual, not only one. Put the sword, and it is still a peerless sword that can be met.

The more I feel the power from the flying wolf sword, the more painful the heart of the stone is. Such a peerless sword slipped away from him. If he didn't feel bad, it would be strange. What's more important is that he not only lost the flying wolf sword, but also paid the honorary loss of one million gold coins to the Qing family. This time, he went to the family.

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