The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 964: The dust settles!

Biting a bite, a anger in his heart. In Jinguangcheng, the most not to buy his face, in addition to the Qing family, it is the Jubao Pavilion. He has always been curious, I don't know where the Jubao Pavilion is so capable, so that it can run such a large-scale business, so that the National Teachers' Association is quite taboo.

The price of the gods has reached the point where it is impossible to imagine. Although the **** of the gods is full of temptation, it can not be worth 20 million gold coins. The National Teachers' Association is to continue to maintain the monopoly position of 'Xianshui', so it is only willing to let this **** child, then what is this young girl?

A pair of eyeballs dribbled and turned around, desperately urging the brain, trying to speculate on the intention of Princess Anzhen. At this time, the auctioneer shouted "20 million gold coins for the second time!"

"Bastard!" snorted, just sorted out some clues, and then "disordered" sets. [

The auction price of 20 million gold coins made it completely difficult. If you continue to increase the price, the National Teachers Association will not be able to take it out. It will only cost more than 20 million yuan to buy a Dan "medicine". Even if you use your toes to think, you can imagine the expression of the national teacher. What an ugly thing.

After the appearance of Shen Ling Dan, he was notified to the national teacher in the first time. I wanted to take this opportunity to make a good contribution. Now it seems that he is asking for trouble.

When he was hesitant, An Zhen’s nervous forehead condensed sweat on his forehead. Twenty million is the wealth that the royal family can use. If you can't even get the **** Dan, then everything is really finished.

Xuanyantong was also anxious, and hurriedly rushed to the auctioneer to make the eyes "color". The auctioneer would have been uncomfortable. At this time, he was given the hint of Xuanyantong. Without hesitation, the hammer would collapse.

When the reaction was over, the auctioneer’s hammer had already reached half, and it’s too late to understand. Just when he was remorseful in his heart, the second man who had been sitting beside him suddenly shook his right hand, and a powerful spiritual force took off his hand and slammed the auction hammer in the auctioneer’s hand. At the same time, shouting "National Teachers Association, 21 million gold coins!"

The second lord’s shouting price, the face of Princess An Zhen was immediately turned into a gray, and the depth of his eyes was full of incomparable frustration.

"What are you doing?" The auctioneer looked angry at the second man.

Erye is a smile that doesn't matter. "I'm sorry."

When the third is not down, anyone has the power to bid, which is the iron rule of the auction. Even though the method of Erye is too rude, the price of 21 million is unquestionable.

The auctioneer looked up at Xuanyantong, and Xuanyan passed his head and shook his head. He only focused his attention on the embarrassed body, but unconsciously ignored the equally important person of Erye.

"Two thousand and one million for the first time!" Even though this is the highest price that the auctioneer has ever seen since he started his career, the auctioneer has not shown excitement and glory, especially looking at the eyes of the two masters and the aunt. Children, even more angry with anger.

In the private room, Qin Dong spoke a sigh of relief and muttered, "This is the end..."

"Two thousand and one million for the second time!" The auctioneer called the listless.

"Two thousand and one million for the third time! Deal!" The auctioneer slammed the auction, and then turned around and walked down the "Chairman".

As soon as the auctioneer left, he immediately jumped to the "Chairman" stage and directly captured the **** Dan in his hand. Then he sang a "Go!" to the master of the National Teacher's Association. Cloud smoke disappeared without a trace.

" Lost, after all, I lost..." An Zhen princess oozes a tear in her eyes, sliding down her cheeks, slipping into her mouth, bitterly making her tremble.

Xuanyan passed over and whispered comfortably, "His Royal Highness, you have tried your best. Besides, the National Teacher’s purchase of Shen Dan by 20 million will affect his overall plan. We have already won time for the Emperor."

"Without the gods, there is no point in more time." The sorrowful color of Princess Anzhen is not reduced.

Xuanyantong didn't know how to comfort himself. He just sighed and said, "His Royal Highness, you should go back to rest first. I will send the two million one-million auctions to the kid named Qin Dong. ."[

Princess Anzhen waved her hand weakly, took a heavy step and turned away. Xuan eyes looked at the back of Princess Anzhen, and even a few sighs of distressed...

"Two million one million, throwing away the auction fee for Jubaoge, and the treasures we auctioned before, there are still about 20 million left. Tianna, full of 20 million, who have seen so many Gold coins?" Xiao Ting excitedly full of "tidal" red, excited to ask.

Yunjie, Xiong Ge quickly shook his head, the two did not say that they saw, dreams have never dreamed.

Hu Li did not seem to care much about the two million, and his eyes were a bit of hope, and he looked forward to Qin Dong from time to time. Qin Dong saw a smile and took out three gods from the Qiankun Shengzhong. He handed it to Hu Li and smiled. "I have been talking and speaking, the auction is over. These three gods are handed over to you." Clean the house."

"I... I will hand it over to the Qing family?" Hu Li saw Qin Dong take out the **** Dan, first excited, then listened to Qin Dong and told him to send it to the Qing family, can not help but horrified Zhang Da eyes.

Qin Dong haha ​​smiled. "After a while, Jubaoge will send me money. I can't leave. Naturally, you are the best."


"Oh, Ali, what else can you? These three gods Dan you can take it well, you must know that there are 20 million gods in a moment, these three are full of 60 million gold coins, if you Lost, and you can't afford to sell you for 10,000 times!" Xiao Ting said funnyly.

After Xiao Ting said this, Hu Li was nervously holding the **** Dan tightly on his chest, for fear that he would really lose it.

Qin Dong couldn't help but say, "Xiao Big Brother, you should not tease your brother. Although the **** Dan is precious, but only the poor teachers of the National Teacher's Association, will only buy more than 20 million. Waiting for the day, I If you find enough spirits and spirits, you have to refine them in large quantities. When you save the national division, you will cry without tears!"

"Ah!?" Qin Dong’s voice just fell, and suddenly there was a low exclamation outside the room. Although the exclamation was low, it also could not escape Qin Dong’s ears.

"Who!!" Qin Dong screamed, his right hand waved, and the door of the private room opened in the hole. "The dew" came out of the door, and the face was still with the fear of the future. Rong.

"Is it you?" Seeing is Xuan Yan Tong, Qin Dong's expression is slightly relieved.

Xuanyan rushed to cough and concealed a shock inside. He laughed and said, "It’s me, I came to send the bid for the gods."

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